
Version 5 (modified by Mike Taves, 10 years ago) ( diff )

also ST_PolygonizeLinework

Building areas from lines

Built-in PostGIS functions ST_BuildArea and ST_Polygonize can be used to construct Polygons from linework. However the start/end points of all lines must touch each other to form the polygons. Also the linework needs to be properly noded at intersections, rather than just crossing each other.

A user-submitted function takes a collection of LINESTRING or a MULTILINESTRING geometry and returns a geometry:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ST_BuildAreaLinework(linework geometry) RETURNS geometry AS
$BODY$WITH data AS (SELECT * FROM ST_Dump(ST_UnaryUnion($1)))
SELECT ST_SetSRID(ST_BuildArea(ST_Collect(geom)), ST_SRID($1))
( -- This is the noded linework, broken up where they cross each other
  SELECT (ST_Dump(ST_Union(geom))).geom FROM data
) t1,
( -- This is a [MULTI]POINT of any crossings or closures
  SELECT ST_Union(geom) AS pt
  FROM (
    SELECT ST_Intersection(A.geom, B.geom) AS geom
    FROM data A, data B
    WHERE A.path[1] < B.path[1] AND ST_Intersects(A.geom, B.geom)
    UNION SELECT ST_StartPoint(geom) FROM data WHERE ST_IsClosed(geom)
  ) s
) t2
WHERE ST_Intersects(ST_StartPoint(geom), pt) AND ST_Intersects(ST_EndPoint(geom), pt);$BODY$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE;

For example:

SELECT ST_BuildAreaLinework('MULTILINESTRING((36 35,45 307),(30 290,390 280),(320 60,300 310),(20 60,320 60),(120 140,168 225),(140 220,220 150,120 170))');

Where the blue lines are the input linework, and the yellow polygon with a hole is the result.

example for ST_BuildAreaLinework

A similar function could be used with ST_Polygonize

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ST_PolygonizeLinework(linework geometry) RETURNS geometry AS
$BODY$WITH data AS (SELECT * FROM ST_Dump(ST_UnaryUnion($1)))
SELECT ST_SetSRID(ST_Polygonize(geom), ST_SRID($1))
( -- This is the noded linework, broken up where they cross each other
  SELECT (ST_Dump(ST_Union(geom))).geom FROM data
) t1,
( -- This is a [MULTI]POINT of any crossings or closures
  SELECT ST_Union(geom) AS pt
  FROM (
    SELECT ST_Intersection(A.geom, B.geom) AS geom
    FROM data A, data B
    WHERE A.path[1] < B.path[1] AND ST_Intersects(A.geom, B.geom)
    UNION SELECT ST_StartPoint(geom) FROM data WHERE ST_IsClosed(geom)
  ) s
) t2
WHERE ST_Intersects(ST_StartPoint(geom), pt) AND ST_Intersects(ST_EndPoint(geom), pt);$BODY$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE;

For example:

SELECT ST_PolygonizeLinework('MULTILINESTRING((50 40,50 230,300 230,270 60,40 60),(150 30,130 240),(191 155,240 190,250 150,190 170))');

Where the blue lines are the input linework, and the yellow polygons (GEOMETRYCOLLECTION(POLYGON((...)))) are the result.

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