Changes between Version 63 and Version 64 of WKTRaster/SpecificationWorking02

07/24/12 13:41:12 (13 years ago)



  • WKTRaster/SpecificationWorking02

    v63 v64  
    87 == '''Objective 2.0.04 - Implement better support for NULL, Empty, !HasNoBand(rast), !HasNoBand(rast, band) and !BandIsNoData rasters in all functions.''' ==
    89  Each function should better handle NULL rasters, empty rasterm rasters with no band and bands only filled with nodata values.
    91   1) Generally, when NULL rasters are provided, return NULL. If the function involves a second non NULL raster and something can be done with it, do it.
    93   2) Generally, when empty rasters are provided (ST_IsEmpty, width=0 or height=0), return an empty raster. If the function involves a second non empty raster and something can be done with it, do it.
    95   2) Generally, when a !HasNoBand(rast) or a !HasNoBand(rast, band) raster is provided return a raster with no band but with the right extent. If the function involves a second raster having a band or the band, treat the first missing band like a !BandIsNoData.
    97   4) A !BandIsNoData raster is a normal raster but many functions can be optimized with this type of raster.
    99   5) All functions having missing the requested information (about its extent when it is a NULL or an empty raster or about its band when it is a !HasNoBand(rast) or a !HasNoBand(rast, band) raster) should return NULL or a documented value.
    101   6) Try as less as possible to return EXCEPTION (or ERROR).
    103  See discussion in
    105 '''ST_IsEmpty(rast) -> boolean'''
    107  Returns TRUE if the raster width or the raster height is 0.
    109 '''ST_HasNoBand'''
    111  '''Variants'''
    113   1) ST_HasNoBand(rast, band) -> boolean
    115   2) ST_HasNoBand(rast) -> boolean
    117  Returns TRUE if the the raster does not have this band.
    119  Variant 2 returns TRUE if the the raster does not have any band.
    121 '''ST_BandIsNoData'''
    123  '''Variants'''
    125   1) ST_BandIsNoData(rast, band) -> boolean
    127   2) ST_BandIsNoData(rast) -> boolean
    129  Returns TRUE if the specified raster band is only filled with no data value.
    131  Variant 2 default to band 1.
    133  '''Implementation details'''
    135  This require a new flag to be set in the core at import and at edition. See discussion in
    137 ----
    13887== '''Objective 2.0.05 - Being able to set and get values for part of a raster.''' ==
    266215 Variant 7 is useful to optimize ST_MapAlgebra.
     218== '''Objective FV.01 - Being able to return a JPEG, a TIFF, a PNG or any image format supported by GDAL - ''Done''''' ==
     220'''ST_bytea(raster, integer) -> raster''' -- the integer parameters is the band number of the raster.[[BR]]
     221What is does?
     224~~'''Open Question:''' When exporting a multiband raster to JPEG, TIFF, PNG, SVG or KML, how should we specify the band number in the exporting function.~~
     226~~There is two options to select the band to convert from a multiband raster in all the ST_AsFormat functions. [[BR]]~~
     228~~ 1. Precede each call with ST_Band() to return a selected band.[[BR]]~~
     229~~  Pros: This is a general function that can be called before any function that would otherwise require a band parameter.[[BR]]~~
     230~~  Cons: This implies creating a temporary raster. This might be more elegant and general but is this too much overhead comparing with having a band parameter?~~
     232~~ 2. Add a band parameter to each ST_AsFormat function.[[BR]]~~
     233~~  Pros: Hypothetically less overhead.[[BR]]~~
     234~~  Cons: Every functions implying access to a band should then have this parameter when in most case it would be equal to 1. In many cases it makes no sence to have to specify a band parameter since it is the whole raster that we want to export, including all the bands.~~
     236~~Pierre: More I think about it more I think that the first option is the best one...~~
     238~~mloskot: Perhaps there is a compromise in form of two sets of functions: 1) ST_As* which always burn the whole raster (all bands) 2) ST_BandAs* which takes number of band as a parameter and return only this requested band.~~
     242'''ST_Band(raster, integer) -> raster''' -- the integer parameters are the band number of the rasters.[[BR]]
     243Return a single band from a multiband raster. If "band" is greater than the value returned by ST_GetNumBands(), the function returns the last band. This function should be used to select a band before converting it to JPEG, TIFF, PNG, SVG or KML with the corresponding function. e.g. '''ST_AsTIFF(ST_Band(raster, band))
     245A complete implementation of ST_Band should include the following:
     2471. ST_Band(rast raster, nbands int[]) -> raster
     249    nbands is an array of 1-based band indices of the bands to copy into the output raster
     251    For a raster rast with 3 bands:
     253ST_Band(rast, ARRAY[1,3,2])
     255ST_Band(rast, ARRAY[3,2,1])
     257    You can rearrange the bands as above. You can also duplicate the bands:
     259ST_Band(rast, ARRAY[1,2,3,2,1])
     2622. ST_Band(rast raster, nband int) -> raster
     264    nband is a single integer of the 1-based band index of the band to copy into the output raster
     267ST_Band(rast, 1)
     269ST_Band(rast, 3)
     2723. ST_Band(rast raster, nbands text) -> raster
     274    nbands is a comma separated string of 1-based band indices indicating the bands to copy into the output raster
     277ST_Band(rast, '1,2')
     279ST_Band(rast, '1,2,3, 1, 1 , 2')
     2824. ST_Band(rast raster, nbands text, delimiter char) -> raster
     284    nbands is a user-specified delimiter separated string of 1-based band indices indicating the bands to copy into the output raster
     287ST_Band(rast, '1,2', ',')
     289ST_Band(rast, '1,2,3, 1, 1 , 2', ',')
     2925. ST_Band(rast raster) -> raster
     294    the band to extract is automatically assumed to be one.
     300If an index is outside the valid range of band indices for a raster (less than 1 or greater than the value returned by ST_NumBands), the function will fail and return.
     302~~''' Open Question: ''' Should the function fail if an index is invalid?  How should this work when providing more than one indices to the function?~~
     306'''ST_AsJPEG(raster, quality) -> JPEG as "bytea"'''[[BR]]
     308The JPEG format has several limitations:
     310  1. JPEG only allows 1 (greyscale) or 3 (RGB) bands of data
     312  2. JPEG only supports 8BUI pixeltype
     314  3. JPEG cannot embed spatial reference information within the file but can have an associated world file
     316To address the limitations:
     318  1. Use ST_Band to specify which band(s) should be passed to the ST_AsJPEG function. Variations of ST_AsJPEG are made available that allows specifying a band index. If a raster whose number of specified bands does not equal 1 or 3 is provided, a warning is raised and the first or the first three bands are used.
     320  2. Throw an exception if any of the specified bands is not 8BUI. The user should use ST_Reclass to convert any non-8BUI bands to 8BUI.
     322  3. Nothing can be done.
     324A proposed set of variations of the ST_AsJPEG function:
     3261. ST_AsJPEG(rast raster, options text[])
     328    rast: the raster with one or three bands in 8BUI pixel type to generate a JPEG image from
     330    options: array of creation options to pass to the GDAL JPEG driver
     3362. ST_AsJPEG(rast raster)
     338    Like !#1 above but use the driver's default creation options
     3403. ST_AsJPEG(rast raster, nbands int[], options text[])
     342    nbands: an integer array specifying the band indices of the raster to include in the JPEG file
     345ST_AsJPEG(rast, ARRAY[1,3,6], ARRAY['QUALITY=50'])
     3484. ST_AsJPEG(rast raster, nbands int[])
     350    Like !#3, but use the default creation options
     353ST_AsJPEG(rast, ARRAY[1,3,6])
     3565. ST_AsJPEG(rast raster, nbands int[], quality int)
     358    quality: number between 10 and 100 indicating image quality
     361ST_AsJPEG(rast, ARRAY[1,2,3], 90)
     3646. ST_AsJPEG(rast raster, nband int, options text[])
     366    nband: index of the band to include
     369ST_AsJPEG(rast, 2, ARRAY['QUALITY=25'])
     3727. ST_AsJPEG(rast raster, nband int, quality int)
     375ST_AsJPEG(rast, 5, 75)
     3788. ST_AsJPEG(rast raster, nband int)
     381ST_AsJPEG(rast, 4)
     384''OLD NOTES''
     386~~Return the raster as a JPEG encoded as a PostgreSQL bytea. By default quality is set to 75, but this option can be used to select other values. Values must be in the range 10-100. Low values result in higher compression ratios, but poorer image quality. Values above 95 are not meaningfully better quality but can but substantially larger. (copied from
     389~~'''Open Question:''' Is JPEG export limited to raster having 8 bit unsigned integer pixeltype (8BUI)?~~
     391~~[ See how GDAL do it]. It converts only 8 bits rasters. Should we do the same?~~
     393~~Otherwise, how do we convert other types to 8BUI? e.g. 16BUI or 8BSI?~~
     395~~Pierre: It might be more simple to ignore pixeltypes other than 8BUI but it would be very convenient to have a way to quickly export elevation data for example as a JPEG. It would be nice to have an elegant solution to this. Maybe something inspired from !MapServer.~~
     397~~Proposition one (Pierre): ST_AsJPEG could simply (optionally when the pixeltype is not 8BUI) map the ST_Maximum() and ST_Minimum() value to 0-255. ST_Maximum() and ST_Minimum() are not in the spec yet but this could be on nice usage of it. They will imply caching the min and max when importing and editing. Both function should ignore the !NoDataValues. They could also be two parameters passed to ST_AsJPEG(raster, quality, min, max).~~
     399~~Proposition two: There could also be just one parameter (string) defining a mapping method:~~
     401~~ * Method "None": No mapping. This is possible only for 8BUI.~~
     403~~ * Method "!MaxMinValue": Use the Max and the Min cached in the raster. e.g. for 16BSI (min, max) -> (-2033, 2456) -> (round((-2033 - -2033)/(2456 - -2033)*255), round((2456 - -2033)/(2456 - -2033)*255)) -> (0, 255).[[BR]]~~
     404~~[[BR]]This is equivalent to ST_AsJPEG(raster, quality, ST_Minimum(rast), ST_Maximum(rast))~~
     406~~ * Method "!MaxMinType": Use the Max and the Min allowed by the type. e.g. for 16BSI (min, max) -> (-2033, 2456) -> (round((-2033 - -32768)/(32767 - -32768)*255), round((2456 - -32768)/(32767 - -32768)*255)) -> (120, 137)[[BR]]~~
     407~~[[BR]]This would be equivalent to ST_AsJPEG(raster, quality, ST_BandPixelTypeMin(rast), ST_BandPixelTypeMax(rast)). Both functions (ST_BandPixelTypeMin & ST_BandPixelTypeMax) are not yet planned and I could not find an SQL query that returns the equivalent range for a type. [ One possible solution.]~~
     410~~mloskot: ATM, I have no thoughts on this issue.~~
     412~~'''Open Question:''' Is JPEG export limited to raster having 1 or 3 bands?~~
     414~~[ See how GDAL do it]. It converts only 1 or 3 band rasters. Should we do the same? In this case 1 band rasters would be exported as a greyscale JPEG having R G and B identical and 3 band rasters would be interpreted as R, G and B.~~
     416~~Pierre: I think the answer should be yes. I don't see how we could have a 2 band raster fit into RGB.~~
     418~~mloskot: I agree, the answer should be yes.~~
     420~~'''Here is an attempt to define the different versions of the function:'''~~
     422~~The most minimalistic versions of the function should assume band 1, 2 and 3 as being r, g, b and the quality equal to 75:~~
     424~~ ST_AsJPEG(raster) -quality = 75~~
     426~~A variant allow specifying the quality:~~
     428~~ ST_AsJPEG(raster, integer)~~
     430~~Another variant should enable us to specify which band correspond to the r, the g and the b:~~
     432~~ ST_AsJPEG(raster, integer, integer, integer) - raster, rband, gband, bband, quality=75~~
     434~~ ST_AsJPEG(raster, integer, integer, integer, integer) - raster, rband, gband, bband, quality~~
     436~~Another version should be designed to be used with a future ST_Band(raster) function. In this case there is no attempt to extract r, g or b band from any passed raster:~~
     438~~ ST_AsJPEG(raster, raster, raster)~~
     440~~ ST_AsJPEG(raster, raster, raster, integer) -with the quality param~~
     442~~Another series should allow converting 1 band raster with pixel of type 8BUI to a grayscale JPEG (Carefull study of the GDAL behavior when converting a single band to JPEG should be done before confirming these functions):~~
     444~~ ST_AsJPEG(raster, "GRAYSCALE") - convert only band 1 with quality = 75~~
     446~~ ST_AsJPEG(raster, "GRAYSCALE", integer) - convert only band 1 with specified quality~~
     448~~ ST_AsJPEG(raster, integer, "GRAYSCALE") - allow specifying the band number to convert~~
     450~~ ST_AsJPEG(raster, integer, "GRAYSCALE", integer) - allow specifying the band number to convert and the quality~~
     452~~Another series should allow converting 1 band raster of ANY pixel type to a grayscale JPEG. Pixel types different than 8BUI should be mapped according to specified min, max values and a mapping mode: "!MaxMinValue" (default) or "!MaxMinType".~~
     454~~ ST_AsJPEG(raster, "GRAYSCALE", min, max, text) - convert only band 1 with quality = 75~~
     456~~ ST_AsJPEG(raster, "GRAYSCALE", integer, min, max, text) - convert only band 1 with specified quality~~
     458~~ ST_AsJPEG(raster, integer, "GRAYSCALE", min, max, text) - allow specifying the band number to convert~~
     460~~ ST_AsJPEG(raster, integer, "GRAYSCALE", integer, min, max, text) - allow specifying the band number to convert and the quality~~
     464'''ST_AsTIFF(raster, compression) -> TIFF as "bytea"'''[[BR]]
     465Return the raster as a TIFF encoded as a PostgreSQL bytea. If raster is a multiband raster and no band were selected with ST_Band() every band are written to the resulting TIFF.
