The PostGIS project uses docker for a number of regression tests and production use. We have two different docker setups. On OSGeo infrastructure we have which docker images are pushed to via These are currently only used by and drone agents. They ware useful for general development as well, because they include multiple versions of PostgreSQL and also include pre-installed postgis versions for doing upgrade tests. **Docker OSGeo** The docker osgeo infrastructure you can log in via your osgeo user id. Only PostGIS development team members have push rights to this repo. More details of the images, dockerfiles in use by it can be found at [ PostGIS-docker repo]. Here is an example of how you can pull an image, retag and push to {{{ #To develop and test using this image, do the following docker pull }}} ** Docker Hub PostGIS ** Docker Hub is used for Github-actions testing and there is also a postgis for production use. The main link to all is [] * [] - has production images managed by a community of PostGIS users. To become a contributor go to [] * [] - has development images managed by a PostGIS Development team set aside for regression testing. Do not use these for production use as they don't even have postgis installed on them. You can find the docker files here []