Changes between Version 53 and Version 54 of DevWikiComitGuidelines

05/17/11 04:20:59 (14 years ago)



  • DevWikiComitGuidelines

    v53 v54  
    5353    * Use meaningful descriptions for commit log entries.
    5454    * Add a bug reference like "#1232" at the beginning or end of SVN commit log entries when committing changes related to a ticket in Trac. The '#' character enables Trac to create a hyperlink from the changeset to the mentioned ticket.
    55     * When new enhancements are added or breaking changes are made and completed the related ticket should have in '''keywords''' section of ticket with '''history'''.  This will better ensure it is not forgotten when preparing the news release.
     55    * When new enhancements are added or breaking changes are made and completed the related ticket should have in '''keywords''' section of ticket the word '''history'''.  This will better ensure it is not forgotten when preparing the news release and official doc release notes.
    5656    * After committing changes related to a ticket in Trac, write the tree and revision in which it was fixed in the ticket description. Such as "Fixed in trunk r12345 and in branches/1.7 r12346". The 'r' character enables Trac to create a hyperlink from the ticket to the changeset.
    5757    * Changes should not be committed in stable branches without a corresponding bug id. Any change worth pushing into the stable version is worth a bug entry.