

07:10 translation_on_transifex edited by bakaniko
07:09 translation_on_transifex edited by bakaniko
07:07 translation_on_transifex edited by bakaniko
06:56 translation_on_transifex edited by bakaniko
06:39 transifex_copy_from_source.png attached to translation_on_transifex by bakaniko
06:33 placeholders_copy_from_source2.png attached to translation_on_transifex by bakaniko
06:33 placeholders_copy_from_source.png attached to translation_on_transifex by bakaniko
06:33 placeholders.png attached to translation_on_transifex by bakaniko
06:21 translation_on_transifex edited by bakaniko
06:17 translation_on_transifex edited by bakaniko
06:14 translation_on_transifex edited by bakaniko
05:32 translation_on_transifex edited by bakaniko
05:31 OSGEo-Live_transifex_03_retired_files.png attached to translation_on_transifex by bakaniko
05:25 OsgeoLive_translation_translatefile.png attached to translation_on_transifex by bakaniko
05:25 OsgeoLive_translation_choosen_file.png attached to translation_on_transifex by bakaniko
05:25 OSGEo-Live_transifex_04_priority.png attached to translation_on_transifex by bakaniko
05:24 OSGEo-Live_transifex_02_second_priority.png attached to translation_on_transifex by bakaniko
05:24 OSGEo-Live_transifex_01_index.png attached to translation_on_transifex by bakaniko
05:24 Language_resources.png attached to translation_on_transifex by bakaniko
05:24 translation_on_transifex created by bakaniko
05:19 Language_resources.png attached to WikiStart by bakaniko
Transifex language resources


03:22 Ticket #2405 (Provide tmap as a cartographic library in R) created by bakaniko
At FOSS4G 2022 community sprint, Nick suggested to add tmap in the ISO …


02:59 Live_GIS_Workshop_Install edited by astrid_emde
01:05 Live_GIS_Workshop_Install edited by bakaniko
01:04 Live_GIS_Workshop_Install edited by bakaniko
add link to FOSS4G 2022 SDI workshop material (diff)


07:17 Live_GIS_Workshop_Install edited by astrid_emde
07:13 Live_GIS_Workshop_Install edited by astrid_emde


03:07 Live_GIS_Workshop_Install edited by astrid_emde
02:47 Live_GIS_Workshop_Install edited by astrid_emde


02:35 Live_GIS_Workshop_Install edited by astrid_emde


08:26 Ticket #2404 (update Proj-h support page on Github) created by darkblueb
some projects have been updated in the OSGeoLive 15 dev cycle; update …


19:56 Ticket #2403 (pyosmium installs malformed path) created by darkblueb


17:46 Ticket #2402 (presentation CHANGELOG link broken) created by darkblueb
08:31 Ticket #2401 (ETF not deployed due to ETS download not present) created by jenriquesoriano
Dear OSGeoLive team, thanks for your efforts and congratulations for …


04:58 Ticket #2400 (deegree stop script not updated to 3.4.32) created by kalxas


16:30 Ticket #2399 (MapServer doc page not found) created by sanak
When starting MapServer, Firefox's 2nd tab …
15:40 Ticket #2398 (Cesium doesn't show a map with InvalidCredentials (401) error) created by sanak
Please see a screenshot. The error seems to be quite similar with #2323.
14:07 Ticket #2383 (actinia only available through docker) closed by kalxas
14:07 Ticket #2396 (Apache fails to start when booting usb live system with UEFI) closed by kalxas
06:54 Ticket #2397 (Sphinx docs build fails) created by darkblueb
ol15 docs branch master […]
02:15 Ticket #2396 (Apache fails to start when booting usb live system with UEFI) created by kalxas
When booting from a live usb drive using UEFI support, apache service …


21:43 Ticket #2395 (python3-xarray QA) created by darkblueb
ol15 build 197 python3-xarray source tree […]
07:54 Ticket #2394 (Test build documentation on windows) created by cvvergara
This PR is fixing a test that is not monitored …
05:10 Live_GIS_Workshop_Install edited by astrid_emde
05:09 Live_GIS_Workshop_Install edited by astrid_emde
04:55 Ticket #2336 (demo raster data symbolic links do not exist or are restricted) closed by kalxas
fixed: confirmed fixed in build192
00:13 WikiStart edited by astrid_emde
00:08 WikiStart edited by astrid_emde