     467compression=[JPEG/LZW/PACKBITS/DEFLATE/CCITTRLE/CCITTFAX3/CCITTFAX4/NONE]: Set the type of compression to use. None is the default. The CCITT compression should only be used with 1bit (NBITS=1) data. JPEG should only be used with Byte data. When using JPEG add a number specifying the quality. 75 is the default. e.g. ST_AsTIFF(raster, "JPEG60") (copied from
     469A proposed implementation of the ST_AsTIFF functions.
     471The TIFF format is probably the most robust available for converting rasters to GDAL rasters. Not only does it support all PostGIS Raster pixel types, it also provides plenty of creation options and possibly no issues with the number of bands. The only limitation found is that there can only be one NODATA value for all bands.
     473''If the compression parameter/option is specified to JPEG, all bands must be of pixel type 8BUI.  If the compression parameter/option is specified to one of the CCITT options, all bands must be of pixel type 1BB.  If any band violates the restriction, an exception is raised.''
     475The next three functions are the most basic of the ST_AsTIFF functions.
     4771. ST_AsTIFF(rast raster, options text[], srs text) -> bytea
     479    The most generic version of this function. All other ST_AsTIFF functions call this function.
     481    This function will check that all bands of the raster to be converted has the same NODATA value. If there are more than one possible NODATA values, a WARNING will be raised and the output TIFF will use the NODATA value of the first band with a NODATA value.
     483        options: the GDAL creation options found in the Creation Options section of the GDAL TIFF driver
     485        srs: the user-specified OGC WKT or the proj4 text for a spatial reference to embed in the GDAL raster. TIFF is one of the formats that supports embedding the spatial reference within the image file.
     488ST_AsTIFF(rast, ARRAY['COMPRESS=DEFLATE', 'ZLEVEL=9'], '+proj=aea +lat_1=34 +lat_2=40.5 +lat_0=0 +lon_0=-120 +x_0=0 +y_0=-4000000 +ellps=GRS80 +datum=NAD83 +units=m +no_defs')
     490ST_AsTIFF(rast, ARRAY['COMPRESS=DEFLATE', 'ZLEVEL=9'], 'PROJCS["NAD83 / California Albers",GEOGCS["NAD83",DATUM["North_American_Datum_1983",SPHEROID["GRS 1980",6378137,298.257222101,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7019"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","6269"]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]],UNIT["degree",0.01745329251994328,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9122"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","4269"]],UNIT["metre",1,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9001"]],PROJECTION["Albers_Conic_Equal_Area"],PARAMETER["standard_parallel_1",34],PARAMETER["standard_parallel_2",40.5],PARAMETER["latitude_of_center",0],PARAMETER["longitude_of_center",-120],PARAMETER["false_easting",0],PARAMETER["false_northing",-4000000],AUTHORITY["EPSG","3310"],AXIS["X",EAST],AXIS["Y",NORTH]]')
     4932. ST_AsTIFF(rast raster, options text[]) -> bytea
     495This one removes the user-specified srs argument. The output TIFF's spatial reference will be set to the same as the input raster, if possible.
     5013. ST_AsTIFF(rast raster) -> bytea
     503The simplest implementation of this function. Since the options argument has been removed, the output TIFF will be created with default options. Like the prior function, the spatial reference of the TIFF will be set to the same as the input raster.
     510The next three functions add a band index argument to filter the raster's bands before generating the output TIFF.
     5124. ST_AsTIFF(rast raster, nbands int[], options text[], srs text) -> bytea
     515ST_AsTIFF(rast, ARRAY[3,1,2], ARRAY['COMPRESS=DEFLATE', 'ZLEVEL=9'], '+proj=aea +lat_1=34 +lat_2=40.5 +lat_0=0 +lon_0=-120 +x_0=0 +y_0=-4000000 +ellps=GRS80 +datum=NAD83 +units=m +no_defs')
     5185. ST_AsTIFF(rast raster, nbands int[], options text[]) -> bytea
     520This one removes the user-specified srs argument. The output TIFF's spatial reference will be set to the same as the input raster, if possible.
     523ST_AsTIFF(rast, ARRAY[3,1,2], ARRAY['COMPRESS=DEFLATE', 'ZLEVEL=9'])
     5266. ST_AsTIFF(rast raster, nbands int[]) -> bytea
     528Since the options argument has been removed, the output TIFF will be created with default options. Like the prior function, the spatial reference of the TIFF will be set to the same as the input raster.
     531ST_AsTIFF(rast, ARRAY[3,1,2])
     535The next two functions add a compression argument. If the compression desired is JPEG or DEFLATE, the user can specify a quality as part of the compression string.
     537Examples are:
     5497. ST_AsTIFF(rast raster, compression text, srs text) -> bytea
     551This function will parse the compression string for the compression type and the compression quality. It will also inspect to make sure that the pixel types of the raster's bands are appropriate for the compression type. This is primarily for JPEG and CCITT compression types, which only support 8BUI and 1BB respectively.
     554ST_AsTIFF(rast, 'JPEG90', '+proj=aea +lat_1=34 +lat_2=40.5 +lat_0=0 +lon_0=-120 +x_0=0 +y_0=-4000000 +ellps=GRS80 +datum=NAD83 +units=m +no_defs')
     556ST_AsTIFF(rast, 'JPEG', '+proj=aea +lat_1=34 +lat_2=40.5 +lat_0=0 +lon_0=-120 +x_0=0 +y_0=-4000000 +ellps=GRS80 +datum=NAD83 +units=m +no_defs')
     558ST_AsTIFF(rast, 'LZMA', '+proj=aea +lat_1=34 +lat_2=40.5 +lat_0=0 +lon_0=-120 +x_0=0 +y_0=-4000000 +ellps=GRS80 +datum=NAD83 +units=m +no_defs')
     5618. ST_AsTIFF(rast raster, compression text) -> bytea
     563The output TIFF will be created with default options. Like the prior function, the spatial reference of the TIFF will be set to the same as the input raster.
     566ST_AsTIFF(rast, 'LZMA')
     570The next two functions include band index and compression arguments
     5729. ST_AsTIFF(rast raster, nbands int[], compression text, srs text) -> bytea
     575ST_AsTIFF(rast, ARRAY[2], 'JPEG90', ARRAY['BIGTIFF=IF_NEEDED'], '+proj=aea +lat_1=34 +lat_2=40.5 +lat_0=0 +lon_0=-120 +x_0=0 +y_0=-4000000 +ellps=GRS80 +datum=NAD83 +units=m +no_defs')
     577ST_AsTIFF(rast, ARRAY[1,3], 'JPEG', ARRAY['BIGTIFF=IF_NEEDED'], '+proj=aea +lat_1=34 +lat_2=40.5 +lat_0=0 +lon_0=-120 +x_0=0 +y_0=-4000000 +ellps=GRS80 +datum=NAD83 +units=m +no_defs')
     579ST_AsTIFF(rast, ARRAY[3,1,2], 'LZMA', ARRAY['BIGTIFF=IF_NEEDED'], '+proj=aea +lat_1=34 +lat_2=40.5 +lat_0=0 +lon_0=-120 +x_0=0 +y_0=-4000000 +ellps=GRS80 +datum=NAD83 +units=m +no_defs')
     58210. ST_AsTIFF(rast raster, nbands int[], compression text) -> bytea
     585ST_AsTIFF(rast, ARRAY[3,2], 'DEFLATE9')
     588The output TIFF will be created with default options. The spatial reference of the TIFF will be set to the same as the input raster.
     591~~'''Open Question:''' What if we want to export only the first two band of a three band layer?~~
     593~~Maybe we need a ST_RasterFromBands(band1, band2, etc...) to reconstitute a multiband raster from multiple sources (having the same width, height, pixelsize, etc...)~~
     595~~mloskot: or ST_RasterFromBands(bands) where bands is ARRAY[int]. For instance, ST_RasterFromBands(ARRAY[1,3]) will burn new raster from 1 and 3 bands of input raster.~~
     598'''ST_AsPNG(raster, band) -> PNG as "bytea"'''
     600Like the JPEG raster format, the PNG format has limitations:
     602  1. PNG only allows 1 (greyscale) or 3 (RGB) bands of data
     604  2. PNG only supports 8BUI and 16BUI pixeltypes. Any other pixeltype will be written as 8BUI, though the results are probably useless
     606  3. PNG cannot embed spatial reference information within the file but can have an associated world file
     608Like JPEG, the limitations can be resolved:
     610  1. Use ST_Band to specify which band(s) should be passed to the ST_AsPNG function. If a raster whose number of specified bands does not equal 1 or 3 is provided, a warning is raised and the first or the first three bands are used.
     612  2. Throw an exception if any of the specified bands is not 8BUI or 16BUI. The user should use ST_Reclass to convert any non-8BUI or 16BUI bands to 8BUI or 16BUI.
