

14:58 Ticket #1698 (Change OSM featured city to Bonn for FOSS4G) closed by kalxas
fixed: fixed
08:34 Ticket #1748 (Update OpenStreetMap Logo in documentation) created by astrid_emde
Use actual logo for OpenStreetMap quickstart and documentation * …


14:58 Live_GIS_Workshop_Install edited by astrid_emde
14:34 Live_GIS_Workshop_Install edited by astrid_emde
14:33 Live_GIS_Workshop_Install edited by astrid_emde
12:38 Ticket #1746 (Replacement for Tilemill: Kosmtik + Magnacarto) created by kalxas


01:53 Live_GIS_Workshop_Install edited by dassau
01:53 Live_GIS_Workshop_Install edited by dassau
add data for qgis ws in Salzburg (diff)


00:43 Live_GIS_Workshop_Install edited by tsauerwein
add link for mapfish print workshop at fossgis (diff)


06:06 Ticket #1744 (Ossimplanet crashes on VMWare player VM) created by micha
After launching Ossimplant, the splash screen comes up, then the …
05:29 Ticket #1743 (Ossimplanet Quickstart needs updating) created by micha
The Quickstart points to ImageLinker, I guess it should be changed to …


11:53 Ticket #1740 (QGIS_GRASS unable to make mapset element in QGIS quickstart) created by bakaniko
When following the QGIS quickstart, you can't add the roadsmajor …


05:38 Live_GIS_Workshop_Install edited by pka
FOSS4G 2016, Bonn (diff)


14:42 Ticket #1738 (central maintenance of software version - move version to conf.py) created by astrid_emde
* update version and move version to the file …
02:59 Ticket #1737 (TileStache default preview not working) created by kalxas
When trying to access the standard TileStache preview …
02:57 Ticket #1701 (Tilelite 500 internal error) closed by kalxas
fixed: Thanks Bas, the updated package has been pulled to nightly ppa.
02:50 Ticket #1699 (downgrade osgEarth to 2.5) closed by kalxas
fixed: done in nightly ppa


09:19 Ticket #1734 (OSM Excellence for Live 10) created by darkblueb
docs? tools?


04:00 Live_GIS_Workshop_Install edited by best
Insert new conference FOSSGIS2016, insert workshop material (diff)


22:33 Ticket #1205 (Add Python Basemap Toolkit to the disc) closed by darkblueb
14:14 Ticket #1670 (PostGIS not available in TileMill) closed by darkblueb
12:40 Ticket #1230 (Postgres Disk Activity on Boot) closed by darkblueb
fixed: looks like a clean boot in /var/lib/postgresql/9.5/main dirs -- …
12:12 Ticket #1393 (gmt: pscoast never completes) closed by darkblueb
09:09 Ticket #1718 (Cartaro ppa not provided for Xenial) closed by kalxas
fixed: I have already commented out the ppa part. Thanks, Angelos
08:44 Ticket #1444 (Build spgrass6 against grass70-dev) closed by kalxas
fixed: install script updated
08:44 Ticket #1720 (R modules need rebuild for Xenial) closed by kalxas


05:15 Ticket #1721 (Rasdaman installer asks for tomcat7, should switch to tomcat8) closed by kalxas
fixed: Fixed in build 142
05:15 Ticket #1723 (TileMill reported not to be working with Mapnik 3.x) closed by kalxas
wontfix: TileMill has been retired from OSGeoLive 10.0


04:06 Ticket #1722 (GeoNode packages missing for Xenial) closed by kalxas
fixed: GeoNode is back in build 140


10:37 Ticket #1706 (error during EOxServer installation) closed by kalxas
fixed: Fixed in build 136 …
02:40 Ticket #1710 (ZOO packages missing from Xenial) closed by kalxas


14:02 Ticket #1731 (pywps: Execute request fails ('NoneType' object has no attribute 'lower')) closed by kalxas
14:02 Ticket #1705 (pycsw capabilities document throws 500 error) closed by kalxas
09:09 Ticket #1731 (pywps: Execute request fails ('NoneType' object has no attribute 'lower')) created by Bas Couwenberg
The hello-world process in pywps fails Execute requests reporting: …
05:51 Ticket #1336 (Add ubuntugis repo for easy activation) closed by kalxas
fixed: As discussed in the UbuntuGIS mailing list, the update process in now …
05:34 Ticket #1349 (qgis: sphinx tutorial build fails) closed by kalxas
05:33 Ticket #1383 (qgis_server demo brings the OSGeo Live VM down) closed by kalxas
fixed: Seems fixed.
05:31 Ticket #1215 (ossim ipython profile not working from chroot) closed by kalxas
fixed: OSGeoLive has moved to Jupyter.
05:30 Ticket #1153 (tomcat not starting on installed systems under custom user) closed by kalxas
05:29 Ticket #952 (Sphinx make duplicates image files) closed by kalxas
fixed: Fixed as part of our debian packaging. Upstream reports that this is a …
05:27 Ticket #1730 (pyWPS executes out of /etc) closed by kalxas
fixed: Works in nightly 121.