21:29 Ticket #2393 (python3 pystac update) created by darkblueb
ol15 build 179 -- python3 pySTAC dot-deb 1.4.0 exists but v1.6 is …
13:10 Ticket #2392 (ol15 build 184 does not boot) closed by darkblueb
fixed: confirm md5sum failed on a copy of build 184; re-copying
12:08 Ticket #2392 (ol15 build 184 does not boot) created by darkblueb
"bad magic number; find a valid kernel"
10:16 Ticket #2391 (Update QGIS plugins) created by kalxas
QGIS plugins from OSGeoLive 13.0 are still used. Is there a volunteer …
03:08 Ticket #2344 (gmt packages) closed by kalxas
03:04 Ticket #2351 (openJUMP 2.0 install) closed by kalxas
03:03 Ticket #2355 (Install pgadmin or replacement) closed by kalxas
03:03 Ticket #2318 (Update previously available projects page with projects that got ...) closed by kalxas
03:02 Ticket #2352 (mapnik python demo ol15) closed by kalxas
fixed: Confirmed fixed in build178


17:25 Ticket #2390 (Image Viewer lacks icon theme files) created by darkblueb
ol15 build 167s […]
01:15 Ticket #2385 (rasdaman packaging for 22.04) closed by kalxas


13:50 Ticket #2382 (ZOO-Project packaging for 22.04) closed by kalxas
13:47 Ticket #2361 (EFI setup for Ubuntu 22.04) closed by kalxas
13:47 Ticket #2387 (22.04 tomcat9 with openjdk8 JSP compilation error) closed by kalxas
13:46 Ticket #2379 (Re3gistry fails due tomcat9 not supporting java8) closed by kalxas
fixed: Thank you for the feedback, I will wait for your pull request, I …


20:55 Ticket #2389 (ipyleaflet notebook) created by darkblueb
build 157 ol15 […] […] […]
06:11 Ticket #2357 (t-rex startup issue) closed by kalxas
fixed: confirmed fixed on beta1 VM after the following commit: …
06:07 Ticket #2366 (52NorthSOS fails to launch) closed by kalxas
fixed: Confirmed fixed after testing the following patch in beta 1 VM: …


22:26 Ticket #2388 (Leaflet quickstart document update) created by sanak
From #2384 - [https://trac.osgeo.org/osgeolive/ticket/2384#comment:14
12:21 Ticket #2384 (Update Leaflet demo to point to FOSS4G location) closed by kalxas
fixed: Leaflet demo points at Firenze on build157


17:41 Ticket #1945 (Improve Leaflet Quickstart) closed by darkblueb
duplicate: ref #2384
02:01 Ticket #2387 (22.04 tomcat9 with openjdk8 JSP compilation error) created by kalxas
https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tomcat9/+bug/1972829 Linked …


05:45 Ticket #2386 (GRASS directories missing in QGIS Browser) created by micha
In QGIS, with the GRASS provider installed, GRASS locations and …


23:38 Ticket #868 (QGIS: Permissions on GRASS LOCATIONS) closed by micha
04:56 Ticket #2385 (rasdaman packaging for 22.04) created by kalxas
Is there a plan to have rasdaman packages for this release?
03:52 Ticket #2384 (Update Leaflet demo to point to FOSS4G location) created by kalxas
01:10 Ticket #2383 (actinia only available through docker) created by kalxas
Latest version of actinia is now missing from Pypi. The only supported …
01:06 Ticket #2382 (ZOO-Project packaging for 22.04) created by kalxas
ZOO debian package is missing from our ppa.


11:58 Ticket #2349 (QGIS/QGIS Server: Permission for data folder after install) closed by kalxas
fixed: Thank you, this is now fixed in build148
11:55 Ticket #2371 (QGIS Server demo problems) closed by kalxas
fixed: Fixed in build148
11:55 Ticket #2372 (GeoNode fails to start after upgrade to 3.3.2) closed by kalxas
fixed: Fixed in build148
11:54 Ticket #2360 (EOxServer fails to launch) closed by kalxas
fixed: Fixed in build148
03:44 Ticket #2300 (Update OSGeoLive PSC list) closed by kalxas
03:42 Ticket #2367 (Lightweight R-spatial bundle) closed by kalxas


07:23 Ticket #2381 (PDAL linkage shows version warnings) created by darkblueb
using ol15 packaged PDAL […]


08:51 Ticket #2380 (boot shows FUSE errors) created by darkblueb
boot ol15 beta1 DVD * notice that FUSE is not found * …


