

22:26 Live_GIS_Workshop_Install edited by dkastl


20:03 Live_GIS_Workshop_Install edited by pramsey


13:14 Ticket #1539 (port 80 returns apache default page) closed by kalxas
fixed: fixed in master and 9.0 branch
10:00 Milestone OSGeoLive9.0 completed
01:00 Ticket #1541 (Integrate new OGC documentation in our docs) created by kalxas
New training material is available at: …
00:39 Ticket #1535 (English presentation includes German content) closed by kalxas
fixed: Fix: https://github.com/OSGeo/OSGeoLive-doc/pull/33
00:34 Ticket #1540 (Credits slide in presentation does not render the contributors list) created by kalxas


17:25 Ticket #1539 (port 80 returns apache default page) created by darkblueb
* download 32bit RC1 * boot in VirtualBox with .iso attached * use a …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.