     614  3. Nothing can be done within this function. ST_Georeference() can be used to the contents of the associated world file
     616A proposed set of variations of the ST_AsPNG function:
     6181. ST_AsPNG(rast raster, options text[])
     620    rast: the raster with one or three bands in 8BUI or 16BUI pixel type to generate a PNG image from
     622    options: array of creation options to pass to the GDAL PNG driver
     625ST_AsPNG(rast, ARRAY['ZLEVEL=9'])
     6282. ST_AsPNG(rast raster)
     630    Like !#1 above but use the driver's default creation options
     6323. ST_AsPNG(rast raster, nbands int[], options text[])
     634    nbands: an integer array specifying the band indices of the raster to include in the PNG file
     637ST_AsPNG(rast, ARRAY[3,1,2], ARRAY['ZLEVEL=9'])
     6404. ST_AsPNG(rast raster, nbands int[])
     642    Like !#3, but use the default creation options
     645ST_AsPNG(rast, ARRAY[3])
     6485. ST_AsPNG(rast raster, nbands int[], compression int)
     650    compression: number between 1 and 9 indicating the amount of time to spend on compression. 1 is fastest with least compression. 9 is slowest with best compression
     653ST_AsPNG(rast, ARRAY[2,1,3], 3)
     6566. ST_AsPNG(rast raster, nband int, options text[])
     658    nband: index of the band to include
     661ST_AsPNG(rast, 2, ARRAY['ZLEVEL=5'])
     6647. ST_AsPNG(rast raster, nband int, compression int)
     667ST_AsPNG(rast, 1, 8)
     6708. ST_AsPNG(rast raster, nband int)
     673ST_AsPNG(rast, 1)
     678'''ST_AsGDALRaster(raster, band int, type text, options text) -> bytea'''
     680Use GDAL to convert the raster into one of the format suported by GDAL.
     682This is a generic interface to outputting a supported and installed GDAL raster:
     6841. ST_AsGDALRaster(rast raster, format text, options text[], srs text) -> bytea
     686  This is the most generic and GDAL-specific method to convert a raster to a GDAL raster.  All other version of ST_AsGDALRaster and other format specific functions (ST_AsJPEG, ST_AsTIFF and ST_AsPNG) are all wrappers around this function.  Reference information for the format and options arguments of a particular format are specified at:  The arguments specified are:
     688  format: the GDAL format code.  e.g. GTiff, JPEG, PNG
     690  options: the GDAL creation options found in the '''Creation Options''' section of a specified format.  e.g. COMPRESS=JPEG, JPEG_QUALITY=90
     692  srs: the user-specified OGC WKT or the proj4 text for a spatial reference to embed in the GDAL raster.  Not all formats support embedding this information.  e.g. the non-empty value for the srtext or proj4text column from the spatial_ref_sys table.
     695ST_AsGDALRaster(rast, 'GTiff', ARRAY['COMPRESS=JPEG', 'JPEG_QUALITY=90'], '+proj=aea +lat_1=34 +lat_2=40.5 +lat_0=0 +lon_0=-120 +x_0=0 +y_0=-4000000 +ellps=GRS80 +datum=NAD83 +units=m +no_defs')
     697ST_AsGDALRaster(rast, 'GTiff', ARRAY['COMPRESS=JPEG', 'JPEG_QUALITY=90'], 'PROJCS["NAD83 / California Albers",GEOGCS["NAD83",DATUM["North_American_Datum_1983",SPHEROID["GRS 1980",6378137,298.257222101,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7019"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","6269"]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]],UNIT["degree",0.01745329251994328,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9122"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","4269"]],UNIT["metre",1,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9001"]],PROJECTION["Albers_Conic_Equal_Area"],PARAMETER["standard_parallel_1",34],PARAMETER["standard_parallel_2",40.5],PARAMETER["latitude_of_center",0],PARAMETER["longitude_of_center",-120],PARAMETER["false_easting",0],PARAMETER["false_northing",-4000000],AUTHORITY["EPSG","3310"],AXIS["X",EAST],AXIS["Y",NORTH]]')
     7012. ST_AsGDALRaster(rast raster, format text, options text[]) -> bytea
     703  This one removes the user-specified srs argument.  The output GDAL raster's spatial reference will be set to the same as the input raster, if possible.
     706ST_AsGDALRaster(rast, 'JPEG', ARRAY['QUALITY=50'])
     708ST_AsGDALRaster(rast, 'PNG', ARRAY['ZLEVEL=7'])
     7113. ST_AsGDALRaster(rast raster, format text) -> bytea
     713  The simplest implementation of this function.  Since the options argument has been removed, the output GDAL raster will be created with default options.  Like the prior function, the spatial reference of the GDAL raster will be set to the same as the input raster.
     716ST_AsGDALRaster(rast, 'JPEG')
     721'''ST_GDALDrivers() -> set of record'''
     723As each GDAL installation may be different and ST_AsGDALRaster can be used to support formats other than GTiff, JPEG and PNG, a method is needed to expose to the end user the possible GDAL formats capable of being exported.  This function will output the following columns.
     725  idx: the internal GDAL index number
     727  short_name: the GDAL format code.  This is the value to pass to the format paramenter of ST_AsGDALRaster
     729  long_name: the full name of the GDAL format
     731  create_options: the creation options available for the format as an XML string.
     733The formats outputted from ST_getGDALDrivers have been filtered to only those that the GDAL capabilities !CreateCopy and Virtual IO support.
     735'''Open Question:''' Should the GDAL raster process be capable of supporting the GDAL capability Create?  As the GDAL raster process writes nothing to a file in the filesystem (via Virtual IO), should there be support for writing the output GDAL raster temporarily to the filesystem?  If so, how is it done in other PostgreSQL extensions in a secure manner?
     739~~'''ST_srtext(rast raster) -> text'''
     741~~A helper function to get the value of column srtext or proj4text for a raster with an SRID.  By default, the srtext is returned.  If srtext is not available but proj4text is, the proj4text is returned.
     743~~This function may be removed based upon the capabilities of SPI.  It may not be possible to remove this function as the srs function argument of ST_AsGDALRaster can be NULL, thereby instructing the function to not embed any spatial reference information into the output GDAL raster.
     747'''ST_Reclass(rast raster, VARIADIC argset reclassarg[]) -> raster'''
     749Due to limitations in the JPEG (8BUI) and PNG (8BUI and 16BUI) raster formats regarding supported pixel/data types, a method must be provided that can convert a band of a larger data type to 8BUI, amongst other uses.  ST_Reclass allows raster's band pixel values to be remapped from one range of numbers to another as well as between pixel types, e.g. 32BF to 8BUI.
     751ST_Reclass returns a duplicate of the submitted raster with the bands specified to be reclassed being processed.  This means that if a raster with 5 bands are submitted and band 1 is to be reclassed, the output raster will have 5 bands with band 1 reclassified.  The other four bands will not be touched.
     7531. ST_Reclass(rast raster, VARIADIC argset reclassarg[]) -> raster
     755  rast: the raster whose specified bands are to be reclassified
     757  reclassarg: a new custom type defining the parameters required for reclassifying a band's pixel values.
     760CREATE TYPE reclassarg AS (
     762  nband int,
     764  reclassexpr text,
     766  pixeltype text,
     768  nodata double
     773    nband: index of the band to reclass (1-based)
     775    reclassexpr: reclassification expression indicating the ranges to convert from and to.  More than one expression can be provided by separating the expression with a comma (,).  The values provided can be of any valid numeric type.
     777      ''rangefrom:rangeto[, rangefrom:rangeto]''
     7820-100:0-10, 101-1000:11-100
     7840-100:0-10, 101-1000:11-100, 1001-10000:101-1000
     787      In the last example above, the default evaluation of the ranges is
     790        0 <= x < 100 reclassified to 0 <= y <= 10
     792        101 <= x < 1000 reclassified to 11 <= y <= 100
     794        1001 <= x < 10000 reclassified to 101 <= y <= 1000
     797      To change the evaluation of rangefrom, use square brackets and parentheses.
     8001. [a-b] = a <= x <= b
     8022. (a-b] = a < x <= b
     8043. [a-b) = a <= x < b
     8064. (a-b) = a < x < b
     809      !#3 above is the default evaluation of x in the range a-b. The use of square brackets and parentheses are optional, so the examples below would be permitted. Missing notations substitute the appropriate notation from #3 above.
     812[a-b = a <= x < b
     814(a-b = a < x < b
     816a-b] = a <= x <= b
     818a-b) = a <= x < b
     821      Two special cases are also available for use when x may be outside the range of a-b.  This situation is possible if your range is based upon an approximation, such as from ST_ApproxMinMax.
     824]a-b or )a-b = x < a, rule matches
     826a-b[ or a-b( = x >= b, rule matches
     829    pixeltype: the reclassified band's pixel type, e.g. 8BUI, 16BUI, 32BF
     831    nodata: the nodata value of the reclassified band.  If the source band has a nodata value, all source pixel value equal to the source nodata value will be converted to the reclassified band's nodata value.  If set to NULL, the reclassified band will NOT have a nodata value specified.
     834ST_Reclass(rast, ROW(1, '0-100:0-10, 101-1000:11-100, 1001-10000:101-1000', '16BUI', NULL));
     836ST_Reclass(rast, ROW(1, '0-100:0-10, 101-1000:11-100, 1001-10000:101-1000', '16BUI', 1001));
     839  ROW(1, '0-100:0-10, 101-1000:11-100, 1001-10000:101-1000', '16BUI', 1001),
     840  ROW(2, '0-100:0-10, 101-1000:11-100, 1001-10000:101-1000', '16BUI', 1001),
     841  ROW(3, '0-100:0-10, 101-1000:11-100, 1001-10000:101-1000', '16BUI', 1001),
     842  ROW(5, '0-100:0-10, 101-1000:11-100, 1001-10000:101-1000', '16BUI', 1001)
     846  An expanded example
     849SELECT ST_Reclass(
     850  ST_Band(rast, ARRAY[1,1,1]),
     851  ROW(1, LEAST(covmin, 0)::text || '-0:0,0-' || GREATEST(covmax, 0)::text || ':0-255', '8BUI'),
     852  ROW(2, LEAST(covmin, 0)::text || '-0:200,0-' || GREATEST(covmax, 0)::text' || ':0-255','8BUI'),
     853  ROW(3, LEAST(covmin, 0)::text || '-0:255,0-' || (GREATEST(covmax, 0)/2)::text' || ':0,' || (GREATEST(covmax, 0)/2)::text' || ':' || GREATEST(covmax, 0)::text || ':0-255', '8BUI')
     855FROM mycoverage
     8582. ST_Reclass(rast raster, nband int, reclassexpr text, pixeltype text, nodata double) -> raster
     860  provides a method to process just one band of a raster
     863ST_Reclass(rast, 1, '0-100:0-10', '8BUI', 11)
     8663. ST_Reclass(rast raster, nband int, reclassexpr text, pixeltype text) -> raster
     868  nodata parameter removed so reclassified band will NOT have a nodata value set
     871ST_Reclass(rast, 1, '0-100:0-10', '8BUI')
     8744. ST_Reclass(rast raster, reclassexpr text, pixeltype text) -> raster
     876  nband parameter removed so reclassified band is assumed to be 1.  nodata parameter removed so reclassified band has NO nodata value.
     879ST_Reclass(rast, '0-100:0-10', '8BUI')
     8825. ST_Reclass(rast raster, reclassexpr text, pixeltype text, nodata double) -> raster
     884  nband parameter removed so reclassified band is assumed to be 1
     887ST_Reclass(rast, '0-100:0-10', '8BUI', 11)
     892== '''Objective FV.02 - Being able to intersect vector and raster to produce raster.''' ==
     894'''ST_Intersects(raster, raster) -> boolean'''[[BR]]
     896This function uses the same tests as the two geometry version of ST_Intersects where tests see if two rasters overlap, touches or has one within the other.  If any condition is true, the two rasters intersect.
     898For this description, the rasters are called A and B and the bands tested are assumed to be 1.
     900Preliminary criteria before the real work begins:
     9021. make sure that rasters A and B have the same SRID.  if not, return false.
     9042. make sure that the convex hulls of A and B intersect.  if not, return false.
     906Special case where a raster may be fully contained within another raster's cell (the entirety of A within a cell of B):
     9081. using every third pixel by row and column, test each selected cell's geopoint (excluding no data by default unless exclude_nodata_value = FALSE) of A to that of B for overlap.
     9102. if a cell of A does overlap a cell of B, return true.
