Changes between Version 28 and Version 29 of WKTRaster/PlanningAndFunding

04/15/09 12:37:00 (16 years ago)



  • WKTRaster/PlanningAndFunding

    v28 v29  
    5 This is the development page of PostGIS [wiki:WKTRaster WKT Raster] - a project extending PostGIS engine with raster support.
     5This is the development page of [wiki:WKTRaster PostGIS WKT Raster] - a project extending PostGIS engine with raster support.
     7If you need support for raster in PostgreSQL or you have to do raster/vector operations, help us develop WKT Raster! WKT Raster developement is a work in progress. Each slice of 2000$ will bring new functions in! The approximate cost of the whole project is about 60 000$US. If 30 groups each give 2000$US, we will have the best seamless raster/vector set of SQL functions available by the end of 2009!
    79You can contribute with money or developer time. Contributing give you the opportunity to have a word to say on the development priorities and on the schedule.
    911For financial contribution, the conversion rate between time and money is 1200$ per week ≈ 5000US$ per month ≈ 60 000 US$ per year. Coders have to be experienced C developer with a minimal object oriented database development experience. There are some developers out there willing to offer their services to implement your needs.
    1114We expect that developers will:
    1216 * Try to follow the schedule or at least arrange it to fit their particular needs as much as possible in accordance with the project roadmap. The project is divided into coherent groups of tasks. We are very flexible on modifying the content of those sections.
    1317 * Contribute to the specifications in order to agree and to keep track of what's done. Specifications of the intented development should be described in the Specifications page and submited to the postgis-devel mailing list  for comments before starting development. Ask Pierre Racine to get write access to the specification page.