- 11:50 Ticket #1451 (LIDAR additions) created by
- this page appears to have a decent summary of various LIDAR sources …
- 10:42 Ticket #1441 (R does not appear in Geospatial menu) closed by
- invalid
- 11:33 Ticket #1450 (ncWMS folder deleted during tomcat cleanup) created by
- This is a new bug due to re-ordering of tomcat restarts during build
- 19:24 Ticket #1392 (Cannot upload new data in GeoNode) closed by
- wontfix
- 14:57 Ticket #1225 (GeoNetwork quickstart requires updated screenshots) closed by
- fixed
- 12:04 Ticket #1449 (Create Cesium docs (Overview & Quickstart)) created by
- 12:00 Ticket #1443 (OpenLayers overview and quickstart) closed by
- wontfix
- 11:59 Ticket #1432 (Cesium Geospatial menu item missing) closed by
- fixed: Menu item is now present in nightly build [12115].
- 11:56 Ticket #1447 (Change desktop font color to fit with new background image) closed by
- fixed: confirmed fixed in [12115]
- 06:50 Ticket #1447 (Change desktop font color to fit with new background image) created by
- Desktop text color is black and only the shading is visible
- 06:40 Ticket #1437 (OL3 fails to install) closed by
- fixed: confirmed fixed in nightly build [12113]
- 11:33 Ticket #1446 (Add North Carolina subset for new GRASS7 installer) created by
- The new GRASS7 installer brings in 141MB (compressed) of sample …
- 11:22 Ticket #1445 (Add Feature City OSM data for GPS Drive) created by
- From nightly build12091 logs: […]
- 12:46 Ticket #1444 (Build spgrass6 against grass70-dev) created by
- According to …
- 12:21 Ticket #1348 (tilemill: failure to install on ubu 14.04 from ppa due to missing ...) closed by
- fixed: I have created a new deb package in our ppa, disabling the tilemill …
- 08:07 Ticket #1429 (Tilemill boot error message) closed by
- duplicate: Continued in #1348
- 01:53 Ticket #1443 (OpenLayers overview and quickstart) created by
- The install_openlayers.sh script is prepared to install both OL2 and …
- 01:19 Ticket #1440 (QGIS Server appears to be broken) closed by
- fixed: confirmed fixed in build [12081]
- 13:33 Ticket #1431 (ZOO demo appears broken) closed by
- fixed: confirmed fixed in build [12080]
- 11:52 Ticket #1440 (QGIS Server appears to be broken) reopened by
- trac automatically closed this ticket…
- 11:51 Ticket #1440 (QGIS Server appears to be broken) closed by
- fixed: (In [12081]) trying to fix #1440
- 10:33 Ticket #1438 (new pycsw deb package fails to install) closed by
- fixed: confirmed fixed in build 12070
- 10:27 Ticket #1442 (GeoNode fails to load demo vector layers) created by
- GeoNode reports "No Layers" and "No Maps" on first page.
- 10:24 Ticket #1434 (GeoNode fails to install due to unmet dependencies) closed by
- fixed: confirmed fixed in build 12070
- 10:18 Ticket #1430 (Cartaro missconfigured to point to GeoServer 2.5) closed by
- fixed: confirmed fixed in build 12070
- 03:29 Ticket #1441 (R does not appear in Geospatial menu) created by
- It appears only in Graphics menu
- 03:27 Ticket #1440 (QGIS Server appears to be broken) created by
- In nightly build 12066
- 03:25 Ticket #1439 (include pywps in nightly builds) created by
- 03:23 Ticket #1438 (new pycsw deb package fails to install) created by
- […]
- 03:14 Ticket #1437 (OL3 fails to install) created by
- Several build errors in the build log. After installation, only the …
- 03:06 Ticket #1436 (MapBender demo does not start) created by
- In nightly build 12066
- 02:49 Ticket #1435 (Add ipython demo notebooks and documentation (overview + quickstart)) created by
- 02:45 Ticket #1434 (GeoNode fails to install due to unmet dependencies) created by
- […]
- 02:42 Ticket #1433 (Upgrade GRASS to 7.0RC1) created by
- The current installer still points at 6.4.4
- 02:27 Ticket #1432 (Cesium Geospatial menu item missing) created by
- 02:24 Ticket #1431 (ZOO demo appears broken) created by
- spatialtools.html demo page is not working properly on nightly 12064
- 02:08 Ticket #1430 (Cartaro missconfigured to point to GeoServer 2.5) created by
- install_cartaro.sh must be updated to point to the latest GeoServer …
- 01:53 Ticket #1429 (Tilemill boot error message) created by
- Tilemill throws a post-install script failure message. The deb file …
- 20:59 Ticket #1428 (Include GeoPandas on Live 8.5) created by
- on a current nightly, adding GeoPandas looked like this: […]
- 19:02 Ticket #1418 (docs: Download links inconsistant between translations) created by
- Links for downloads are inconsistent between language versions also …
- 13:05 Ticket #1416 (translated download pages point to OSGeo-Live 7.0 (instead of 8.0)) created by
- On 7/10/2014 12:24 am, Agustin Diez Castillo wrote: The German [1] …
See TracTimeline
for information about the timeline view.