Changes between Version 108 and Version 109 of WKTRaster/PlanningAndFunding

07/29/10 10:48:21 (15 years ago)



  • WKTRaster/PlanningAndFunding

    v108 v109  
    143143||- ST_Equals(raster|geometry, raster|geometry)[[BR]]- ST_Disjoint(raster|geometry, raster|geometry)[[BR]]- ST_Touches(raster|geometry, raster|geometry)[[BR]]- ST_Crosses(raster|geometry, raster|geometry)[[BR]]- ST_Covers(raster|geometry A, raster|geometry B)[[BR]]- ST_IsCoveredBy(raster|geometry A, raster|geometry B)[[BR]]- ST_Relate(raster|geometry, raster|geometry, intersectionPatternMatrix )||TBD||||2 weeks||2400||todo||
    144144||[[BR]]'''Objective B07b - Being able to edit a raster.''' ([wiki:WKTRaster/SpecificationWorking03 specifications])||||||||||
    145 ||- ST_SetValue(raster, band, x, y, value)[[BR]]- ST_Affine(raster|geometry,...) -> same type as input[[BR]]- ST_Translate(raster|geometry,...) -> same type as input[[BR]]- ST_Scale(raster|geometry,...) -> same type as input[[BR]]- ST_TransScale(raster|geometry,...) -> same type as input[[BR]]- ST_RotateZ,Y,Z(raster|geometry, float8) -> same type as input||TBD||||2 weeks||2400||todo||
     145||- ST_Affine(raster|geometry,...) -> same type as input[[BR]]- ST_Translate(raster|geometry,...) -> same type as input[[BR]]- ST_Scale(raster|geometry,...) -> same type as input[[BR]]- ST_TransScale(raster|geometry,...) -> same type as input[[BR]]- ST_RotateZ,Y,Z(raster|geometry, float8) -> same type as input||TBD||||2 weeks||2400||todo||
    146146||[[BR]]'''Other functions''' ||||||||||
    147147||- ST_AsBinary(raster, compression) ([wiki:WKTRaster/SpecificationWorking03 specifications])|| ML (start ST_AsBinary) || Aug 2009||2 weeks||2400 / !DevTime from MD||in-progress||
    155155||'''Objectives and Tasks'''||'''Coder'''||'''Approx. Schedule'''||'''Time'''||'''Approx. Contribution (US$)'''||'''Status'''||
    156156||[[BR]]'''Objective 1 - Being able to read in-db regular blocking WKT Raster with the GDAL driver. ''' ([wiki:WKTRaster/SpecificationWorking01#Objective0.1.6g-BeingabletoreadandwriteWKTRasterwithGDALdriver. specifications])||||||||||
    157 ||- Read a WKT Raster from database (in-db, regular blocking)||JA||July - August 2010||TBD||!DevTime from JA ||in-progress||
     157||- Read a WKT Raster from database (in-db, regular blocking)||JA||July - August 2010||TBD||!DevTime from JA ||done||
    158158||[[BR]]'''Objective 2 - Being able to read out-db irregular blocking WKT Raster with the GDAL driver. ''' ([wiki:WKTRaster/SpecificationWorking01#Objective0.1.6g-BeingabletoreadandwriteWKTRasterwithGDALdriver. specifications])||||||||||
    159 ||- Read a WKT Raster from database (out-db, irregular blocking)||JA||July - August 2010||TBD||!DevTime from JA ||in-progress||
     159||- Read a WKT Raster from database (out-db, irregular blocking)||JA||July - August 2010||TBD||!DevTime from JA ||todo||
    160160||[[BR]]'''Objective 3 - Being able to write WKT Raster with the GDAL driver. ''' ([wiki:WKTRaster/SpecificationWorking01#Objective0.1.6g-BeingabletoreadandwriteWKTRasterwithGDALdriver. specifications])||||||||||
    161 ||- Create a new WKT Raster in database (in-db/out-db, regular/irregular blocking)||JA||July - August 2010||TBD||!DevTime from JA ||in-progress||
     161||- Create a new WKT Raster in database (in-db/out-db, regular/irregular blocking)||JA||July - August 2010||TBD||!DevTime from JA ||todo||