Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of GoogleSummerCode2019

02/01/19 09:47:51 (6 years ago)



  • GoogleSummerCode2019

    v2 v3  
    77During the 2018 GSoC, Xuri Gong developed a geometry viewer for pgAdmin4. The new geometry viewer was released as part of pgAdmin from pgAdmin4 v3.3 ([ read more here]). The viewer allows the user to view geometires directly in pgAdmin, which was not possible previously . The report from 2018 GSoC is available [ here].
    9 [ pgAdmin] graphical user interface (GUI) administration tool for [ PostgreSQL] that allows you to execute spatial queries using [ PostGIS] on geospatial data.  Currently, there is no integrated geospatial data viewer in pgAdmin and external applications, such as [ QGIS], are required. For this project, you will develop a GUI that allows users to view the tables in a spatial database and the results of queries executed as geometries. Also, refer to [ this page] for more detail on the project.
     9We have asked the community for ideas and suggestion to improve the geometry viewer. The mailing thread is available [ here]. The main ideas for improvements or new functionalities are as follows:
     10 * Shapefile loader plugin for pgAdmin4
     11 * Overlay queries
     12 * [ Highlight geometries]
     13 * [ Basic styling of the features on the map]
     14 * Events, such as mouse over, to show attributes
     15 * Optimising for large data sets, for example, drawing only a subset
     16 * Rendering of raster queries
     17 * Other requests in the email thread
    1119''Languages and APIs'': Python, JavaScript and JavaScript APIs such as, require.js, bootstrap and Leaflet.