Changes between Version 48 and Version 49 of WKTRaster/GDALDriverSpecificationWorking

07/27/12 08:09:32 (13 years ago)



  • WKTRaster/GDALDriverSpecificationWorking

    v48 v49  
    142142=== Topic: Some general thoughts ===
    144 '''Open Question (Pierre, july 2012)''': In the worst case, a VRT is basically the same thing as a PostGIS raster table (just a bunch of non aligned rasters) and I was wondering if we could not simply copy the code of the VRT driver and adjust it so it reads all the rasters of a PostGIS query instead of reading them from the file system. Basically the VRT file resume to all the rasters returned by a where query whatever their alignment are. If I'm right then we would benefit from any smart optimization implemented by Frank in the VRT driver...
     144 '''Open Question (Pierre, july 2012)''': In the worst case, a VRT is basically the same thing as a PostGIS raster table (just a bunch of non aligned rasters) and I was wondering if we could not simply copy the code of the VRT driver and adjust it so it reads all the rasters of a PostGIS query instead of reading them from the file system. Basically the VRT file resume to all the rasters returned by a where query whatever their alignment are. If I'm right then we would benefit from any smart optimization implemented by Frank in the VRT driver...
    146   * The driver should not be dependent on a "rid" column nor request for it. Currently, the 'rid' attribute is hardcoded in some queries. A better approach would  be looking for a primary/unique key. This is useful when getting subdatasets (each subdataset should be identified by its primary key). But just when write ability exists. In case of reading, you could always create a GDAL-internal key for each tile loaded assuming there is a "management" structure for the set of tiles. Pierre says that, if there’s no primary key, you could use a query with “where ST_UpperLeftX(rast) = XXX AND ST_UpperLeftY(rast) = YYY".
     146 * The driver should not be dependent on a "rid" column nor request for it. Currently, the 'rid' attribute is hardcoded in some queries. A better approach would  be looking for a primary/unique key. This is useful when getting subdatasets (each subdataset should be identified by its primary key). But just when write ability exists. In case of reading, you could always create a GDAL-internal key for each tile loaded assuming there is a "management" structure for the set of tiles. Pierre says that, if there’s no primary key, you could use a query with “where ST_UpperLeftX(rast) = XXX AND ST_UpperLeftY(rast) = YYY".
    148148 '''Open Question''': Why does the key should only be required when the write ability exists?
    150   * The driver should not be dependent on the "raster_column" view since entries in this view, contain useful information ONLY if AddRasterConstraint was called on the table. It can however be dependent on "raster_overview" since no overview exists if it is not visible in raster overview.
    151   * Regularly tiled arrangement should be optimized just by their natural order. Not by trying to discover if they are regularly tiled or not and trying to apply special processing to them. This is not necessary and there is nothing to determine quickly if a coverage is regularly tiled right now (except the flag in the raster_column table which exist only if it was explicitly set. We are planning to make a ST_IsRegularlyTiled() function in the future but it should be a slow process). The trick is to burn data in the GDAL buffer based on their world coordinate compared with the buffer world coordinates. That makes the driver to support transparently not tiled, regularly tiled and irregularly tiled (= missing and/or different-size tiles) tiles, not ordered, all the same way.
    152   * If, while we fetch the raster data, we discover that one or more rasters among the ones selected (mode=2) are not aligned with the previous rasters then there is two options: 1) We notice the user saying that we can not produce a raster from non aligned tiles 2) We query the database for new versions of those tiles resampled on the current buffer alignment (I don't think this is a good idea.. That could be an explicit option of the driver though.) Same with different pixeltype and different nodata value. These things could be discovered earlier, when requesting for the extent (2nd query), in a future version, if we had a set of ST_SameAlignment(), ST_SameBandPixelType() and ST_SameBandNodataValue() aggregates all returning false if any of those values do not match the others. We could probably have a more general ST_SameBandType() aggregate instead of the two last ones.
    153   * We can, right now, make a version working on any kind of non rotated, aligned arrangement by using ST_Extent() along with ST_ScaleX, ST_ScaleY, ST_SkewX and ST_SkewY to determine the size and georeference of the raster (see query below). I don't see yet how we can do it on rotated arrangement without a ST_RotatedExtent() function that do not exist yet.
     150 * The driver should not be dependent on the "raster_column" view since entries in this view, contain useful information ONLY if AddRasterConstraint was called on the table. It can however be dependent on "raster_overview" since no overview exists if it is not visible in raster overview.
     151 * Regularly tiled arrangement should be optimized just by their natural order. Not by trying to discover if they are regularly tiled or not and trying to apply special processing to them. This is not necessary and there is nothing to determine quickly if a coverage is regularly tiled right now (except the flag in the raster_column table which exist only if it was explicitly set. We are planning to make a ST_IsRegularlyTiled() function in the future but it should be a slow process). The trick is to burn data in the GDAL buffer based on their world coordinate compared with the buffer world coordinates. That makes the driver to support transparently not tiled, regularly tiled and irregularly tiled (= missing and/or different-size tiles) tiles, not ordered, all the same way.
     152 * If, while we fetch the raster data, we discover that one or more rasters among the ones selected (mode=2) are not aligned with the previous rasters then there is two options: 1) We notice the user saying that we can not produce a raster from non aligned tiles 2) We query the database for new versions of those tiles resampled on the current buffer alignment (I don't think this is a good idea.. That could be an explicit option of the driver though.) Same with different pixeltype and different nodata value. These things could be discovered earlier, when requesting for the extent (2nd query), in a future version, if we had a set of ST_SameAlignment(), ST_SameBandPixelType() and ST_SameBandNodataValue() aggregates all returning false if any of those values do not match the others. We could probably have a more general ST_SameBandType() aggregate instead of the two last ones.
     153 * We can, right now, make a version working on any kind of non rotated, aligned arrangement by using ST_Extent() along with ST_ScaleX, ST_ScaleY, ST_SkewX and ST_SkewY to determine the size and georeference of the raster (see query below). I don't see yet how we can do it on rotated arrangement without a ST_RotatedExtent() function that do not exist yet.