

02:51 Ticket #2179 (add files for code of conduct and contributing on github) created by astrid_emde
We are asked from the OSGeo Board to add two files to the github …


10:48 Live_GIS_Workshop_Install edited by erilem
10:48 Live_GIS_Workshop_Install edited by erilem
10:47 Live_GIS_Workshop_Install edited by erilem
04:53 Milestone OSGeoLive13.0 completed


05:57 Live_GIS_Workshop_Install edited by moovida
05:57 Live_GIS_Workshop_Install edited by moovida
alignment (diff)
05:56 Live_GIS_Workshop_Install edited by moovida
Add geopap link (diff)
05:44 Live_GIS_Workshop_Install edited by moovida
fix for softawre (diff)
05:43 Live_GIS_Workshop_Install edited by moovida
add HydroloGIS workshops for 2019 (diff)


13:25 Ticket #2178 (web link broken to ossim) created by darkblueb
00:33 Ticket #2137 (Remove pyspatialite package from PPA) closed by kalxas
fixed: The pyspatialite package has been removed from nightly ppa


19:19 Ticket #2177 (Rasdaman service delays shutdown) created by darkblueb
using o13 RC3 installed to a boot disk on bare metal; start the …
15:37 Ticket #2175 (CJK Fonts missing) closed by kalxas
fixed: Fixed in RC3
10:15 Ticket #2176 (OTB quickstart - Full paths to image files) created by micha
The OTB quick start explains to use tif images in /usr/share/data: …


20:42 Ticket #2175 (CJK Fonts missing) created by darkblueb
o13 RC2 font Noto Serif CJK JP and other CJK fonts, are not …
14:46 Ticket #2174 (RC1 iso not booting properly under VirtualBox) closed by kalxas
fixed: confirmed fixed in rc2
11:11 Ticket #2163 (openlayers_quickstart fails) closed by kalxas
10:01 Ticket #2089 (Enable more languages in debian builds) closed by kalxas
09:16 Ticket #2172 (Download URL pointing to wrong folder) closed by kalxas
fixed: confirmed fixed in https://osgeo.github.io/OSGeoLive-doc/en/download.html
04:02 Ticket #2174 (RC1 iso not booting properly under VirtualBox) created by kalxas
Unfortunately Ubuntu released a new LTS (18.04.3) before our RC1 …


11:33 Ticket #2173 (o13 docs broken links) created by darkblueb
seventy-five bad links found (see attached file) `wget mirror …


03:57 Ticket #2172 (Download URL pointing to wrong folder) created by kalxas
https://osgeo.github.io/OSGeoLive-doc/en/download.html points to …


23:47 Press Release 87 edited by neteler
Links added to the new highlights (diff)
23:09 Press Release 87 edited by astrid_emde
23:08 Press Release 87 edited by astrid_emde
01:32 Ticket #2170 (actinia endpoint not responsive?) closed by kalxas
01:29 Ticket #2168 (geonode WSGI takes port 80 root) closed by kalxas
invalid: GeoNode cannot be put under /geonode so we configured it to listen to …


20:19 Ticket #2171 (otb Monteverdi crashes on image open) created by darkblueb
execute /usr/bin/monteverdi on build234; open …
20:07 Ticket #2170 (actinia endpoint not responsive?) created by darkblueb
starting actinia on build234 […] might be an error on my …
19:53 Ticket #2169 (zoo-project OTB demo fails) created by darkblueb
load and execute on build234 with Firefox console open: […]
19:24 Ticket #2168 (geonode WSGI takes port 80 root) created by darkblueb
see conf […] it is possible that this conflicts with other uses of …
15:24 Press Release 87 created by astrid_emde
13:16 Press Releases edited by astrid_emde
12:07 Ticket #2085 (QGIS - can't find GRASS data) closed by kalxas
05:24 Ticket #2144 (ZOO-Project demo throws 400 errors) closed by kalxas
fixed: Fixed in build 233
02:29 Ticket #2132 (Include a collection of Jupyter notebooks) closed by kalxas
fixed: https://github.com/OSGeo/OSGeoLive/commit/583fd362f44e3acbe781d00363568


