95 | | ||[[BR]]'''Objective 0.1.6f - Being able to return a JPEG, a TIFF or a PNG.''' ([wiki:WKTRaster/SpecificationWorking01#Objective0.1.6f-BeingabletoreturnaJPEGaTIFForaPNG. specifications])|||||||||| |
96 | | ||- ST_Band(raster, band) -> raster[[BR]]- ST_AsJPEG(raster, band, quality) -> JPEG as "bytea"[[BR]]- ST_AsTIFF(raster, band, compression) -> TIFF as "bytea"[[BR]]- ST_AsPNG(raster, band) -> PNG as "bytea"||ML||July - August 2010||TBD||2400 / !DevTime from ML||todo|| |
97 | | ||[[BR]]'''Objective 0.1.6h - Being able to set all the properties of a raster.''' ([wiki:WKTRaster/SpecificationWorking03 specifications])|||||||||| |
98 | | ||- ST_SetSRID(raster|geometry, integer)[[BR]]- ST_SetPixelSize(raster, pixelsizex, pixelsizey)[[BR]]- ST_SetBandNoDataValue(raster, band, nodatavalue)[[BR]]- ST_SetGeoReference(raster, string)[[BR]]- ST_SetSkew(raster, skewx, skewy)[[BR]]- ST_Rotation(raster)[[BR]]- ST_SetRotation(raster, rotation)[[BR]]- ST_SetUpperLeft(raster, x, y)||dzwarg||||1 week||Devtime from DZ||in-progress|| |
99 | | |
| 95 | ||[[BR]]'''Objective 0.1.6f - Being able to set all the properties of a raster.''' ([wiki:WKTRaster/SpecificationWorking03 specifications])|||||||||| |
| 96 | ||- ST_SetSRID(raster|geometry, integer)[[BR]]- ST_SetPixelSize(raster, pixelsizex, pixelsizey)[[BR]]- ST_SetBandNoDataValue(raster, band, nodatavalue)[[BR]]- ST_SetGeoReference(raster, string)[[BR]]- ST_SetSkew(raster, skewx, skewy)[[BR]]- ST_SetUpperLeft(raster, x, y)||dzwarg||||1 week||Devtime from DZ||in-progress|| |
| 97 | ||[[BR]]'''Objective 0.1.6g - Being able to register images as raster stored outside the database.''' ([wiki:WKTRaster/SpecificationWorking02#ObjectiveB02a-BeingabletoregisterTIFFandJPEGtilesasrasterstoredoutsidethedatabase. specifications])|||||||||| |
| 98 | ||Mostly changes to raster2pgsql.exe and ST_RasterFromText().[[BR]]- ST_BandPath() -> string[[BR]]- ST_SetPath(string)||TBD||November 2010||2 weeks||2400||todo|| |
106 | | ||[[BR]]'''Objective 0.2.4a - Being able to register TIFF and JPEG tiles as raster stored outside the database.''' ([wiki:WKTRaster/SpecificationWorking02#ObjectiveB02a-BeingabletoregisterTIFFandJPEGtilesasrasterstoredoutsidethedatabase. specifications])|||||||||| |
107 | | ||Mostly changes to raster2pgsql.exe and ST_RasterFromText().[[BR]]- ST_BandPath() -> string[[BR]]- ST_SetPath(string)||TBD||November 2010||2 weeks||2400||todo|| |
| 105 | ||[[BR]]'''Objective 0.1.6f - Being able to return a JPEG, a TIFF or a PNG.''' ([wiki:WKTRaster/SpecificationWorking01#Objective0.1.6f-BeingabletoreturnaJPEGaTIFForaPNG. specifications])|||||||||| |
| 106 | ||- ST_Band(raster, band) -> raster[[BR]]- ST_AsJPEG(raster, band, quality) -> JPEG as "bytea"[[BR]]- ST_AsTIFF(raster, band, compression) -> TIFF as "bytea"[[BR]]- ST_AsPNG(raster, band) -> PNG as "bytea"||ML||July - August 2010||TBD||2400 / !DevTime from ML||todo|| |