     9123. if no cell of A overlaps with B, continue to additional testing
     914Actual testing involves the use of calculating the intersection of grid lines between A and B
     9161. Using every third A's column and B's row, calculate the intersection point of each pair of grid lines.
     9182. If intersection point doesn't exist or is outside the bounds of the end points comprising each grid line used, go back to step 1.
     9203. If intersection point exists and within bounds, sample the area around the intersection point by offset the intersection point by a small amount (1/10th of the smaller scale of A and B) for 360 degrees starting from 00:00.  sampled points are 0, 45, 90, 135, 180, 225, 270 and 315 degrees.
     9224. At each sample point, test to see if the geopoint has non-nodata (unless including nodata) values in both A and B.  if so, return true.
     9245. At the same time as step 4, build an adjacency matrix for the intersection to see if two non-overlapping pixels from A and B touch.
     9266. Once all sample points have been tested and no overlapping pixels found, the adjacency matrix is checked to see if any sampled pixel of A touched a sampled pixel of B.  If two pixels touched, return true.
     9287. If after all the searching and testing, nothing intersects or touches, return false.
     930A set of ST_Intersects functions for rasters:
     9321. ST_Intersects(raster rastA, raster rastB, integer bandA DEFAULT NULL, integer bandB DEFAULT NULL) -> boolean
     934If bandA and bandB are NULL, only the convex hulls of the rasters will be tested.  If bandA or bandB are provided, both parameters must be provided and not NULL.
     9362. ST_Intersects(raster rastA, integer bandA, raster rastB, integer bandB) -> boolean
     938A refactored set of St_Intersects() for testing a raster and a geometry.  The first set converts the geometry to a raster to see if the two rasters intersect.
     9403. ST_Intersects(rast raster, geom geometry, nband integer DEFAULT NULL) -> boolean
     9424. ST_Intersects(rast raster, nband integer, geom geometry) -> boolean
     944The second set of ST_Intersects() for testing a raster and a geometry converts the raster to a geometry and sees if the geometries intersect.
     9465. ST_Intersects(geom geometry, rast raster, nband DEFAULT NULL) -> boolean
     948The order in which the geometry and raster are passed into ST_Intersects determines which method of testing is used.  If geometry is first, the raster is converted to a set of geometries.  If raster is first, the geometry is converted to a raster.
     950These set of functions are required because there are cases where ST_Intersects(raster, geometry) != ST_Intersects(geometry, raster).
     954In the image above, the black border denotes the boundary of a triangle polygon and the red within is the raster version of the geometry.  The polygon touches the raster in blue while the red raster does not.
     956'''ST_AsRaster(geometry, pixeltype, val, nodataval, ulx, uly, width, height, pixelsizex, pixelsizey, skewx, skewy) -> raster'''
     958ST_AsRaster provides the ability convert a geometry into a raster. To create the raster, the X and Y scale or the width and height of the raster must be provided.
     960The output raster will be in the same coordinate system as the source geometry. The only exception is for ST_AsRaster variations with a raster input parameter.
     9621. ST_AsRaster([[BR]]
     963        geom geometry,[[BR]]
     964        scalex double precision, scaley double precision,[[BR]]
     965        gridx double precision DEFAULT NULL, gridy double precision DEFAULT NULL,[[BR]]
     966        pixeltype text[] DEFAULT ARRAY!['8BUI']::text[],[[BR]]
     967        value double precision[] DEFAULT ARRAY![1]::double precision[],[[BR]]
     968        nodataval double precision[] DEFAULT ARRAY![0]::double precision[],[[BR]]
     969        skewx double precision DEFAULT 0, skewy double precision DEFAULT 0,[[BR]]
     970        touched boolean DEFAULT FALSE
     971) -> raster
     973    geom: the geometry to convert to a raster. Can be any valid PostGIS geometry.
     975    scalex: the scale/pixel size in the X axis of the output raster. If scalex and scaley are zero (0), the output raster's scale will be autocomputed.
     977    scaley: the scale/pixel size in the Y axis of the output raster. If scalex and scaley are zero (0), the output raster's scale will be autocomputed.
     979    pixeltype: array of pixel types for each band. Each array element is a band.
     981    value: array of values to burn into the raster for the geometry. Each array element is a band.
     983    nodataval: array of nodata values to burn into the raster. Each array element is a band. If an array element is null, that band will not have a nodata value.
     985    upperleftx: the X value of the upper-left corner of the output raster
     987    upperlefty: the Y value of the upper-left corner of the output raster
     989    gridx: the X coordinate of a point on the grid to which the raster will be aligned. Value is in the raster's world coordinates.
     991    gridy: the Y coordinate of a point on the grid to which the raster will be aligned. Value is in the raster's world coordinates.
     993    skewx: the skew along the X axis of the raster. by default, the skew along the X axis is zero.
     995    skewy: the skew along the Y axis of the raster. by default, the skew along the X axis is zero.
     997    touched: from the GDAL man page for gdal_rasterize: "Enables the ALL_TOUCHED rasterization option so that all pixels touched by lines or polygons will be updated not just those one the line render path, or whose center point is within the polygon. Defaults to disabled for normal rendering rules."
     999''If the number of elements for pixeltype, value and nodataval do not match, the minimum number of elements will be used.''
     10012. ST_AsRaster(
     1002        geom geometry,[[BR]]
     1003        scalex double precision, scaley double precision,[[BR]]
     1004        pixeltype text[],[[BR]]
     1005        value double precision[] DEFAULT ARRAY![1]::double precision[],[[BR]]
     1006        nodataval double precision[] DEFAULT ARRAY![0]::double precision[],[[BR]]
     1007        upperleftx double precision DEFAULT NULL, upperlefty double precision DEFAULT NULL,[[BR]]
     1008        skewx double precision DEFAULT 0, skewy double precision DEFAULT 0,[[BR]]
     1009        touched boolean DEFAULT FALSE
     1010) -> raster
     10123. ST_AsRaster(
     1013        geom geometry,[[BR]]
     1014        width integer, height integer,[[BR]]
     1015        gridx double precision DEFAULT NULL, gridy double precision DEFAULT NULL,[[BR]]
     1016        pixeltype text[] DEFAULT ARRAY!['8BUI']::text[],[[BR]]
     1017        value double precision[] DEFAULT ARRAY![1]::double precision[],[[BR]]
     1018        nodataval double precision[] DEFAULT ARRAY![0]::double precision[],[[BR]]
     1019        skewx double precision DEFAULT 0, skewy double precision DEFAULT 0,[[BR]]
     1020        touched boolean DEFAULT FALSE
     1021) -> raster
     10234. ST_AsRaster(
     1024        geom geometry,[[BR]]
     1025        width integer, height integer,[[BR]]
     1026        pixeltype text[],[[BR]]
     1027        value double precision[] DEFAULT ARRAY![1]::double precision[],[[BR]]
     1028        nodataval double precision[] DEFAULT ARRAY![0]::double precision[],[[BR]]
     1029        upperleftx double precision DEFAULT NULL, upperlefty double precision DEFAULT NULL,[[BR]]
     1030        skewx double precision DEFAULT 0, skewy double precision DEFAULT 0,[[BR]]
     1031        touched boolean DEFAULT FALSE
     1032) -> raster
     10345. ST_AsRaster(
     1035        geom geometry,[[BR]]
     1036        scalex double precision, scaley double precision,[[BR]]
     1037        gridx double precision, gridy double precision,[[BR]]
     1038        pixeltype text,[[BR]]
     1039        value double precision DEFAULT 1,[[BR]]
     1040        nodataval double precision DEFAULT 0,[[BR]]
     1041        skewx double precision DEFAULT 0, skewy double precision DEFAULT 0,[[BR]]
     1042        touched boolean DEFAULT FALSE
     1043) -> raster
     10456. ST_AsRaster(
     1046        geom geometry,[[BR]]
     1047        scalex double precision, scaley double precision,[[BR]]
     1048        pixeltype text,[[BR]]
     1049        value double precision DEFAULT 1,[[BR]]
     1050        nodataval double precision DEFAULT 0,[[BR]]
     1051        upperleftx double precision DEFAULT NULL, upperlefty double precision DEFAULT NULL,[[BR]]
     1052        skewx double precision DEFAULT 0, skewy double precision DEFAULT 0,[[BR]]
     1053        touched boolean DEFAULT FALSE
     1054) -> raster
     10567. ST_AsRaster(
     1057        geom geometry,[[BR]]
     1058        width integer, height integer,[[BR]]
     1059        gridx double precision, gridy double precision,[[BR]]
     1060        pixeltype text,[[BR]]
     1061        value double precision DEFAULT 1,[[BR]]
     1062        nodataval double precision DEFAULT 0,[[BR]]
     1063        skewx double precision DEFAULT 0, skewy double precision DEFAULT 0,[[BR]]
     1064        touched boolean DEFAULT FALSE
     1065) -> raster
     10678. ST_AsRaster(
     1068        geom geometry,[[BR]]
     1069        width integer, height integer,[[BR]]
     1070        pixeltype text,[[BR]]
     1071        value double precision DEFAULT 1,[[BR]]
     1072        nodataval double precision DEFAULT 0,[[BR]]
     1073        upperleftx double precision DEFAULT NULL, upperlefty double precision DEFAULT NULL,[[BR]]
     1074        skewx double precision DEFAULT 0, skewy double precision DEFAULT 0,[[BR]]
     1075        touched boolean DEFAULT FALSE
     1076) -> raster
     10789. ST_AsRaster(
     1079        geom geometry,[[BR]]
     1080        ref raster,[[BR]]
     1081        pixeltype text[] DEFAULT ARRAY!['8BUI']::text[],[[BR]]
     1082        value double precision[] DEFAULT ARRAY![1]::double precision[],[[BR]]
     1083        nodataval double precision[] DEFAULT ARRAY![0]::double precision[],[[BR]]
     1084        touched boolean DEFAULT FALSE
     1085) -> raster
     108710. ST_AsRaster(
     1088        geom geometry,[[BR]]
     1089        ref raster,[[BR]]
     1090        pixeltype text,[[BR]]
     1091        value double precision DEFAULT 1,[[BR]]
     1092        nodataval double precision DEFAULT 0,[[BR]]
     1093        touched boolean DEFAULT FALSE
     1094) -> raster
     1097~~ * Rasterize the provided geometry to a raster created using the specified parameters.~~
     1098~~ * Implemented as a wrapper around GDAL like ST_DumpAsPolygons() does.~~
     1099~~ * ST_AsRaster is necessary to implement ST_Intersection(geometry, raster, band) -> raster and an eventual ST_BurnToRaster(raster, geometry)  -> raster where the provided geometry is first rasterized to the same alignment as the other raster involved.~~
     1100~~ * Each geometry of a table is rasterized as one raster. To produce a global unique raster including all the geometries of a table (loosing overlaps by the way), a user must use the planned ST_Union aggregate function to merge all the rasters together optionally in a GROUP BY query grouping some rows together.~~
     1102~~ * The raster is burned with the specified value converted (or truncated) with a warning to the provided pixeltype. The hasnodatavalue flag of the resulting raster must be set and the nodata value is set to the provided value (expect in variant 10 and 12).~~
     1104~~ * Alignment, width, height and pixelsize are optionally computed:~~[[BR]]
     1105~~ -From the vector extent of the geometry,~~[[BR]]
     1106~~ -Imposed with parameters,~~[[BR]]
     1107~~ -From another provided raster.~~
     1109~~ * Alignment can be optionally specified as:~~[[BR]]
     1110~~ -A x and a y world coordinates specifying an arbitrary pixel corner. Although it can be, it IS NOT necessarily the coordinates of the upper left corner pixel.~~[[BR]]