13:43 Ticket #2150 (actinia startup error) closed by kalxas
fixed: Fixed in build228
13:43 Ticket #2139 (EOxServer WebClient not showing imagery available) closed by kalxas
fixed: Fixed in build228
04:52 Ticket #2140 (pycsw tester application not working properly) closed by kalxas
fixed: Fixed in build226
03:26 Ticket #2162 (test) closed by kalxas


09:49 Ticket #2042 (OSGeo presentation not included in documentation yet) closed by darkblueb
fixed: fixed in o13 build215


01:35 Ticket #2136 (QGIS overview and quickstart overhaul for QGIS 3.x release) closed by kalxas
fixed: Fixed by https://github.com/OSGeo/OSGeoLive-doc/pull/481
01:34 Ticket #2069 (Update QGIS plugins for 3.4.x) closed by kalxas
01:33 Ticket #2164 (rasdaman demo page not working) closed by kalxas
invalid: I just tested on beta3 and everything works fine. The user needs to …


13:29 Ticket #2167 (WMS URL not valid in UDig quickstart) created by bakaniko
In UDig quickstart[1], in the Web Map Server section, the quickstart …


05:33 Ticket #2148 (New artwork for 13.0) closed by kalxas
fixed: New doc screenshots committed now: …


13:39 Ticket #2166 (Add doc building scripts into the disc) created by bakaniko
The doc building process is not easy but can be greatly automated. …
13:31 Ticket #2165 (Add a last translated date to docs) created by bakaniko
As suggested by Cameron Shorter: "It would be useful if we could add a …
11:43 Ticket #2164 (rasdaman demo page not working) created by darkblueb
The web page localhost/rasdaman-demo shows an interface, but …
08:55 Ticket #2163 (openlayers_quickstart fails) created by darkblueb
[…] after creating basic-map example file […]
05:41 Ticket #2162 (test) created by kalxas
04:58 Ticket #2160 (missing pgRouting DBB) closed by kalxas
01:13 Ticket #2161 (Add doc building scripts to the build) created by bakaniko
The goal is to help people to reproduce documentation steps in a …
01:06 Ticket #2160 (missing pgRouting DBB) created by bakaniko
In QGIS, there is a connexion in the DB Manager to a pgRouting …


10:53 Ticket #2159 (pySAL deb missing color) closed by darkblueb
wontfix: ok, thx for looking
09:42 Ticket #2159 (pySAL deb missing color) created by darkblueb


05:00 Ticket #2158 (Release ppa disk space allocation) created by kalxas
Before every release, we ask Launchpad admins for some extra space for …
04:47 Ticket #2142 (rasdaman missing from 13.0 nightly builds) closed by kalxas
fixed: confirmed fixed in beta3


08:43 Ticket #2157 (Iris sample_data directory missing) created by darkblueb
08:27 Ticket #2156 (cartopy notebook download coastlines) created by darkblueb
cartopy-ellipsoid-error.ipynb […]


15:03 Ticket #2155 (data file missing from recent 52nWPS) closed by kalxas
14:55 Ticket #2155 (data file missing from recent 52nWPS) created by kalxas
13:04 Ticket #1978 (Mapbender3 access rights for files are not right - user is set to 1000 ...) closed by astrid_emde
invalid: Can't reproduce the error in 13.0beta2 I close the issue
11:09 Press Releases edited by astrid_emde
11:07 Press Release 86 edited by astrid_emde


00:59 Ticket #2076 (send project reminder to all projects and refer to alpha1 and mildestones) closed by kalxas