08:34 Ticket #2326 (OTB Tools in QGIS is not activated) closed by kalxas


16:55 Ticket #2377 (Presentation changes request) closed by cvvergara


00:51 Ticket #2379 (Re3gistry fails due tomcat9 not supporting java8) created by omartinez
I’m updating the Re3gistry installer script. Re3gistry is a java8 …


19:32 Ticket #2378 (rasterio plug-ins) created by darkblueb
ol15 build122 rasterio packaged can make use of optional …


12:59 Ticket #2377 (Presentation changes request) created by cvvergara
* No upper case on titles * Can not see the names of the PSC members * …
12:28 Ticket #2356 (create images for spinning icon for startup) closed by kalxas


03:43 Ticket #2288 (libgdal-java needs to be added to the nightly osgeo repo) closed by kalxas


06:06 Ticket #2376 (default desktop resolution 800x600 too small ...) created by edso
... for default "Desktop Preferences" dialog. see attachments maybe …


08:27 Ticket #2373 (upgrade deegree from v3.4.1 to v3.4.31) closed by kalxas
fixed: The ticket title is about the upgrade and that has been completed. For …


19:02 Ticket #2373 (upgrade deegree from v3.4.1 to v3.4.31) reopened by darkblueb
bug in deegree_start.sh * open firefox, use tabs to view multiple …
03:19 Ticket #2375 (docs fail to build in launchpad) closed by kalxas
fixed: confirmed fixed in build 115


05:55 Ticket #2375 (docs fail to build in launchpad) created by kalxas
Since moving to sphinx-revealjs, Launchpad builds are failing due to …
03:09 Ticket #2373 (upgrade deegree from v3.4.1 to v3.4.31) closed by kalxas
fixed: fixed in build 110


06:56 Ticket #2335 (Jupyter Notebook R example) closed by darkblueb
duplicate: see ticket #2145
06:42 Ticket #2287 (duplicate Marble launcher in **Other** sub menu) closed by darkblueb
06:37 Ticket #2287 (duplicate Marble launcher in **Other** sub menu) reopened by darkblueb
06:36 Ticket #2287 (duplicate Marble launcher in **Other** sub menu) closed by darkblueb
fixed: not a problem in ol15 build_105 ; every installed app shows in …


07:10 Ticket #2374 (python Iris3 on OSGeoLive) created by darkblueb
world-scale meteorological analysis software from the Crown Research …


14:04 Ticket #2373 (upgrade deegree from v3.4.1 to v3.4.31) created by darkblueb
install_deegree.sh here: https://github.com/OSGeo/OSGeoLive/pull/326


13:29 Ticket #2369 (GeoExt fails to launch) closed by kalxas
fixed: Fixed in build 96
03:57 Ticket #2372 (GeoNode fails to start after upgrade to 3.3.2) created by kalxas
The dependency list has been updated: …


14:55 Ticket #2171 (otb Monteverdi crashes on image open) closed by darkblueb
fixed: fixed in ol15 build94
08:54 Ticket #2370 (pycsw GetCapabilities causes shapely bug with numpy) closed by kalxas
fixed: Confirmed fixed in build94


16:56 Ticket #2351 (openJUMP 2.0 install) reopened by darkblueb
15:23 Ticket #2371 (QGIS Server demo problems) created by darkblueb
build93 test shows warning: Non-existing plugin: IdentifyRegion […]


08:26 Ticket #2363 (gdal's ogr2ogr misses libgrass_vector.8.2.so) closed by kalxas
fixed: confirmed fixed in build89
06:44 Ticket #2370 (pycsw GetCapabilities causes shapely bug with numpy) created by kalxas
06:01 Ticket #2362 (libssl versions) closed by kalxas
invalid: […]
05:58 Ticket #2369 (GeoExt fails to launch) created by kalxas


17:07 Ticket #2368 (pg_tileserv on OSGeoLive) created by darkblueb
install, demo, docs ? https://github.com/CrunchyData/pg_tileserv
12:50 Ticket #2367 (Lightweight R-spatial bundle) created by bakaniko
Trying to install the sf R package without the whole tidyverse …


21:53 Ticket #2366 (52NorthSOS fails to launch) created by sanak
From /var/log/tomcat9/52n-sos-webapp.log. […] There are warning …
08:48 Ticket #2365 (python3 package for cfunits depends) created by darkblueb
the python3 debian packaging needed for CFUnits may be including …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.