Opened 10 years ago
Last modified 4 years ago
#3205 closed defect
missing output for TopoGeo_AddLineString — at Version 2
Reported by: | remic | Owned by: | strk |
Priority: | medium | Milestone: | PostGIS 3.0.3 |
Component: | topology | Version: | 2.1.x |
Keywords: | Cc: |
Description (last modified by )
it seems like the return of TopoGeo_AddLineString is missing something.
here is the script (bottom)
The error in TopoGeo_AddLineString seems to be ligne 90 94 "start_node := topology.TopoGeo_AddPoint" From what I understood, topogeo_addpoint has the ability to split edges, but we don't have any way to get the edge_id of the split edge by addpoint.
I don't see an easy workaround (would need to modify topogeo_addpoint to return edge_id, which is a big API change). The simplest would be to check before addpoint if the point is going to split, then if yes save edge_id already existing, addpoint, then look for thhe new edge_id resulting from the split. There would be worysome cornercase (what if addpoint is used on top of an existing node)
SELECT DropTopology('test_postgis_topology'); SELECT CreateTopology('test_postgis_topology',0,0.1,false); --2 DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_postgis_topology.test_topogeo_linestring ; CREATE TABLE test_postgis_topology.test_topogeo_linestring AS SELECT 1 AS gid, 'id1' AS id,ST_GeomFromtext('LINESTRING(0 0 , 10 10)',0) AS geom UNION SELECT 2 AS gid, 'id2' AS id, ST_GeomFromtext('LINESTRING(0 10 , 10 0)',0) ; WITH result_addlinestring AS ( SELECT id, topology.TopoGeo_AddLineString( 'test_postgis_topology' , geom , 0.01) as edge_id FROM test_postgis_topology.test_topogeo_linestring ) SELECT count(*) = 4 AS is_TopoGeo_AddLineString_working FROM (SELECT DISTINCT * FROM result_addlinestring) AS sub ; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_postgis_topology.test_topogeo_linestring ; SELECT DropTopology('test_postgis_topology');
The function should return 4 different edge_ids, which it does not.
Hint for workaround : post processing, looking for edge_id that have not been returned, with surface distance
SELECT DISTINCT ON (pe.edge_id) edge_id, gid FROM problematic_edges AS pe, my_source_lines AS ul WHERE ST_DWithin(pe.geom,t,1) = TRUE ORDER BY pe.edge_id, ST_Area(ST_Intersection(ST_Buffer(pe.geom,1,'quad_segs=2'),ST_Buffer(ul,1,'quad_segs=2'))) DESC
Change History (2)
comment:1 by , 10 years ago
Description: | modified (diff) |
comment:2 by , 10 years ago
Description: | modified (diff) |