Changes between Version 44 and Version 45 of WKTRaster/Documentation01

12/10/09 09:42:37 (15 years ago)



  • WKTRaster/Documentation01

    v44 v45  
    355355Table 3 summarizes the attributes of the raster_columns table.
     357|| '''Attribute''' || '''PostgreSQL Type''' || '''Description''' ||
     358|| '''r_table_catalog''' || character varying(256) || Name of the catalog containing the table. This attribute exists only to follow the geometry_column table schema. It is generally left empty. ||
     359|| '''r_table_schema''' || character varying(256) || Name of the schema containing the table. Generally equal to “public”. ||
     360|| '''r_table_name''' || character varying(256) || Name of the table containing a column of type raster. ||
     361|| '''r_column''' || character varying(256) || Name of the raster column in the table. ||
     362|| '''srid''' || integer || ID of the spatial reference system used for the raster column in this table. It is a foreign key reference to the PostGIS spatial_ref_sys table. ||
     363|| '''pixel_types''' || array[varchar] || Array of pixel types; one for every band. Index for first band is 1. Types are expressed as varchar (string) values:
     364"1BB"   = 1-bit boolean
     365"2BUI"  = 2-bit unsigned integer
     366"4BUI"  = 4-bit unsigned integer
     367"8BSI"  = 8-bit signed integer
     368"8BUI"  = 8-bit unsigned integer
     369"16BSI" = 16-bit signed integer
     370"16BUI" = 16-bit unsigned integer
     371"32BSI" = 32-bit signed integer
     372"32BUI" = 32-bit unsigned integer
     373"16BF"  = 16-bit float
     374"32BF"  = 32-bit float
     375"64BF"  = 64-bit float ||
     376|| '''out_db''' || array[boolean] || Array of flags for in-db or out-db storage; one per band. True when raster data is not stored in the database but resides as files in the filesystem. Paths to these files (one per row) are determined by ST_BandPath(). Index for first band is 1. ||
     377|| '''regular_blocking''' || boolean || Flag specifying that the regular blocking constraint is enforced for this table. ||
     378|| '''nodata_values''' || array[double] || Array of nodata values; one for each band. Each nodata value is stored as a double (even when the pixel type is integer). Index for first band is 1. ||
     379|| '''pixelsize_x''' || double || Pixel size of the raster in the x-direction. In the units of the coordinate system determined by srid. ||
     380|| '''pixelsize_y''' || double || Pixel size of the raster in the y-direction. In the units of the coordinate system determined by srid. ||
     381|| '''blocksize_x''' || integer || Width of a block of raster data when regular_blocking is set to true. NULL otherwise. ||
     382|| '''blocksize_y''' || integer || Height of a block of raster data when "regular_blocking" is set to true. NULL otherwise. ||
     383|| '''extent''' || geometry || Polygon geometry encompassing all raster rows of this table. NULL if predefined bounds are not known. When "regular_blocking" is set to true this polygon is a simple rectangle. In other cases it might be an irregular polygon. ||