1 | | Also tried _postgis_selectivity with the same bbox as mentioned in description which is POLYGON ((716905.5 6168346.1, 716905.5 6185703.38, 741648.19 6185703.38, 741648.19 6168346.1, 716905.5 6168346.1)) and I get 0.055185432031709364. Assuming that means 5.5% of 28 million that seems to be a good estimate, it doesn't make sense to me why the row estimate is 2819 rows (-> Bitmap Heap Scan on geodkobjekt g (cost=68.27..5625.92 rows=2819 width=472)). |
| 1 | Also tried _postgis_selectivity with the same bbox as mentioned in description which is {{{POLYGON ((716905.5 6168346.1, 716905.5 6185703.38, 741648.19 6185703.38, 741648.19 6168346.1, 716905.5 6168346.1))}}} and I get 0.055185432031709364. Assuming that means 5.5% of 28 million that seems to be a good estimate, it doesn't make sense to me why the row estimate is 2819 rows (-> Bitmap Heap Scan on geodkobjekt g (cost=68.27..5625.92 rows=2819 width=472)). |