Changes between Version 139 and Version 140 of UsersWikiMain
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- 08/05/20 09:08:21 (5 years ago)
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v139 v140 12 12 PostGIS is an extension to the [ PostgreSQL] object-relational database system that allows [ GIS] (Geographic Information System) objects to be stored in the database. 13 13 PostGIS does for PostgreSQL what Oracle Spatial does for Oracle, ArcSDE does for Microsoft SQL !Server/Oracle. 14 15 PostGIS uses [ GEOS] to implement many spatial functions. 16 GEOS is a C++ port of the [ JTS Topology Suite]. 14 17 15 18 * [ (slides) FOSS4G NA 2012 What's New in PostGIS 2.0] Paul Ramsey … … 64 67 * [ PostGIS in Action (1st Edition)] by Regina Obe and Leo Hsu - It's out and available via various distributors including Manning Publications and Amazon. If you want just the E-Book, purchase directly from Manning. The E-book is about 50% off the hard-copy price. With the purchase of Hard-copy, there is a free-coupon to get the E-Book version. Book includes PostGIS 1.3-1.5, PostgreSQL 8.3-9.0 (with upcoming highlights of PostgreSQL 9.1 and PostGIS 2.0). All code and data downloads available for free on the book site even if you don't buy the book. [ Chapter 1 (a primer on PostGIS )] and [ Appendix C (a primer on SQL)] are free downloads. 65 68 69 == Frequently Asked Questions == 70 71 * [wiki:UsersWikiNewbieAddgeometrycolumn function addgeometrycolumn("unknown", "unknown", integer, "unknown", integer) does not exist] 72 * [wiki:UsersWikiNewbieDistanceMeasurement What is the measurement returned by ST_Distance?] 73 * [wiki:UsersWikiNewbiePostGISFunctionMeasurement What unit of measurement do PostGIS functions use?] 74 * [wiki:UsersWikiNewbieMeasurementInMeters How to get distance measurement in meters?] 66 75 67 76 == Examples of Spatial SQL == … … 134 143 * [wiki:UsersWikiBatchLoadShapefilesForWindowsUsingShp2pgsql Batch Load Shapefiles with shp2pgsql.exe on windows] 135 144 * [wiki:UsersWikiExamplesOverlayTables2 Set of functions for spatial overlay of 2 polygon tables] 145 * [wiki:UsersWikiNbSqlFunctionsEditor Netbeans SQL Editor with (PostGIS) functions autocompletion and documentation] 146 * [wiki:UsersWikiQGIS Using QGis to display PostGis Layers] 136 147 148 == Useful PL/PGSQL Functions == 149 * [wiki:UsersWikiplpgsqlfunctions PL/PGSQL Functions] 150 * [wiki:UsersWikiGeographyFunctions Functions that work specifically for the geography type] 151 * [wiki:UsersWikiwktrasterfunctions WKT Raster Helper Functions] 152 * [wiki:UsersWikiNearest Neighbor Search Nearest Neighbor Search] 153 * [wiki:UsersWikiCascadeUnion PL/PGSQL Pseudo Cascade Union Aggregate Function (use for pre-PostGIS 1.4)] 137 154 138 155 == Extending PostGIS == … … 148 165 * [wiki:pgRouting] routing with PostGIS 149 166 150 == Frequently Asked Questions ==151 152 * [wiki:UsersWikiNewbieAddgeometrycolumn function addgeometrycolumn("unknown", "unknown", integer, "unknown", integer) does not exist]153 * [wiki:UsersWikiNewbieDistanceMeasurement What is the measurement returned by ST_Distance?]154 * [wiki:UsersWikiNewbiePostGISFunctionMeasurement What unit of measurement do PostGIS functions use?]155 * [wiki:UsersWikiNewbieMeasurementInMeters How to get distance measurement in meters?]156 157 == Extras ==158 159 * [wiki:UsersWikiNbSqlFunctionsEditor Netbeans SQL Editor with (PostGIS) functions autocompletion and documentation]160 * [wiki:UsersWikiQGIS Using QGis to display PostGis Layers]161 162 167 == Notes == 163 168 164 169 * [wiki:UsersWikiSpatialAlgorithmWebSites Spatial Algorithm Web Sites] 165 170 166 == Useful Additional PL/PGSQL Functions ==167 * [wiki:UsersWikiplpgsqlfunctions PL/PGSQL Functions]168 * [wiki:UsersWikiGeographyFunctions Functions that work specifically for the geography type]169 * [wiki:UsersWikiwktrasterfunctions WKT Raster Helper Functions]170 * [wiki:UsersWikiNearest Neighbor Search Nearest Neighbor Search]171 * [wiki:UsersWikiCascadeUnion PL/PGSQL Pseudo Cascade Union Aggregate Function (use for pre-PostGIS 1.4)]172 171 173 == What is GEOS ==174 175 [ GEOS] is a C++ port of the [ JTS Topology Suite]. It is used by PostGIS to implement Topological functions.