09:59 Ticket #2152 (geopandas 051 update) closed by kalxas
fixed: https://launchpad.net/%7Eosgeolive/+archive/ubuntu/nightly/+sourcepub/1
09:57 Ticket #1229 (OSSIM: Can't find cape_cod dataset reference in Quickstart) closed by kalxas
09:54 Ticket #1743 (Ossimplanet Quickstart needs updating) closed by kalxas
09:35 Ticket #2107 (add two launchers in the Jupyter dir) closed by kalxas
09:32 Ticket #1200 (Move from static to dynamic Link generation for missing rst files) closed by kalxas
08:51 Ticket #2151 (provide pgadmin 4) closed by kalxas
fixed: pgadmin4 now available with apt install pgadmin4
08:41 Ticket #2114 (EoXServer doc link incorrect) closed by kalxas


14:18 Ticket #2141 (QGIS configuration not yet ported from 2.8.x) closed by kalxas
fixed: Confirmed fixed in build147 Thanks Astrid.
13:23 Ticket #2126 (User "user" not in group "users" on OSGeoLive vmdk) reopened by kalxas
This is specifically targeted to 12.0 release


18:32 Ticket #2126 (User "user" not in group "users" on OSGeoLive vmdk) closed by darkblueb
fixed: fixed in build115


14:45 Ticket #2146 (IRC/Slack/Gitter/Matrix - add information about new communication channels) closed by astrid_emde
fixed: Information was added: see …
14:44 Ticket #2091 (OSGeoLive add new favicon.ico) closed by astrid_emde
fixed: Done You can see the favicon already at: …
14:18 Press Release 86 edited by astrid_emde
14:14 Press Release 86 edited by camerons
minor tweaks (diff)
14:06 Ticket #2154 (GeoMoose website is down) closed by kalxas
14:05 Press Release 86 created by astrid_emde
13:57 Press Releases edited by astrid_emde


11:18 Ticket #2154 (GeoMoose website is down) created by kalxas
https://www.geomoose.org is down […]


19:07 JNB_StudioDays19 edited by darkblueb
add Ubuntu packagers emails (diff)
16:41 Ticket #2153 (add r-spatial stars package) created by darkblueb
08:47 Ticket #2077 (Google Earth Enterprise on osgeolive 12) closed by darkblueb
wontfix: no action for o13 -- closing
08:44 Ticket #1956 (QGis Config Changes) closed by darkblueb
08:43 Ticket #1888 (QGis 2.14 misc warnings) closed by darkblueb
08:36 Ticket #2134 (R version 0.7 demo) closed by darkblueb
duplicate: see #2145 for current thread
06:54 Ticket #1997 (osgeolive-docs deb update) closed by darkblueb


19:27 Ticket #2152 (geopandas 051 update) created by darkblueb
https://github.com/geopandas/geopandas/releases/tag/v0.5.1 […]
19:25 WikiStart edited by darkblueb
add gitea link (diff)
05:12 Ticket #2151 (provide pgadmin 4) created by astrid_emde
* it would be great to have in addition to pgadmin III also pgAdmin 4 …


07:51 Ticket #2081 (SciTools Iris to_xml() fails) closed by darkblueb
07:50 Ticket #2128 (GCI 2018) closed by darkblueb
07:48 Ticket #2129 (Automatically building, testing and deploying-the docs with travis and ...) closed by darkblueb
fixed: docs now built as a dot-deb, thx johanvdw
07:48 Ticket #1957 (QGIS quickstart : incorrect dataset) closed by darkblueb
invalid: QGis moved to version 3x; new docs
07:47 Ticket #1004 (note how to get pg db rights back after install) closed by darkblueb
07:44 Ticket #1972 (Remove "planet" prefix from OSM data in PostGIS) closed by darkblueb
wontfix: the OSM toolchain names things this way; agree it is awkward, but not …


10:07 Press Releases edited by astrid_emde


14:07 Press Release 85 edited by astrid_emde
13:32 Press Release 85 edited by astrid_emde
13:27 Press Release 85 edited by astrid_emde
13:23 Press Release 85 edited by astrid_emde


14:02 Ticket #2147 (Documentation version number points to 12.0) closed by kalxas


14:27 Ticket #2150 (actinia startup error) created by neteler
I have prepared an installer for "actinia_core" (a new OSGeo community …
03:02 Ticket #2131 (python rtree and libspatialindex_c missing) closed by kalxas
fixed: Fixed
02:59 Ticket #2133 (Update GeoNode to 2.10.x) closed by kalxas
fixed: GeoNode 2.10 now in master.