     1111~~ -A ulx and a uly world coordinates specifying the upperleft corner of the raster. This IS NECESSARILY the upper left corner of the upperleft pixel. In this case a width and a height must also be provided.~~[[BR]]
     1112~~ -An existing raster. The x and y are derived from the provided raster and the resulting raster has the same ulx, uly, width and height as the provided raster. A 'CROP' option  allows cropping the resulting raster to the minimal extent of the geometry keeping the x and y alignment of the provided raster.~~[[BR]]
     1113~~ -Default alignment is the upper left corner of the envelope of the geometry. This might result in table where all rasters are misaligned, but this is useful when reconverting to raster a set of polygons vectorized from rasters (with ST_DumpAsPolygon() or ST_Intersection()).~~
     1115~~ * Pixelsize can be optionally specified as:~~[[BR]]
     1116~~ -One or two floating point numbers. If only one is provided, both x and y pixelsizes are assigned the same value.~~[[BR]]
     1117~~ -A width and a height (integers). In this case the x pixelsize is the x extent divided by the provided width and the y pixelsize is the y extent divided by the provided height. This is useful only when the alignment is specified as the upper left corner of the raster.~~[[BR]]
     1118~~ -“FIRST_SEGMENT_LENGTH”. The pixelsize is set to the length of the first line segment encountered in the geometry. This is useful when reconverting to raster polygons vectorized from rasters (with ST_DumpAsPolygon() or ST_Intersection()). In this case, all segments are of the same length which is the original raster pixel size. This is useful only when alignment is not specified. If the geometry is a point, return an error.~~[[BR]]
     1119~~ -Default is the smallest of the width or height of the extent of the source geometry divided by 250. If the smallest of the width or height of the extent of the source geometry is zero then a warning is reported an no NULL is returned.~~
     1121~~ * It would be interesting to have a 'ADD_WEIGHTING_INFO' option to create a second band with the length of the line or the area of polygon (or the distance to the center of points) intersecting each pixel. This band could then be used in a ST_Union(rast, 'MAX_LENGTH') or a ST_Union(rast, 'MAX_AREA') function burning the value of the line having the longest intersection with the pixel or the value of the polygon having the biggest intersecting area. For this to be useful ST_Union should work with a ST_MapAlgebra(rast1, rast2) able to refer to pixel value in any band (e.g. rast1.2 referring to the pixel value in the second band). The ST_Union(rast, 'MAX_LENGTH') aggregate could then be implemented with the following state expression: 'CASE WHEN rast1.2 > rast2.2 THEN rast1.1 ELSE rast2.1 ENDIF'. Otherwise we would have to imbricate four Mapalgebra functions. ST_Union(rast, 'MAX_COMBINED_LENGTH') could use a ST_MapAlgebra(rast1, rast2) able to take a custom user function. The state function would accumulate, in a temporary table, the total intersecting length or area for a same value over every overlapping pixels and the final function would determine which of the values from the temporary table would be the right one to burn in the final raster pixel. Variations of ST_Union which could then be easily implemented could be: ST_Union(rast, 'WEIGHTED') to weight the value with the length, the area or the count, ST_Union(rast, 'MOST_FREQUENT') to burn the value for the most frequent points values.~~
     1123~~ '''Variants'''~~
     1125~~ * There are many variants because we are creating a raster from scratch. We want to make it easy (serie one and four) to convert geometries to raster and at the same time we want to have flexibility to control the resulting raster properties (series two and three).~~
     1126~~ * Variant 3, 5 and 13 are the most useful.~~
     1127~~ * Variant 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 are also useful.~~
     1128~~ * Variant 1, 2, 4 are useful for quick conversion.~~
     1129~~ * All variant should be pl/pgsql variant of variant 9 which is the only one needing to be implemented as a rt_pg functions.~~
     1131~~ * The '''first series of variant''' get their alignment from the extent of the geometry.~~
     1133~~ 1) ST_AsRaster(geometry, pixeltype, val, nodataval) – 0, alignment is computed from the geometry envelope, pixel size is computed by dividing the extent by 250. This variant is optional and discouraged as it results in many unaligned rasters for a table with many geometries.~~
     1135~~ 2) ST_AsRaster(geometry, pixeltype, val, nodataval, pixelsize float8) – 1, x and y are computed from upper left corner it the geometry envelope. This variant is optional and discouraged as it results in many unaligned rasters for a table with many geometries.~~
     1137~~ 3) ST_AsRaster(geometry, pixeltype, val, nodataval, ‘FIRST_SEGMENT_LENGTH’) – 0, ulx and uly are get from the envelope, pixel size from the length of the first segment. This variant is useful only to rasterize geometries produced by ST_DumpAsPolygon or ST_Intersection. Otherwise it discouraged as it would result in many unaligned rasters for a table with many geometries.~~
     1139~~ * The '''second series of variant''' have their alignment specified by an arbitrary pixel corner of the desired raster.~~
     1141~~ 4) ST_AsRaster(geometry, pixeltype, val, nodataval, x float8, y float8) – 2, pixel size is computed by dividing the extent by 250. This variant is optional and discouraged as it results in many unaligned rasters for a table with many geometries.~~
     1143~~ 5) ST_AsRaster(geometry, pixeltype, val, nodataval, x float8, y float8, pixelsize) – 3, this is one of the preferred variant when the geometry is not the result of ST_DumpAsPolygon or ST_Intersection.~~
     1145~~ 6) ST_AsRaster(geometry, pixeltype, val, nodataval, x float8, y float8, pixelsizex, pixelsizey) - 4, this is one of the preferred variant when the geometry is not the result of ST_DumpAsPolygon or ST_Intersection.~~
     1147~~ 7) ST_AsRaster(geometry, pixeltype, val, nodataval, x float8, y float8, pixelsizex, pixelsizey, skewx, skewy) – 6, this is one of the preferred variant when the geometry is not the result of ST_DumpAsPolygon or ST_Intersection.~~
     1149~~ * The '''third series of variant''' have their alignment specified by the upper left corner of the upper left pixel of the desired raster.~~
     1151~~ 8) ST_AsRaster(geometry, pixeltype, val, nodataval, ulx, uly, width, height, pixelsize) – 2,2,1, this is useful to rasterize geometries to a common raster extent. Some geometries might be outside the extent of the desired raster extent resulting in a nodata value raster.~~
     1153~~ 9) ST_AsRaster(geometry, pixeltype, val, nodataval, ulx, uly, width, height, pixelsizex, pixelsizey, skewx, skewy) – 2,2,4, this is useful to rasterize geometries to a common raster extent. Some geometries might be outside the extent of the desired raster extent resulting in a nodata value raster. This is the only variant which must be implemented in the tr_pg layer. All other variant must be implemented in pl/PgSQL and derive the argument to call this variant.~~
     1155~~ * The '''fourth series of variant''' get their alignment (and size for variant 10 and 12) from an existing raster. Variant 10 and 11 keep the same extent as the provided raster and variant 12 and 13 have their extent cropped to the extent of the geometry.~~
     1157~~ 10) ST_AsRaster(geometry, val, raster) – 0, the target raster metadata (including pixeltype, hasnodatavalue and nodatavalue) are copied from the provided raster~~
     1159~~ 11) ST_AsRaster(geometry, pixeltype, val, nodataval, raster) – 0, the target raster metadata are copied from the provided raster.~~
     1161~~ 12) ST_AsRaster(geometry, val, raster, “CROP”) – 0, the target raster alignment and pixel size are copied from the provided raster (including pixeltype, hasnodatavalue and nodatavalue) but the extent is reduced to the geometry extent. We should not create a (too big) raster and crop at the end. The final extent should be computed BEFORE burning.~~
     1163~~ 13) ST_AsRaster(geometry, pixeltype, val, nodataval, raster, “CROP”) – 0, the target raster alignment and pixel size are copied from the provided raster but the extent is reduced to the geometry extent. We should not create a (too big) raster and crop at the end. The final extent should be computed BEFORE burning.~~
     1165~~ '''Questions'''~~
     1167~~ -How does GDAL/ArcGIS choose the pixel size and the ul of the final raster?~~
     1169~~ -How does GDAL/ArcGIS allow selecting the value column -What if it is a text column?~~
     1171~~ -How does GDAL/ArcGIS allow giving a thickness to points and lines -No thickness is given. All pixels intersecting the geometry are burned following a selected method.~~
     1173~~ -How does GDAL/ArcGIS select which value to assign to the pixel when two or more features intersect with the pixel?~~
     1175'''ST_Intersection(raster, band, geometry) -> raster'''
     1177ST_Intersection is plpgsql function wrapping the two-raster ST_MapAlgebra functions.  Performance should be about the same as calling ST_MapAlgebra directly except for the case where returnband is BOTH as that results in two separate ST_MapAlgebra calls.
     1179A set of ST_Intersection functions for raster, raster.
     11821. ST_Intersection(
     1183    rast1 raster, nband1 int,
     1184    rast2 raster, nband2 int,
     1185    returnband text DEFAULT 'BOTH',
     1186    otheruserfunc regprocedure DEFAULT NULL
     1190  returnband: can be FIRST, SECOND, BOTH, OTHER
     1192    * FIRST returns the band of rast1 in the intersecting extent. returning raster will have one band.
     1193    * SECOND returns the band of rast2 in the intersecting extent. returning raster will have one band.
     1194    * BOTH returns the bands of rast1 and rast2 in the intersection extent. returning raster will have two bands.
     1195    * OTHER returns the computed band based upon rast1 and rast2 in the intersecting extent. returning raster will have one band. If OTHER, must provide a regprocedure to otherfunc
     1197  otheruserfunc: function to call when returnband = OTHER. Function format must be identical to tworastuserfunc of 2-raster ST_MapAlgebraFct.
     12002. ST_Intersection(
     1201    rast1 raster, nband1 int,
     1202    rast2 raster, nband2 int,
     1203    otheruserfunc regprocedure
     12083. ST_Intersection(
     1209    rast1 raster,
     1210    rast2 raster,
     1211    returnband text DEFAULT 'BOTH',
     1212    otheruserfunc regprocedure DEFAULT NULL
     12174. ST_Intersection(
     1218    rast1 raster,
     1219    rast2 raster,
     1220    otheruserfunc regprocedure
     1224A set of ST_Intersection functions for raster, geometry (converted to raster).
     12271. ST_Intersection(
     1228    rast raster, nband int,
     1229    geom geometry,
     1230    extent text DEFAULT 'INTERSECTION',
     1231    otheruserfunc regprocedure DEFAULT NULL
     1235  extent: can be INTERSECTION, FIRST, SECOND, UNION though FIRST and INTERSECTION will probably be the most commonly used
     12382. ST_Intersection(
     1239    rast raster, nband int,
     1240    geom geometry,
     1241    otheruserfunc regprocedure
     12463. ST_Intersection(
     1247    rast raster,
     1248    geom geometry,
     1249    extent text DEFAULT 'INTERSECTON',
     1250    otheruserfunc regprocedure DEFAULT NULL
     12554. ST_Intersection(
     1256    rast raster,
     1257    geom geometry,
     1258    otheruserfunc regprocedure
     1262~~ The first series of variant return a raster having the same extent as the provided raster.
     1264~~  Variant 1: ST_Intersection(geometry, val, raster, band, pixeltype, nodatavalue) -> raster
     1266~~  Variant 2: ST_Intersection(raster, band, geometry, val, pixeltype, nodatavalue) -> raster
     1268~~  Variant 3: ST_Intersection(geometry, val, raster, pixeltype, nodatavalue) -> raster
     1270~~  Variant 4: ST_Intersection(raster, geometry, val, pixeltype, nodatavalue) -> raster
     1272~~ The second series of variant return a raster having the minimal extent.
