Changes between Version 24 and Version 25 of WKTRaster/GDALDriverSpecificationWorking

02/17/11 15:53:18 (14 years ago)



  • WKTRaster/GDALDriverSpecificationWorking

    v24 v25  
    8989  * ''Natural'' block oriented r/w: The driver reads/writes data in equal sized blocks. The potentially more efficient way of r/w data. Really, the natural block size for this dataset is chosen during GDALRasterBand creation. So, '''it's driver's responsibility to provide the desired value for block size'''. To use this method, your driver must provide an implementation of [ IReadBlock].
     91 '''Pierre question:''' How is the natural block size choosen in our case?
    9193  * Region oriented r/w: The driver reads/writes arbitrary regions of data. It's a potentially less efficient method, because you have to take care of '''data type translation''' if the data type of the buffer is different than that of the GDALRasterBand. You also must takes care of '''image decimation / replication''' if the buffer size (nBufXSize x nBufYSize) is different than the size of the region being accessed (nXSize x nYSize). To use this method, your driver must provide an implementation of [ IRasterIO].
     121=== Implementation ===
     124GDALRasterBand::IRasterIO(required tile metadata)
     126 '''Pierre:''' Can't it not be as simple as that? In the best case the required blocks fits what is in the table and everything is optimized. If not it is slower. We don't have to know in advance whether the table is regularly tiled or not.
     128  Deduce a world coordinate rectangle which four corners are the center of the upper left, lower left, lower right, upper right pixels of the area requested.
     130  Fetch, in a unique SQL query, every rasters intersecting this area along with the upper left X & Y, width, height, scalex, scaleY, skewX and skewY
     132  If there is only one row fetched and the metadata of this raster fits the required tile metadata (this means we are querying based on the natural block side)
     134   just copy the values as a block (memcopy) (is this possible? Should we have, Is't there a ST_Bytea() SQL function?)
     136  If not iterate on the required tile
     137    copy pixel values one by one from each raster fetched (that means if there is overlaps, only the pixels of the last raster fetched is burned. We can enhace this later by providing a BLENDING_MODE with the driver)
     140!GDALRasterBand::!ReadBlock(block x & y)
     142  Deduce IRasterIO required tile metadata
     143  call IRasterIO(required tile metadata)