12:48 Ticket #2149 (Iris 2.1.0 GRIB not installed) created by darkblueb
RuntimeError: Unable to load GRIB file - "iris_grib" package is not …


14:29 WikiStart edited by astrid_emde
added informaton about slack matrix glitter twitter (diff)
14:09 Ticket #2148 (New artwork for 13.0) created by kalxas
14:05 Ticket #2147 (Documentation version number points to 12.0) created by kalxas
While the VERSION.txt is pointing to 13.0alpha, the documentation …
13:44 Ticket #2146 (IRC/Slack/Gitter/Matrix - add information about new communication channels) created by astrid_emde
* add information to https://live.osgeo.org/en/contact.html * add …


15:50 Press Release 85 edited by camerons
11:55 Press Release 85 created by astrid_emde
11:43 Press Releases edited by astrid_emde


07:16 Ticket #2145 (R Jupyter demo errors) created by darkblueb
Steps to reproduce: * boot Live13 a2 * start the Jupyter system * run …
04:25 Ticket #1905 (IRC client) closed by kalxas
04:15 Ticket #2143 (Include t-rex in OSGeoLive) closed by kalxas
fixed: Pull request merged now. Welcome T-Rex!


00:28 Ticket #2138 (Update Cesium to 1.58) closed by kalxas
fixed: Fixed: …


11:54 Ticket #2144 (ZOO-Project demo throws 400 errors) created by kalxas
Previous versions failed to build against latest OTB. There is a …
11:52 Ticket #2143 (Include t-rex in OSGeoLive) created by kalxas
Application on hold since last year, PR for documentation available …
11:50 Ticket #2142 (rasdaman missing from 13.0 nightly builds) created by kalxas
We need to test latest rasdaman version
11:49 Ticket #2141 (QGIS configuration not yet ported from 2.8.x) created by kalxas
PostGIS connections need to be added, along other enhancements (see …
11:46 Ticket #2140 (pycsw tester application not working properly) created by kalxas
See upstream ticket: https://github.com/geopython/pycsw/issues/600
11:42 Ticket #2139 (EOxServer WebClient not showing imagery available) created by kalxas
We are investigating with the EOX team which version to include.
11:39 Ticket #2138 (Update Cesium to 1.58) created by kalxas
11:36 Ticket #2122 (Enable World Wind Web) closed by kalxas
11:35 Ticket #1451 (LIDAR additions) closed by kalxas
fixed: PDAL has been included.
11:32 Ticket #2112 (Presentation beta4 feedabck) closed by kalxas
11:31 Ticket #2099 (Update pycsw to 2.2.0) closed by kalxas
fixed: pycsw 2.4.0 in our nightly ppa: …
11:30 Ticket #2098 (Update proj to 5.2.0) closed by kalxas
fixed: proj 5.2.0 now in our nightly ppa: …
11:29 Ticket #2097 (Update OTB to 6.6.1) closed by kalxas
fixed: OTB 6.6.1 now in our nightly ppa …


05:38 Live_GIS_Workshop_Install edited by astrid_emde
05:33 Live_GIS_Workshop_Install edited by astrid_emde
added FOSS4G reference (diff)


03:17 Ticket #2137 (Remove pyspatialite package from PPA) created by Bas Couwenberg
The pyspatialite package was only used for QGIS 2.x, since QGIS 3.x it …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.