     1274~~  Variant 5: ST_Intersection(geometry, val, raster, band, pixeltype, nodatavalue, 'TRIM') -> raster
     1276~~  Variant 6: ST_Intersection(raster, band, geometry, val, pixeltype, nodatavalue, 'TRIM') -> raster
     1278~~  Variant 7: ST_Intersection(geometry, val, raster, pixeltype, nodatavalue, 'TRIM') -> raster
     1280~~  Variant 8: ST_Intersection(raster, geometry, val, pixeltype, nodatavalue, 'TRIM') -> raster
     1282~~ Returns a two bands raster the first band containing only the pixels from the provided raster intersecting with the geometry and the second band containing the same area filled with the provided value.
     1284~~ The second band gets its pixeltype and nodatavalue from the parameters.
     1286~~ Non intersecting pixels are filled with nodata values.
     1288~~ Variant 1 return a raster having the same extent as the provided raster.
     1290~~ Variant 3, 4, 7 and 8 defaults the band number to 1.
     1292~~ Variant 5 to 8 "trim" or "crop" the raster to the withvalue extent (removing extra nodata value pixels surrounding the extent of the resulting withvalue extent).
     1295~~ '''Open questions'''
     1297~~ PR: Shoud we return one raster per raster/geometry couple or split the raster into as many small rasters as there are areas sharing a same value? The second behavior seems more coherent with the present behavior of ST_Intersection(raster, geometry) -> geometry even if this would produce tons of small two bands rasters.
     1299~~ '''Implementation details'''
     1301~~ Rasterize the geometry as a new raster (ST_AsRaster(geometry, pixeltype, val, nodataval, raster)) and then copy only pixels for which both raster bands have a value.
     1302~~ Should be implemented as a wrapper around ST_MapAlgebra after rasterizing the geometry to a raster having the same alignment as the raster.
     1306== '''Objective FV.03 - ST_MapAlgebra (1 and 2 raster variants)''' ==
     1308'''Two raster ST_MapAlgebra'''
     1310These set of functions take two input rasters and create a 1-band output raster with the extent defined by extenttype.
     13131. ST_MapAlgebraExpr(
     1314        rast1 raster, band1 integer,[[BR]]
     1315        rast2 raster, band2 integer,[[BR]]
     1316        expression text,[[BR]]
     1317        pixeltype text DEFAULT NULL, extenttype text DEFAULT 'INTERSECTION',[[BR]]
     1318        nodata1expr text DEFAULT NULL, nodata2expr text DEFAULT NULL,[[BR]]
     1319        nodatanodataval double precision DEFAULT NULL
     1320) -> raster
     1322    rast1: the FIRST raster upon which a map algebra operation is to be done
     1324    band1: the band index (1-based) of the FIRST raster upon whose pixels a map algebra operation is to be done
     1326    rast2: the SECOND raster upon which a map algebra operation is to be done
     1328    band2: the band index (1-based) of the SECOND raster upon whose pixels a map algebra operation is to be done
     1330    expression: valid SQL expression resulting in a double precision value or NULL.  called when band 1 pixel AND band 2 pixel are NOT NODATA
     1332    pixeltype: the datatype of the output raster's one band
     1334    extenttype: one of the following (INTERSECTION, UNION, FIRST, SECOND)
     1336    nodata1expr: valid SQL expression resulting in a double precision value or NULL.  called when band 1 pixel IS NODATA and band 2 pixel IS NOT NODATA
     1338    nodata2expr: valid SQL expression resulting in a double precision value or NULL.  called when band 1 pixel IS NOT NODATA and band 2 pixel IS NODATA
     1340    nodatanodataval: double precision value used when band1 pixel and band 2 pixel are NODATA
     1343ST_MapAlgebraExpr(r1.rast, 1, r2.rast, 2, 'rast1', '32BF', 'INTERSECTION')
     1345ST_MapAlgebraExpr(r1.rast, 1, r2.rast, 2, '((rast1 + rast2)/2.)::numeric', '32BF', 'UNION', 'rast2', 'rast1', NULL)
     1347ST_MapAlgebraExpr(r1.rast, 1, r2.rast, 2, 'CASE WHEN rast2 IS NOT NULL THEN NULL ELSE rast1 END', '32BF', 'FIRST', NULL, 'rast1', NULL)
     1349ST_MapAlgebraExpr(r1.rast, 1, r2.rast, 2, 'CASE WHEN rast1 IS NOT NULL THEN NULL ELSE rast2 END', '32BF', 'SECOND', 'rast2', NULL, NULL)
     13522. ST_MapAlgebraExpr(
     1353        rast1 raster,[[BR]]
     1354        rast2 raster,[[BR]]
     1355        expression text,[[BR]]
     1356        pixeltype text DEFAULT NULL, extenttype text DEFAULT 'INTERSECTION',[[BR]]
     1357        nodata1expr text DEFAULT NULL, nodata2expr text DEFAULT NULL,[[BR]]
     1358        nodatanodataval double precision DEFAULT NULL
     1359) -> raster
     1362ST_MapAlgebraExpr(r1.rast, r2.rast, 'rast1', '32BF', 'INTERSECTION')
     1364ST_MapAlgebraExpr(r1.rast, r2.rast, '((rast1 + rast2)/2.)::numeric', '32BF', 'UNION', 'rast2', 'rast1', NULL)
     1366ST_MapAlgebraExpr(r1.rast, r2.rast, 'CASE WHEN rast2 IS NOT NULL THEN NULL ELSE rast1 END', '32BF', 'FIRST', NULL, 'rast1', NULL)
     1368ST_MapAlgebraExpr(r1.rast, r2.rast, 'CASE WHEN rast1 IS NOT NULL THEN NULL ELSE rast2 END', '32BF', 'SECOND', 'rast2', NULL, NULL)
     1371This set of 2-raster ST_MapAlgebra functions require a user-provided function instead of expressions.  The user-provided function must receive three parameters (two double precision and one VARIADIC text array) and returns one double precision value.  A template for this user-provided function would be:
     1374CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION userfunction(rast1 double precision, rast2 double precision, VARIADIC arg text[])
     1375        RETURNS double precision
     1376        AS $$
     1377        DECLARE
     1378        BEGIN
     1379                -- your code here
     1380        END;
     1381        $$
     1382        LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
     1385The function should be able to support a NULL input parameter.  The function may also be STRICT.
     13871. ST_MapAlgebraFct(
     1388        rast1 raster, band1 integer,[[BR]]
     1389        rast2 raster, band2 integer,[[BR]]
     1390        userfunction regprocedure,[[BR]]
     1391        pixeltype text DEFAULT NULL, extenttype text DEFAULT 'INTERSECTION',[[BR]]
     1392        VARIADIC userargs text[] DEFAULT NULL
     1396ST_MapAlgebraFct(r1.rast, 1, r2.rast, 1, 'raster_mapalgebra_intersection(double precision, double precision, text[])'::regprocedure, '32BF', 'INTERSECTION')
     13992. ST_MapAlgebraFct(
     1400        rast1 raster,[[BR]]
     1401        rast2 raster,[[BR]]
     1402        userfunction regprocedure,[[BR]]
     1403        pixeltype text DEFAULT NULL, extenttype text DEFAULT 'INTERSECTION',[[BR]]
     1404        VARIADIC userargs text[] DEFAULT NULL
     1408ST_MapAlgebraFct(r1.rast, r2.rast, 'raster_mapalgebra_intersection(double precision, double precision, text[])'::regprocedure, '32BF', 'INTERSECTION')
     1412== '''Objective FV.14 - Being able to intersect two rasters to get a raster.''' ==
     1414'''ST_Intersection(raster, integer, raster, integer) -> raster''' - Returns a two bands raster with values only in the intersecting areas of both rasters. Integer parameters are the band number of the raster.
     1416Please look at ST_Intersection(raster, geometry) in FV.01 for complete specs.
     1418~~ '''Variants'''
     1420~~  1) ST_Intersection(raster, integer, raster, integer) -> raster -- the integer parameters are the band number of the rasters[[BR]]
     1421~~  2) ST_Intersection(raster, raster, integer) -> raster -- default first raster to band # 1[[BR]]
     1422~~  3) ST_Intersection(raster, integer, raster) -> raster -- default second raster to band # 1[[BR]]
     1423~~  4) ST_Intersection(raster, raster) -> raster -- default both rasters to band # 1
     1426== '''Objective FV.16 - Being able to quickly get raster statistics. - ''Done''''' ==
     1428'''Add cached basic raster statistic to the base raster WKB format.
     1430Statistics to be cached should include:
     1432  min/max[[BR]]
     1433  mean[[BR]]
     1434  standard deviation[[BR]]
     1435  histogram[[BR]]
     1436  build parameters of stats (sample rate, method used to determine # of bins in histogram?)[[BR]]
     1438How are the statistics to be kept fresh?  Automatically using some method to see how much of the raster has changed since the last stats calculation?  Or let the user decide?
     1442'''ST_SummaryStats(raster, nband) -> record'''[[BR]]
     1443This is the core function that gets the summary statistics (# of values, mean, standard deviation, minimum value, maximum value) of a specified raster's band.  It is this function that ST_Mean, ST_StdDev and ST_MinMax calls for their appropriate values.
     14451. ST_SummaryStats(rast raster, nband int, exclude_nodata_value boolean) -> record
     1447  returns one record of five columns (count, mean, stddev, min, max)
     1449  nband: index of band
     1451  exclude_nodata_value: if FALSE, nodata values in band are included in the stats. if TRUE, nodata values are not included
     1454ST_SummaryStats(rast, 1, FALSE)
     14572. ST_SummaryStats(rast raster, nband int) -> record
     1459  assumes exclude_nodata_value = TRUE
     1462ST_SummaryStats(rast, 2)
     14653. ST_SummaryStats(rast raster, exclude_nodata_value boolean) -> record
     1467  assumes nband = 1
     1470ST_SummaryStats(rast, TRUE)
     14734. ST_SummaryStats(rast raster) -> record
     1475  assumes nband = 1 and exclude_nodata_value = TRUE
     1481Due to the time it may take to do on-the-fly calculation of summary stats for large rasters (say 10000 x 10000), an alternative that sacrifices accuracy for speed is required.  The following functions sample a percentage of the raster in a methodical randomized manner.  The algorithm used for sampling is...
     14831. select the larger dimension of the width and height.  compute the number of pixels to sample in each "row" of the larger dimension
     14852. pick pixels from each "row" of the larger dimension in an incremental rolling manner where each increment is randomly determined.
     1487The set of ST_ApproxSummaryStats functions are:
     14891. ST_ApproxSummaryStats(rast raster, nband int, exclude_nodata_value boolean, sample_percent double precision) -> record
     1491  sample_percent: a value between 0 and 1 indicating the percentage of the raster band's pixels to consider
     1494ST_ApproxSummaryStats(rast, 3, FALSE, 0.1)
     1496ST_ApproxSummaryStats(rast, 1, TRUE, 0.5)
     14992. ST_ApproxSummaryStats(rast raster, nband int, sample_percent double precision) -> record
     1501  assumes that nband = 1
     1504ST_ApproxSummaryStats(rast, 2 0.01)
     1506ST_ApproxSummaryStats(rast, 4, 0.025)
     15093. ST_ApproxSummaryStats(rast raster, exclude_nodata_value boolean, sample_percent double precision) -> record
     1511  assumes that nband = 1
     1514ST_ApproxSummaryStats(rast, FALSE, 0.01)
     1516ST_ApproxSummaryStats(rast, TRUE, 0.025)
     15194. ST_ApproxSummaryStats(rast raster, sample_percent double precision) -> record
     1521  assumes that nband = 1 and exclude_nodata_value = TRUE
     1524ST_ApproxSummaryStats(rast, 0.25)
     15275. ST_ApproxSummaryStats(rast raster) -> record
     1529  assumes that nband = 1, exclude_nodata_value = TRUE and sample_percent = 0.1
     1535The situation arises where the summary statistics of a coverage table is required.  As the coverage may be large (tens of gigabytes of memory or larger), the following functions are provided to permit an incremental computation of the summary statistics.
