Changes between Version 23 and Version 24 of UsersWikiSimplifyPreserveTopology
- Timestamp:
- 04/28/12 03:59:11 (13 years ago)
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
- Modified
v23 v24 174 174 175 175 {{{ 176 -- takes a table name, gid and geom column and simplify the layer based on given tolerance. 177 -- returns a setof (gid int, geom geometry). where geom is the simplified geometry and gid is the tablename gid. 178 create or replace function simplifyLayerPreserveTopology (tablename text, id_col text, geom_col text, tolerance float) returns setof record as $$ 176 -- Simplify the given table of multipolygon with the given tolerance. 177 -- This function preserves the connection between polygons and try to avoid generating gaps between objects. 178 -- To identify objects after simplification, area comparison is performed, instead of PIP test, that may fail 179 -- with odd-shaped polygons. Area comparison may also failed on some cases 180 181 -- Example: (table 'departement' is in the public schema) 182 -- select * from simplifyLayerPreserveTopology('', 'departement', 'gid', 'geom', 10000) as (gid int, geom geometry); 183 -- 184 -- @param schename: text, the schema name of the table to simplify. set to null or empty string to use search_path-defined schemas 185 -- @param tablename: text, the name of the table to simplify 186 -- @param idcol: text, the name of a unique table identifier column. This is the gid returned by the function 187 -- @param tolerance: float, the simplify tolerance, in object's unit 188 -- @return a setof (gid, geom) where gid is the identifier of the multipolygon, geom is the simplified geometry 189 create or replace function simplifyLayerPreserveTopology (schemaname text, tablename text, idcol text, geom_col text, tolerance float) 190 returns setof record as $$ 179 191 DECLARE 180 tabname alias for $1; 181 tid alias for $2; 182 geo alias for $3; 183 tol alias for $4; 192 schname alias for $1; 193 tabname alias for $2; 194 tid alias for $3; 195 geo alias for $4; 196 tol alias for $5; 184 197 numpoints int:=0; 185 198 time text:=''; 199 fullname text := ''; 186 200 187 201 BEGIN 188 189 EXECUTE 'select sum(st_npoints(geom)), to_char(clock_timestamp(), ''MI:ss:MS'') from '||quote_ident(tabname) into numpoints, time; 202 IF schname IS NULL OR length(schname) = 0 THEN 203 fullname := quote_ident(tabname); 204 ELSE 205 fullname := quote_ident(schname)||'.'||quote_ident(tabname); 206 END IF; 207 208 raise notice 'fullname: %', fullname; 209 210 EXECUTE 'select sum(st_npoints('||quote_ident(geo)||')), to_char(clock_timestamp(), ''MI:ss:MS'') from ' 211 ||fullname into numpoints, time; 190 212 raise notice 'Num points in %: %. Time: %', tabname, numpoints, time; 191 213 192 EXECUTE 'create unlogged table p oly as ('193 ||'select '||quote_ident(tid)||', (st_dump('||quote_ident(geo)||')).* from '|| quote_ident(tabname)||')';214 EXECUTE 'create unlogged table public.poly as (' 215 ||'select '||quote_ident(tid)||', (st_dump('||quote_ident(geo)||')).* from '||fullname||')'; 194 216 195 217 -- extract rings out of polygons 196 218 create unlogged table rings as 197 select st_exteriorRing((st_dumpRings(geom)).geom) as g from p oly;219 select st_exteriorRing((st_dumpRings(geom)).geom) as g from public.poly; 198 220 199 221 select to_char(clock_timestamp(), 'MI:ss:MS') into time; … … 234 256 -- distinct clause to eliminate overlaping segments that may prevent polygon to be created, 235 257 -- then dump the collection of polygons into individual parts, in order to rebuild our layer. 236 create temp table simplepolys as 258 drop table if exists simplepolys; 259 create table simplepolys as 237 260 select (st_dump(st_polygonize(distinct g))).geom as g 238 261 from simplelines; … … 252 275 -- as input set is multipolygon, we first explode multipolygons into their polygons, to 253 276 -- be able to find islands and set them the right departement code. 254 RETURN QUERY EXECUTE 'select '||quote_ident(tid)||', st_collect( geom) as geom '277 RETURN QUERY EXECUTE 'select '||quote_ident(tid)||', st_collect('||quote_ident(geo)||') as geom ' 255 278 ||'from (' 256 279 --||' select distinct on (d.'||quote_ident(tid)||') d.'||quote_ident(tid)||', s.g as geom ' 257 280 ||' select d.'||quote_ident(tid)||', s.g as geom ' 258 ||' from '||quote_ident(tabname)||' d, simplepolys s ' 281 ||' from '||fullname||' d, simplepolys s ' 282 --||' where (st_intersects(d.'||quote_ident(geo)||', s.g) or st_contains(d.'||quote_ident(geo)||', s.g))' 259 283 ||' where st_intersects(d.'||quote_ident(geo)||', s.g) ' 260 284 ||' and st_area(st_intersection(s.g, d.'||quote_ident(geo)||'))/st_area(s.g) > 0.5 ' … … 262 286 ||'group by '||quote_ident(tid); 263 287 264 drop table simplepolys;288 --drop table simplepolys; 265 289 266 290 RETURN;