Changes between Version 50 and Version 51 of DevWikiGardenTest
- Timestamp:
- 12/03/10 07:45:40 (14 years ago)
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
- Modified
v50 v51 30 30 * ''log_output'' - an xml field that contains the query_to_xml output of the query. 31 31 32 There is also a companion for raster testing: raster_gardentest.sql.xsl. The raster one doesn't 33 currently create logging tables but will soon. 32 There is also a companion for raster testing: raster_gardentest.sql.xsl. The raster one currently only has a '''raster_garden_log''' table 33 which is lacking a log_sql field. This will be added soon. The structure follows the same pattern as postgis_garden_log 34 except that g1/g2 fields may refer to a pixeltype or geometry type. 34 35 35 36 -- to run: … … 65 66 FROM postgis_garden_log 66 67 WHERE func = 'ST_3DDistance' AND log_end IS NOT NULL ; 68 }}} 69 70 -- basic stats getting timings in milliseconds of garden test just for ST_Intersects function -- 71 {{{ 72 SELECT logid, log_label, g1, g2, date_part('epoch',age(log_end,log_start))*1000 As dur_millisec 73 FROM raster_garden_log 74 WHERE func = 'ST_Intersects' ; 67 75 }}} 68 76