     15371. ST_SummaryStats(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband int, exclude_nodata_value boolean) -> record
     1539  rastertable: name of table with raster column
     1541  rastercolumn: name of column of data type raster
     1544ST_SummaryStats('tmax_2010', 'rast', 1, FALSE)
     1546ST_SummaryStats('precip_2011', 'rast', 1, TRUE)
     15492. ST_SummaryStats(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband int) -> record
     1551    exclude_nodata_value = TRUE
     1554ST_SummaryStats('tmax_2010', 'rast', 1)
     15573. ST_SummaryStats(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, exclude_nodata_value boolean) -> record
     1559    nband = 1
     1562ST_SummaryStats('precip_2011', 'rast', TRUE)
     15654. ST_SummaryStats(rastertable text, rastercolumn text) -> record
     1567    nband = 1 and exclude_nodata_value = TRUE
     1570ST_SummaryStats('tmin_2009', 'rast')
     1573Variations for ST_ApproxSummaryStats are:
     15751. ST_ApproxSummaryStats(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband int, exclude_nodata_value boolean, sample_percent double precision) -> record
     1578ST_ApproxSummaryStats('tmax_2010', 'rast', 1, FALSE, 0.5)
     1580ST_ApproxSummaryStats('precip_2011', 'rast', 1, TRUE, 0.2)
     15832. ST_ApproxSummaryStats(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband int, sample_percent double precision) -> record
     1585    exclude_nodata_value = TRUE
     1588ST_ApproxSummaryStats('tmax_2010', 'rast', 1, 0.5)
     1590ST_ApproxSummaryStats('precip_2011', 'rast', 1, 0.2)
     15933. ST_ApproxSummaryStats(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, exclude_nodata_value boolean, sample_percent double precision) -> record
     1595    nband = 1
     1598ST_ApproxSummaryStats('tmax_2010', 'rast', FALSE, 0.5)
     1600ST_ApproxSummaryStats('precip_2011', 'rast', TRUE, 0.2)
     16034. ST_ApproxSummaryStats(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, sample_percent double precision) -> record
     1605    nband = 1 and exclude_nodata_value = TRUE
     1608ST_ApproxSummaryStats('tmax_2010', 'rast', 0.5)
     1610ST_ApproxSummaryStats('precip_2011', 'rast', 0.2)
     16135. ST_ApproxSummaryStats(rastertable text, rastercolumn text) -> record
     1615    nband = 1, exclude_nodata_value = TRUE and sample_percent = 0.1
     1618ST_ApproxSummaryStats('tmax_2010', 'rast')
     1620ST_ApproxSummaryStats('precip_2011', 'rast')
     1623The mean returned in the coverage functions (has rastertable and rastercolumn arguments) is the true mean of the raster tiles. The standard deviation returned is the standard deviation of all raster tiles.
     1627'''ST_Count(raster, nband) -> bigint'''[[BR]]
     1629This function calls ST_SummaryStats and only returns the count from that function.
     16311. ST_Count(rast raster, nband int, exclude_nodata_value boolean) -> bigint
     1633    returns the count as an integer
     1635    nband: index of band
     1637    exclude_nodata_value: if FALSE, nodata values in band are included in the stats. if TRUE, nodata values are not included
     1640ST_Count(rast, 1, FALSE)
     16432. ST_Count(rast raster, nband int) -> bigint
     1645    assumes exclude_nodata_value = TRUE
     1648ST_Count(rast, 2)
     16513. ST_Count(rast raster, exclude_nodata_value boolean) -> bigint
     1653    assumes nband = 1
     1656ST_Count(rast, TRUE)
     16594. ST_Count(rast raster) -> bigint
     1661    assumes nband = 1 and exclude_nodata_value = TRUE
     1667The set of ST_ApproxCount functions are:
     16691. ST_ApproxCount(rast raster, nband int, exclude_nodata_value boolean, sample_percent double precision) -> bigint
     1671    sample_percent: a value between 0 and 1 indicating the percentage of the raster band's pixels to consider
     1674ST_ApproxCount(rast, 3, FALSE, 0.1)
     1676ST_ApproxCount(rast, 1, TRUE, 0.5)
     16792. ST_ApproxCount(rast raster, nband int, sample_percent double precision) -> bigint
     1681    assumes that nband = 1
     1684ST_ApproxCount(rast, 2 0.01)
     1686ST_ApproxCount(rast, 4, 0.025)
     16893. ST_ApproxCount(rast raster, exclude_nodata_value boolean, sample_percent double precision) -> bigint
     1691    assumes that nband = 1
     1694ST_ApproxCount(rast, FALSE, 0.01)
     1696ST_ApproxCount(rast, TRUE, 0.025)
     16994. ST_ApproxCount(rast raster, sample_percent double precision) -> bigint
     1701    assumes that nband = 1 and exclude_nodata_value = TRUE
     1704ST_ApproxCount(rast, 0.25)
     17075. ST_ApproxCount(rast raster) -> bigint
     1709    assumes that nband = 1, exclude_nodata_value = TRUE and sample_percent = 0.1
     1715The following functions are provided for coverage tables.
     17171. ST_Count(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband int, exclude_nodata_value boolean) -> bigint
     1719    rastertable: name of table with raster column
     1721    rastercolumn: name of column of data type raster
     1724ST_Count('tmax_2010', 'rast', 1, FALSE)
     1726ST_Count('precip_2011', 'rast', 1, TRUE)
     17292. ST_Count(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband int) -> bigint
     1731    exclude_nodata_value = TRUE
     1734ST_Count('tmax_2010', 'rast', 1)
     17373. ST_Count(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, exclude_nodata_value boolean) -> bigint
     1739    nband = 1
     1742ST_Count('precip_2011', 'rast', TRUE)
     17454. ST_Count(rastertable text, rastercolumn text) -> bigint
     1747    nband = 1 and exclude_nodata_value = TRUE
     1750ST_Count('tmin_2009', 'rast')
     1753Variations for ST_ApproxCount are:
     17551. ST_ApproxCount(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband int, exclude_nodata_value boolean, sample_percent double precision) -> bigint
     1758ST_ApproxCount('tmax_2010', 'rast', 1, FALSE, 0.5)
     1760ST_ApproxCount('precip_2011', 'rast', 1, TRUE, 0.2)
     17632. ST_ApproxCount(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband int, sample_percent double precision) -> bigint
     1765    exclude_nodata_value = TRUE
     1768ST_ApproxCount('tmax_2010', 'rast', 1, 0.5)
     1770ST_ApproxCount('precip_2011', 'rast', 1, 0.2)
     17733. ST_ApproxCount(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, exclude_nodata_value boolean, sample_percent double precision) -> bigint
     1775    nband = 1
     1778ST_ApproxCount('tmax_2010', 'rast', FALSE, 0.5)
     1780ST_ApproxCount('precip_2011', 'rast', TRUE, 0.2)
     17834. ST_ApproxCount(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, sample_percent double precision) -> bigint
     1785    nband = 1 and exclude_nodata_value = TRUE
     1788ST_ApproxCount('tmax_2010', 'rast', 0.5)
     1790ST_ApproxCount('precip_2011', 'rast', 0.2)
     17935. ST_ApproxCount(rastertable text, rastercolumn text) -> bigint
     1795    nband = 1, exclude_nodata_value = TRUE and sample_percent = 0.1
     1798ST_ApproxCount('tmax_2010', 'rast')
     1800ST_ApproxCount('precip_2011', 'rast')
     1805'''ST_Sum(raster, nband) -> double precision'''[[BR]]
     1807This function calls ST_SummaryStats and only returns the sum from that function.
     18091. ST_Sum(rast raster, nband int, exclude_nodata_value boolean) -> double precision
     1811    returns the sum as an integer
     1813    nband: index of band
     1815    exclude_nodata_value: if FALSE, nodata values in band are included in the stats. if TRUE, nodata values are not included
     1818ST_Sum(rast, 1, FALSE)
     18212. ST_Sum(rast raster, nband int) -> double precision
     1823    assumes exclude_nodata_value = TRUE
     1826ST_Sum(rast, 2)
     18293. ST_Sum(rast raster, exclude_nodata_value boolean) -> double precision
     1831    assumes nband = 1
     1834ST_Sum(rast, TRUE)
     18374. ST_Sum(rast raster) -> double precision
     1839    assumes nband = 1 and exclude_nodata_value = TRUE
     1845The set of ST_ApproxSum functions are:
     18471. ST_ApproxSum(rast raster, nband int, exclude_nodata_value boolean, sample_percent double precision) -> double precision
     1849    sample_percent: a value between 0 and 1 indicating the percentage of the raster band's pixels to consider
     1852ST_ApproxSum(rast, 3, FALSE, 0.1)
     1854ST_ApproxSum(rast, 1, TRUE, 0.5)
     18572. ST_ApproxSum(rast raster, nband int, sample_percent double precision) -> double precision
     1859    assumes that nband = 1
     1862ST_ApproxSum(rast, 2 0.01)
     1864ST_ApproxSum(rast, 4, 0.025)
     18673. ST_ApproxSum(rast raster, exclude_nodata_value boolean, sample_percent double precision) -> double precision
     1869    assumes that nband = 1
     1872ST_ApproxSum(rast, FALSE, 0.01)
     1874ST_ApproxSum(rast, TRUE, 0.025)
     18774. ST_ApproxSum(rast raster, sample_percent double precision) -> double precision
     1879    assumes that nband = 1 and exclude_nodata_value = TRUE
     1882ST_ApproxSum(rast, 0.25)
     18855. ST_ApproxSum(rast raster) -> double precision
     1887    assumes that nband = 1, exclude_nodata_value = TRUE and sample_percent = 0.1
     1893The following functions are provided for coverage tables.
     18951. ST_Sum(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband int, exclude_nodata_value boolean) -> double precision
     1897    rastertable: name of table with raster column
     1899    rastercolumn: name of column of data type raster
     1902ST_Sum('tmax_2010', 'rast', 1, FALSE)
     1904ST_Sum('precip_2011', 'rast', 1, TRUE)
     19072. ST_Sum(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband int) -> double precision
     1909    exclude_nodata_value = TRUE
     1912ST_Sum('tmax_2010', 'rast', 1)
     19153. ST_Sum(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, exclude_nodata_value boolean) -> double precision
     1917    nband = 1
     1920ST_Sum('precip_2011', 'rast', TRUE)
     19234. ST_Sum(rastertable text, rastercolumn text) -> double precision
     1925    nband = 1 and exclude_nodata_value = TRUE
     1928ST_Sum('tmin_2009', 'rast')
     1931Variations for ST_ApproxSum are:
     19331. ST_ApproxSum(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband int, exclude_nodata_value boolean, sample_percent double precision) -> double precision
     1936ST_ApproxSum('tmax_2010', 'rast', 1, FALSE, 0.5)
     1938ST_ApproxSum('precip_2011', 'rast', 1, TRUE, 0.2)
     19412. ST_ApproxSum(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband int, sample_percent double precision) -> double precision
     1943    exclude_nodata_value = TRUE
     1946ST_ApproxSum('tmax_2010', 'rast', 1, 0.5)
     1948ST_ApproxSum('precip_2011', 'rast', 1, 0.2)
     19513. ST_ApproxSum(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, exclude_nodata_value boolean, sample_percent double precision) -> double precision
     1953    nband = 1
     1956ST_ApproxSum('tmax_2010', 'rast', FALSE, 0.5)
     1958ST_ApproxSum('precip_2011', 'rast', TRUE, 0.2)
     19614. ST_ApproxSum(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, sample_percent double precision) -> double precision
     1963    nband = 1 and exclude_nodata_value = TRUE
     1966ST_ApproxSum('tmax_2010', 'rast', 0.5)
     1968ST_ApproxSum('precip_2011', 'rast', 0.2)
     19715. ST_ApproxSum(rastertable text, rastercolumn text) -> double precision
     1973    nband = 1, exclude_nodata_value = TRUE and sample_percent = 0.1
     1976ST_ApproxSum('tmax_2010', 'rast')
     1978ST_ApproxSum('precip_2011', 'rast')
     1983'''ST_Mean(raster, nband) -> double precision'''[[BR]]
     1984This function calls ST_SummaryStats and only returns the mean from that function.
