Opened 16 years ago

Last modified 8 years ago

#232 closed task

Implementation of ST_AsBinary for RASTER type — at Initial Version

Reported by: mloskot Owned by: pracine
Priority: low Milestone: PostGIS Fund Me
Component: raster Version: master
Keywords: st_asbinary, bytea Cc:


This is just a record of the plan I've made to start implementing ST_AsBinary function for WKT Raster. The function is listed in the big plan.

The first version of ST_AsBinary I'm going to implement will do nearly the same what ST_byte function does. It's prototype is:

bytea ST_AsBinary(raster r1);

At the moment, I don't aim to implement compression support, but later it can be extended to provide it:

bytea ST_AsBinary(raster r1, text compression);

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