Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Press Release 34

11/26/17 10:15:47 (7 years ago)

Copy from osgeo wiki


  • Press Release 34

    v1 v1  
     1= Targeting OSGeo-Live Quickstarts for OSGeo-Live 6.5=
     319 January 2013
     5Software quality on our OSGeo-Live 6.5 release is looking very promising, and starting with this release, we hope to start bringing documentation quality up one notch, by putting the Quickstarts through the same comprehensive review that we have done for our Project Overviews, tracking status in our [ Status Spreadsheet].
     7We see this as a 3 step process:
     8* Projects ensure their quickstarts are up to date, set "Quickstart Status"="6.5draft"
     9* A non-project person, runs every step of the quickstart, and makes sure it runs ok. set "Quickstart Status"="6.5reviewed".
     10* One of our writers reviews for readability. (I'm volunteering to be one of these people). Set "Quickstart Status"="6.5final".
     12We're looking for are around 10 people who can dedicate a couple of hours over the next couple of months to run a few Quickstarts and verify they are accurate and understandable. If you can help out, please contact me, or speak up on the osgeo-live email list.
     14We've started a review checklist, and am open to suggested improvements:
     17For the OSGeo-Live 6.5 release, we'd like to update as many Quickstarts as we can within the next two weeks, by 4 February 2013.