This page is a step by step guide for contributing to PostGIS ---- Workflow: - Fork - clone the forked postgis on your computer - compile (everything should be ok) * ./ * ./configure * make * sudo make install - if big new feature * discuss on the dev mailing list or on #postgis - if bug correction * create / update tickets - if minor changes (no API break) * directly work on it - in all case : create a branch with a telling name (what you will be working on) - to code * start from SQL looking for the function definition and the associated C function * look for C function in postgis sources, and look if the postgis function calls a libgeom function * etc - to test * if libgeom : CUnit * cd liblwgeom/cunit/ * make check * test at the postgres level (before submitting the code) -writting/changing test * go in regress folder * look for the most promising dummy.sql file * create a query with a distinct text_id as the first column * add corresponding correct answer in dummy_expected file. Warning, line order matters - testing * make * make check * sudo make install * make installcheck * (optional) if testing from a client, server restart may be requiered - limited testing * to test only one function, go in the regress folder, execute './ regress_dummy', regress_dummy shall not have extension. - to document (mandatory) * go in doc folder * open the relevant dummy.xml (XML is in docbook format) * modify/add the function. - Warning, optionnal arg have a perticular syntax - Warning, version must be noted * test doc with make ... ----