Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of DevFOSS4GCodeSprintNotes

09/19/11 09:02:02 (13 years ago)



  • DevFOSS4GCodeSprintNotes

    v1 v1  
     1= AGENDA =
     3 * Release date / schedule
     4 * Features not yet implemented, but to be done?
     5 * GeoCoder future?
     6 * PostGIS 2.0 ticket triage?
     7 * Links between PostGIS and other (non-GEOS topology libraries)
     8 * Documentation / tutorials and starting points? (for raster? for topology?)
     9 * 3D visibility calculations?
     10 * Core vs Raster vs Topology
     13= Features To Be Implemented Before Feature Freeze =
     15 * [raster] Two raster ST_Intersects (dustymugs - October 7)
     16 * [raster] Two raster version of MapAlgebra (dustymugs - Nov. 30)
     17 * [raster] Neighbor version of MapAlgebra (David - November 30)
     18 * [raster] C version of raster2pgsql (dustymugs - now!)
     19 * KNN GiST (PR mid-October)
     20 * GSERIALIZED clean-up (PR mid-October)
     21 * GML 3.2 ouput (OC end October)
     22 * 3D storage review (OC end November)
     23 * ST_GeomFromJSON (end September)
     24 * Extensions for deployment for 9.1 (eta 2011-11-15 - work out kinks)
     25 * [topology] Finish ISO functions set (strk - end October)
     26 * [topology] Geometry->TopoGeometry (strk - end November)
     27 * BOX (ENVELOPE?) as a GEOMETRY sub-class? (PR end November)
     28 * raster2pgsql as C utility instead of python (BP end November)
     30= Release Date =
     32 * Feature Freeze (November 30) (this is a real freeze!!)
     33   * Q Branch (no!)
     34   * A No, branch at beta at the earliest.
     35 * Alpha-1 Release (December 1)
     36 * Developer Ticket Triage Event (January 5)
     37 * Beta-1 Release (January 31)
     38   * Branch?
     39 * Profit!
     41= Boxes: Points of Discussion =
     43 * People want to sometime store boxes, how should they do ?
     44 * Polygon as boxes are kind of bigger than it could be
     45 * BOX2D lacks SRID (and is only 2d)
     46 * We have some more BOX%%% which make people confused (me, at least)
     47 * Having ops defined for boxes would allow extension (raster?) to only define casts to boxes in order to have proper indexing.
     48 * As per the indexing argument, the box I have in mind is the equivalent of the box which is cached in normal Geometries
     50= GIT =
     52 * Discussion
     53 * Some are enthuastic
     54 * Others are +/-0
     55 * General opinion, defer until 2.1 cycle (so that 2.1 comes out from git ? in that case we should start pretty soon after feature freeze, for any further development to happen)
     56 * Pierre raises BIG issue: trac/git integration
     57   * See
     59= Geocoder Discussion =
     61 * DBB, should it be part of core?
     62 * Dbitner, so many tickets are geocoder, distracting to project
     63    * extras/geocoder ticket category ?
     64 * Resolution: suck it up! Good functionality.
     66= Core vs Raster vs Topology =
     68 * Should Raster be a mandatory part of the build and part of the postgis_core extention?
     69 * Answer: yes, if we can get a binary raster2pgsql loader completed.
     70   * strk is always against mandatory stuff... could default to ON and allow --without-raster
     71 * Implication: GDAL as mandatory dependency
     72* Research: can we figure out SRID automatically on load using OGR
     74= Raster Discussion =
     76 * Subtiling
     77   * Future development, support internal tiling scheme in the serialized form for raster (see: GDAL internal tiling / GeoTIFF internal tiling. 1 bit for tiled/not tiled and tile size will have to be fixed e.g. 100x100 or 256x256 otherwise we have to wait for 3.0)
     78 *raster2pgsql cleanup - Bug fixes and remove overviews
     79    * To be done using rt_api.c? (overviews as post-process SQL call)
     80      * yes
     81 * Aggregate versions of stats function (polygons versions?)
     82 * documentation section about Best practices and PostGIS Raster rationale
     83 * raster_column views?
     84 * weighted summary functions for
     86= 3D external libraries discussion =
     88 * Can we start linking to other libraries for 3D support?
     89 * Yes, OK.