02:49 Ticket #1587 (ZOO demo base map disapeared) closed by kalxas
wontfix: The ZOO demonstration page on OSGeoLive 9.5 was outdated and will be …


16:09 Ticket #1730 (pyWPS executes out of /etc) created by darkblueb
generally not good to execute code from /etc (from Apache2 mod-info …
12:49 Ticket #1729 (JOSM shows update link) created by darkblueb
Launch JOSM on Live10_a2 notice that the opening screen asks the user …
00:55 Ticket #1713 (GeoMajas installer still asks for tomcat7) closed by kalxas
fixed: Fixed in alpha2
00:55 Ticket #1709 (zenity missing from build) closed by kalxas
00:54 Ticket #1708 (istsos icon missing after upgrade to 2.3.0) closed by kalxas
fixed: Fixed in alpha2
00:54 Ticket #1719 (Ushahidi reports errors on setup) closed by kalxas
fixed: Confirmed as fixed. Alpha2 includes PHP 5.6
00:53 Ticket #1715 (Tomcat 8 unresponcive when started - out of memory) closed by kalxas
00:52 Ticket #1714 (Docs missing from the build) closed by kalxas
fixed: Fixed in alpha2
00:52 Ticket #1712 (MapSlicer packages missing from Xenial) closed by kalxas
fixed: Fixed in alpha2
00:52 Ticket #1704 (MapProxy docs fail to download) closed by kalxas
fixed: Fixed.
00:51 Ticket #1703 (QGIS tutorials fail to build) closed by kalxas
00:48 Ticket #1717 (GeoMoose fails to start in Xenial due to PHP7 (due to no MapScript)) closed by kalxas
00:48 Ticket #1716 (MapBender fails to start on Xenial) closed by kalxas
fixed: Confirmed fixed in alpha2
00:47 Ticket #1702 (Monteverdi package missing for Xenial) closed by kalxas
fixed: Fixed in alpha2
00:47 Ticket #1700 (ossim packages missing for Xenial) closed by kalxas


21:38 Ticket #1727 (postgis sfcgal test error) created by darkblueb


21:29 Ticket #1711 (Jupyter missing from build) closed by darkblueb
21:26 Ticket #1707 (Iris installation problem) closed by darkblueb


15:16 Ticket #1723 (TileMill reported not to be working with Mapnik 3.x) created by kalxas
Several discussions happened during OSGeo Code Sprint Paris for this …
15:12 Ticket #1722 (GeoNode packages missing for Xenial) created by kalxas
We need to rebuild these for Xenial: …
15:11 Ticket #1721 (Rasdaman installer asks for tomcat7, should switch to tomcat8) created by kalxas
Can one of the maintainers please switch the installer to use tomcat8?
15:05 Ticket #1720 (R modules need rebuild for Xenial) created by kalxas
15:03 Ticket #1719 (Ushahidi reports errors on setup) created by kalxas
Ushahidi launches ok but then reports missing extensions (mbstring and …
13:41 Ticket #1718 (Cartaro ppa not provided for Xenial) created by kalxas
13:33 Ticket #1717 (GeoMoose fails to start in Xenial due to PHP7 (due to no MapScript)) created by kalxas
The main interface shows up but the map is empty
13:29 Ticket #1716 (MapBender fails to start on Xenial) created by kalxas
From apache2 error log: […]
13:16 Ticket #1715 (Tomcat 8 unresponcive when started - out of memory) created by kalxas
12:42 Ticket #1714 (Docs missing from the build) created by kalxas
12:31 Ticket #1713 (GeoMajas installer still asks for tomcat7) created by kalxas
12:19 Ticket #1712 (MapSlicer packages missing from Xenial) created by kalxas
This installer is disabled until packaging is provided.
12:18 Ticket #1711 (Jupyter missing from build) created by kalxas
Jupyter packaging for Xenial in progress…
12:16 Ticket #1710 (ZOO packages missing from Xenial) created by kalxas
The installer is disabled until we have a recent package done. …
12:10 Ticket #1709 (zenity missing from build) created by kalxas
Progress bar is not shown when launching an application e.g. geoserver
12:05 Ticket #1708 (istsos icon missing after upgrade to 2.3.0) created by kalxas
12:04 Ticket #1707 (Iris installation problem) created by kalxas
12:03 Ticket #1706 (error during EOxServer installation) created by kalxas
11:39 Ticket #1705 (pycsw capabilities document throws 500 error) created by kalxas
11:31 Ticket #1704 (MapProxy docs fail to download) created by kalxas
This causes MapProxy installer exit before installing the desktop …
10:08 Ticket #1703 (QGIS tutorials fail to build) created by kalxas
09:56 Ticket #1702 (Monteverdi package missing for Xenial) created by kalxas
[…] We need someone to get monteverdi 3.2.0 into a debian package …
09:47 Ticket #1701 (Tilelite 500 internal error) created by kalxas
Mapnik has been upgraded to 3.0.9 for Xenial. Tilelite version we ship …
09:34 Ticket #1700 (ossim packages missing for Xenial) created by kalxas
Current status: ossim-core has landed to our ppa. It gets installed …
09:12 Ticket #1699 (downgrade osgEarth to 2.5) created by kalxas
Thanks Bas for reporting to mailing list: […]
08:59 Ticket #1698 (Change OSM featured city to Bonn for FOSS4G) created by kalxas
We need to switch the featured city for the next release.
08:58 Ticket #1620 (Create a Travis continuous integration script for documentation) reopened by kalxas
08:57 Ticket #1620 (Create a Travis continuous integration script for documentation) closed by kalxas
08:56 Ticket #1046 (Automatic/Daily builds for OSGeoLive) closed by kalxas
fixed: The chroot problem has been finally fixed with this commit: …
08:50 Ticket #1642 (GeoKettle download link is broken) closed by kalxas


07:44 Ticket #1691 (Spatialite-gui causes lubuntu 16.04 to be unresponsive) created by micha
The ubuntu package for spatialite-gui (2.0.0~devel2-2) causes the the …


14:39 Ticket #1670 (PostGIS not available in TileMill) created by bakaniko
When following the TileMill quickstart, first you create a project, …


02:12 Live_GIS_Workshop_Install edited by best
update link (diff)
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.