Opened 16 months ago

Last modified 6 months ago

#5547 closed defect

postgis 3.4 not using gist index when concatinating string in st_geomfromtext — at Initial Version

Reported by: tomwlane Owned by: pramsey
Priority: medium Milestone: PostGIS 3.3.6
Component: postgis Version: 3.4.x
Keywords: Cc:


this uses a gist index on wkb_geometry when I pass a string, gist (wkb_geometry)

SELECT fld_zone FROM s_fld_haz_ar WHERE st_intersects(st_geomfromtext('POINT(-83.113523 40.014991)', 4269), wkb_geometry)

concatenating text fields to make the same string for the point, it will not use the gist index

SELECT fld_zone FROM s_fld_haz_ar WHERE st_intersects(st_geomfromtext(concat('POINT(', '-83.113523', ' ', '40.014991', ')'), 4269), wkb_geometry)

I'm using POSTGIS="3.4.0 3.4.0", i just upgraded

it worked before I upgraded when I was using POSTGIS="2.5.3 r17699"

its not unique to one table so you can probably reproduce it with any tables, the plan generator just won't recognize that concatenation as the same string

I work around it by creating and passing a text variable

DECLARE p text = concat('POINT(', lon,' ', lat,')'); st_intersects(st_geomfromtext(p, 4269), wkb_geometry)

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