Changes between Version 50 and Version 51 of WKTRaster/PlanningAndFunding
- Timestamp:
- 04/16/09 09:04:00 (16 years ago)
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
- Modified
v50 v51 71 71 ||[ Spatial operators with semantic matching postgis ones] ||SS||February 2009||1 week||1200 by TE||done 72 72 ||GiST indexing support||PR||February 2009||1 week||1200 by SC||done 73 ||[[BR]]'''Objective 0.1.6c - Being able to load raster in the database''' 73 ||[[BR]]'''Objective 0.1.6c - Being able to load raster in the database''' ([wiki:WKTRaster/SpecificationWorking01#Objective0.1.6c-Beingabletoloadrastersinthedatabase specifications]) 74 74 || as a prototype of raster2pgsql.exe based on [ GDAL]||ML||February 2009||1 week||!DevTime from MD||done 75 75 ||raster2pgsql.exe[[BR]](tiff only, only one band, option for tiling)||TBD||March 2009||4 weeks||4800||todo 76 ||[[BR]]'''Objective 0.1.6d - Being able to get all the properties of a raster (all the "Get" functions).''' ||76 ||[[BR]]'''Objective 0.1.6d - Being able to get all the properties of a raster (all the "Get" functions).''' ([wiki:WKTRaster/SpecificationWorking01#Objective0.1.6d-BeingabletogetallthepropertiesofarasteralltheGetfunctions. specifications])|| 77 77 ||- RT_SRID(raster|geometry) -> integer[[BR]]- RT_GetWidth(raster) -> integer[[BR]]- RT_GetHeight(raster) -> integer[[BR]]- RT_GetXPixelSize(raster) -> float32[[BR]]- RT_GetYPixelSize(raster) -> float32[[BR]]- RT_GetYPixelSize(raster) -> float32[[BR]]- RT_GetXRotation(raster) -> float32[[BR]]- RT_GetYRotation(raster) -> float32[[BR]]- RT_GetXUpperLeft(raster) -> float32[[BR]]- RT_GetYUpperLeft(raster) -> float32[[BR]]- RT_GetGeoReference(raster) -> string[[BR]]- RT_GetNumBands(raster) -> integer[[BR]]- RT_GetBandPixelType(raster, band) -> string[[BR]]- RT_GetBandNoDataValue(raster, band) -> float32||ML||February 2009||1 weeks||!DevTime from MD||done|| 78 ||[[BR]]'''Objective 0.1.6e - Being able to intersect vector and raster to produce vector. ''' ||78 ||[[BR]]'''Objective 0.1.6e - Being able to intersect vector and raster to produce vector. ''' ([wiki:WKTRaster/SpecificationWorking01#Objective0.1.6e-Beingabletointersectvectorandrastertoproducevector. specifications])|| 79 79 ||- RT_GetBBox(raster) -> polygon geometry[[BR]]- RT_Envelope(raster|geometry) -> polygon geometry[[BR]]- RT_Shape(raster) -> polygon geometry[[BR]]- RT_AsPolygon(raster) -> polygon geometry set[[BR]]- RT_Intersects(raster|geometry, raster|geometry)[[BR]]- RT_Intersection(raster|geometry, raster|geometry, ‘raster’|’geometry’)->raster/geometry||PR||April-June 2009||4 weeks||4800 by SC||in-progress|| 80 ||[[BR]]'''Objective 0.1.6f - Being able to return a JPEG, a TIFF or a PNG.''' ||80 ||[[BR]]'''Objective 0.1.6f - Being able to return a JPEG, a TIFF or a PNG.''' ([wiki:WKTRaster/SpecificationWorking01#Objective0.1.6f-BeingabletoreturnaJPEGaTIFForaPNG. specifications])|| 81 81 ||- RT_Band(raster, band) -> raster[[BR]]- RT_AsJPEG(raster, band, quality) -> JPEG as "bytea"[[BR]]- RT_AsTIFF(raster, band, compression) -> TIFF as "bytea"[[BR]]- RT_AsPNG(raster, band) -> PNG as "bytea"||TBD||April 2009||2 weeks||2400||todo|| 82 82 … … 86 86 ||'''Objectives and Tasks'''||'''Coder'''||'''Approx. Schedule'''||'''Time'''||'''Fund (US$)'''||'''Status'''|| 87 87 88 ||[[BR]]'''Objective 0.2.4a - Being able to register TIFF and JPEG tiles as raster stored outside the database.''' ||88 ||[[BR]]'''Objective 0.2.4a - Being able to register TIFF and JPEG tiles as raster stored outside the database.''' ([wiki:WKTRaster/SpecificationWorking02#ObjectiveB02a-BeingabletoregisterTIFFandJPEGtilesasrasterstoredoutsidethedatabase. specifications])|| 89 89 ||Mostly changes to raster2pgsql.exe and RT_RasterFromText().[[BR]]- RT_GetPath() -> string[[BR]]- RT_SetPath(string)||TBD||||2 weeks||2400||todo|| 90 ||[[BR]]'''Objective 0.2.4b - Being able to import JPEG rasters using raster2pgsql.exe.''' ||90 ||[[BR]]'''Objective 0.2.4b - Being able to import JPEG rasters using raster2pgsql.exe.''' ([wiki:WKTRaster/SpecificationWorking02#ObjectiveB02b-BeingabletoimportJPEGrastersusingraster2pgsql.exe. specifications])|| 91 91 ||Mostly changes to raster2pgsql.exe||TBD||||1 week||1200||todo|| 92 ||[[BR]]'''Objective 0.2.4c - Being able to intersect vector and raster to produce raster.''' ||92 ||[[BR]]'''Objective 0.2.4c - Being able to intersect vector and raster to produce raster.''' ([wiki:WKTRaster/SpecificationWorking02#ObjectiveB02c-Beingabletointersectvectorandrastertoproduceraster. specifications])|| 93 93 ||- RT_AsRaster(geometry, pixelsize) -> raster[[BR]]- Changes to RT_Intersection||TBD||||4 weeks||4800||todo|| 94 ||[[BR]]'''Objective 0.2.4d - Being able to use "group by" to accumulate tiles to form a new raster.''' ||94 ||[[BR]]'''Objective 0.2.4d - Being able to use "group by" to accumulate tiles to form a new raster.''' ([wiki:WKTRaster/SpecificationWorking02#ObjectiveB02d-Beingabletousegroupbytoaccumulatetilestoformanewraster. specifications])|| 95 95 ||- RT_Union(raster|geometry, raster|geometry, ‘raster’|’geometry’) -> raster/geometry[[BR]]- RT_Accum(raster set|geometry set, ‘raster’|’geometry’) -> raster/geometry||TBD||||2 weeks||2400||todo|| 96 96