Changes between Version 13 and Version 14 of WKTRaster/GDALDriverSpecificationWorking

02/17/11 14:34:18 (14 years ago)



  • WKTRaster/GDALDriverSpecificationWorking

    v13 v14  
    5252 Pierre: I think yes. We have to distinguish "want we want to produce" from "what we have to deal with". The two modes answer "want we want to produce" and the different table arrangement are "what we have to deal with".
    54  From a GDAL user point of view I know there is a bunch of raster rows in the DB and there is only two things I want to do: extract those rasters rows one by one creating one raster per row or treat them all as a single raster and blend them alltogether. Furthermore I want to be able to SELECT those rows using a WHERE statement. If I want a single raster from the db, I have to build my WHERE clause accordingly. There is no need for an extra mode for this. Beside, I don't want to know or have to know what is the raster table arrangement. I expect the driver is able to deal with them all.
     54 From a GDAL user point of view I know there is a bunch of raster rows in the DB and there is only two things I want to do: extract those rasters rows one by one creating one raster per row or treat them all as a single raster and blend them all together. Furthermore, I want to be able to SELECT those rows using a WHERE statement. If I want a single raster from the db, I have to build my WHERE clause accordingly. There is no need for an extra mode for this. Beside, I don't want to know or have to know what is the raster table arrangement. I expect the driver is able to deal with them all.
    56  Then, the driver has to deal with all the possible arrangement of those selected rows in both mode. You tried to enumerate the posssible arrangement above but I think there is only two cases: the tiles are regularly tiled or they are not, whatever the number of tile there is (1 or more). To me the irregular case is a generalization of the first one.
     56 Then, the driver has to deal with all the possible arrangement of those selected rows in both mode (overlap, gaps, missing tiles, etc...). You tried to enumerate the posssible arrangement above but I think there is only two cases: the tiles are regularly tiled or they are not, whatever the number of tile there is (1 or more). To me the irregular case is a generalization of the first one.
    5858 If, and only if, you can optimize the regularly tiled case, then you write is as an exception. The problem is to make sure the table is REALLY regularly tiled without relying on the user knowledge. Just the introduction of the -a option to allowing to append tiles to an existing table make the "regularly blocked" flag untrustable. If really we want to maintain this flag we will have to create something like a ST_ValidateRegularBlocking aggregate function.
    7070  * Call the functions over the whole table and filter the result (i.e.: select distinct st_srid(rast) from raster_table, select distinct st_metadata(rast) from raster table). It can be a really slow operation, but you can check if all tiles are like expected (for example: if they are the same size, if they share the same srid, if they overlap or not, etc)
    72  '''Pierre comment''': I think the driver should not try to detect bad raster arrangement with SQL queries. It should just get what it needs from the DB and burn rasters tiles as they come.
     72 '''Pierre comment''': I think the driver should not try to detect bad raster arrangement with SQL queries. It should just get what it needs from the DB and burn rasters tiles as they come. If it detected that the arrangement is regular then burn them as regular. If they are not, then burn them accordingly.
    7474  * Call the functions limiting the output to one result. Fast operation, but may be incorrect