     19861. ST_Mean(rast raster, nband int, exclude_nodata_value boolean) -> double precision
     1988  returns the mean as a double precision
     1990  nband: index of band
     1992  exclude_nodata_value: if FALSE, nodata values in band are included. if TRUE, nodata values are not included.
     1995ST_Mean(rast, 1, FALSE)
     19982. ST_Mean(rast raster, nband int) -> double precision
     2000  assumes exclude_nodata_value = TRUE
     2003ST_Mean(rast, 2)
     20063. ST_Mean(rast raster, exclude_nodata_value boolean) -> double precision
     2008  assumes nband = 1
     2011ST_Mean(rast, TRUE)
     20144. ST_Mean(rast raster) -> double precision
     2016  assumes nband = 1 and exclude_nodata_value = TRUE
     2022The set of ST_ApproxMean functions are:
     20241. ST_ApproxMean(rast raster, nband int, exclude_nodata_value boolean, sample_percent double precision) -> double precision
     2026  sample_percent: a value between 0 and 1 indicating the percentage of the raster band's pixels to consider
     2029ST_ApproxMean(rast, 3, FALSE, 0.1)
     2031ST_ApproxMean(rast, 1, TRUE, 0.5)
     20342. ST_ApproxMean(rast raster, nband int, sample_percent double precision) -> double precision
     2036  assumes that nband = 1
     2039ST_ApproxMean(rast, 2 0.01)
     2041ST_ApproxMean(rast, 4, 0.025)
     20443. ST_ApproxMean(rast raster, exclude_nodata_value boolean, sample_percent double precision) -> double precision
     2046  assumes that nband = 1
     2049ST_ApproxMean(rast, FALSE, 0.01)
     2051ST_ApproxMean(rast, TRUE, 0.025)
     20544. ST_ApproxMean(rast raster, sample_percent double precision) -> double precision
     2056  assumes that nband = 1 and exclude_nodata_value = TRUE
     2059ST_ApproxMean(rast, 0.25)
     20625. ST_ApproxMean(rast raster) -> double precision
     2064  assumes that nband = 1, exclude_nodata_value = TRUE and sample_percent = 0.1
     2070The following functions are provided for coverage tables.
     20721. ST_Mean(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband int, exclude_nodata_value boolean) -> double precision
     2074  rastertable: name of table with raster column
     2076  rastercolumn: name of column of data type raster
     2079ST_Mean('tmax_2010', 'rast', 1, FALSE)
     2081ST_Mean('precip_2011', 'rast', 1, TRUE)
     20842. ST_Mean(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband int) -> double precision
     2086    exclude_nodata_value = TRUE
     2089ST_Mean('tmax_2010', 'rast', 1)
     20923. ST_Mean(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, exclude_nodata_value boolean) -> double precision
     2094    nband = 1
     2097ST_Mean('precip_2011', 'rast', TRUE)
     21004. ST_Mean(rastertable text, rastercolumn text) -> double precision
     2102    nband = 1 and exclude_nodata_value = TRUE
     2105ST_Mean('tmin_2009', 'rast')
     2108Variations for ST_ApproxMean are:
     21101. ST_ApproxMean(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband int, exclude_nodata_value boolean, sample_percent double precision) -> double precision
     2113ST_ApproxMean('tmax_2010', 'rast', 1, FALSE, 0.5)
     2115ST_ApproxMean('precip_2011', 'rast', 1, TRUE, 0.2)
     21182. ST_ApproxMean(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband int, sample_percent double precision) -> double precision
     2120    exclude_nodata_value = TRUE
     2123ST_ApproxMean('tmax_2010', 'rast', 1, 0.5)
     2125ST_ApproxMean('precip_2011', 'rast', 1, 0.2)
     21283. ST_ApproxMean(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, exclude_nodata_value boolean, sample_percent double precision) -> double precision
     2130    nband = 1
     2133ST_ApproxMean('tmax_2010', 'rast', FALSE, 0.5)
     2135ST_ApproxMean('precip_2011', 'rast', TRUE, 0.2)
     21384. ST_ApproxMean(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, sample_percent double precision) -> double precision
     2140    nband = 1 and exclude_nodata_value = TRUE
     2143ST_ApproxMean('tmax_2010', 'rast', 0.5)
     2145ST_ApproxMean('precip_2011', 'rast', 0.2)
     21485. ST_ApproxMean(rastertable text, rastercolumn text) -> double precision
     2150    nband = 1, exclude_nodata_value = TRUE and sample_percent = 0.1
     2153ST_ApproxMean('tmax_2010', 'rast')
     2155ST_ApproxMean('precip_2011', 'rast')
     2158The mean returned in the coverage functions (has rastertable and rastercolumn arguments) is the true mean of the raster tiles.
     2162'''ST_StdDev(raster, nband) -> double precision'''[[BR]]
     2163This function calls ST_SummaryStats and only returns the standard deviation from that function.
     21651. ST_StdDev(rast raster, nband int, exclude_nodata_value boolean) -> double precision
     2167  returns the standard deviation as a double precision
     2169  nband: index of band
     2171  exclude_nodata_value: if FALSE, nodata values in band are included. if TRUE, nodata values are not included.
     2174ST_StdDev(rast, 1, FALSE)
     21772. ST_StdDev(rast raster, nband int) -> double precision
     2179  assumes exclude_nodata_value = TRUE
     2182ST_StdDev(rast, 2)
     21853. ST_StdDev(rast raster, exclude_nodata_value boolean) -> double precision
     2187  assumes nband = 1
     2190ST_StdDev(rast, TRUE)
     21934. ST_StdDev(rast raster) -> double precision
     2195  assumes nband = 1 and exclude_nodata_value = TRUE
     2201The set of ST_ApproxStdDev functions are:
     22031. ST_ApproxStdDev(rast raster, nband int, exclude_nodata_value boolean, sample_percent double precision) -> double precision
     2205  sample_percent: a value between 0 and 1 indicating the percentage of the raster band's pixels to consider
     2208ST_ApproxStdDev(rast, 3, FALSE, 0.1)
     2210ST_ApproxStdDev(rast, 1, TRUE, 0.5)
     22132. ST_ApproxStdDev(rast raster, nband int, sample_percent double precision) -> double precision
     2215  assumes that nband = 1
     2218ST_ApproxStdDev(rast, 2 0.01)
     2220ST_ApproxStdDev(rast, 4, 0.025)
     22233. ST_ApproxStdDev(rast raster, exclude_nodata_value boolean, sample_percent double precision) -> double precision
     2225  assumes that nband = 1
     2228ST_ApproxStdDev(rast, FALSE, 0.01)
     2230ST_ApproxStdDev(rast, TRUE, 0.025)
     22334. ST_ApproxStdDev(rast raster, sample_percent double precision) -> double precision
     2235  assumes that nband = 1 and exclude_nodata_value = TRUE
     2238ST_ApproxStdDev(rast, 0.25)
     22415. ST_ApproxStdDev(rast raster) -> double precision
     2243  assumes that nband = 1, exclude_nodata_value = TRUE and sample_percent = 0.1
     2249The following functions are provided for coverage tables.
     22511. ST_StdDev(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband int, exclude_nodata_value boolean) -> double precision
     2253  rastertable: name of table with raster column
     2255  rastercolumn: name of column of data type raster
     2258ST_StdDev('tmax_2010', 'rast', 1, FALSE)
     2260ST_StdDev('precip_2011', 'rast', 1, TRUE)
     22632. ST_StdDev(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband int) -> double precision
     2265    exclude_nodata_value = TRUE
     2268ST_StdDev('tmax_2010', 'rast', 1)
     22713. ST_StdDev(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, exclude_nodata_value boolean) -> double precision
     2273    nband = 1
     2276ST_StdDev('precip_2011', 'rast', TRUE)
     22794. ST_StdDev(rastertable text, rastercolumn text) -> double precision
     2281    nband = 1 and exclude_nodata_value = TRUE
     2284ST_StdDev('tmin_2009', 'rast')
     2287Variations for ST_ApproxStdDev are:
     22891. ST_ApproxStdDev(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband int, exclude_nodata_value boolean, sample_percent double precision) -> double precision
     2292ST_ApproxStdDev('tmax_2010', 'rast', 1, FALSE, 0.5)
     2294ST_ApproxStdDev('precip_2011', 'rast', 1, TRUE, 0.2)
     22972. ST_ApproxStdDev(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband int, sample_percent double precision) -> double precision
     2299    exclude_nodata_value = TRUE
     2302ST_ApproxStdDev('tmax_2010', 'rast', 1, 0.5)
     2304ST_ApproxStdDev('precip_2011', 'rast', 1, 0.2)
     23073. ST_ApproxStdDev(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, exclude_nodata_value boolean, sample_percent double precision) -> double precision
     2309    nband = 1
     2312ST_ApproxStdDev('tmax_2010', 'rast', FALSE, 0.5)
     2314ST_ApproxStdDev('precip_2011', 'rast', TRUE, 0.2)
     23174. ST_ApproxStdDev(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, sample_percent double precision) -> double precision
     2319    nband = 1 and exclude_nodata_value = TRUE
     2322ST_ApproxStdDev('tmax_2010', 'rast', 0.5)
     2324ST_ApproxStdDev('precip_2011', 'rast', 0.2)
     23275. ST_ApproxStdDev(rastertable text, rastercolumn text) -> double precision
     2329    nband = 1, exclude_nodata_value = TRUE and sample_percent = 0.1
     2332ST_ApproxStdDev('tmax_2010', 'rast')
     2334ST_ApproxStdDev('precip_2011', 'rast')
     2337The standard deviation returned in the coverage functions (has rastertable and rastercolumn arguments) is the standard deviation of all raster tiles.
     2341'''ST_MinMax(raster, nband) -> record'''[[BR]]
     2342This function calls ST_SummaryStats and only returns the min and max values from that function.
     23441. ST_MinMax(rast raster, nband int, exclude_nodata_value boolean) -> record
     2346  returns the record (min double precision, max double precision)
     2348  nband: index of band
     2350  exclude_nodata_value: if FALSE, nodata values in band are included. if TRUE, nodata values are not included.
     2353ST_MinMax(rast, 1, FALSE)
     23562. ST_MinMax(rast raster, nband int) -> record
     2358  assumes exclude_nodata_value = TRUE
     2361ST_MinMax(rast, 2)
     23643. ST_MinMax(rast raster, exclude_nodata_value boolean) -> record
     2366  assumes nband = 1
     2369ST_MinMax(rast, TRUE)
     23724. ST_MinMax(rast raster) -> record
     2374  assumes nband = 1 and exclude_nodata_value = TRUE
     2380The set of ST_ApproxMinMax functions are:
     23821. ST_ApproxMinMax(rast raster, nband int, exclude_nodata_value boolean, sample_percent record) -> record
     2384  sample_percent: a value between 0 and 1 indicating the percentage of the raster band's pixels to consider
     2387ST_ApproxMinMax(rast, 3, FALSE, 0.1)
     2389ST_ApproxMinMax(rast, 1, TRUE, 0.5)
     23922. ST_ApproxMinMax(rast raster, nband int, sample_percent double precision) -> record
     2394  assumes that nband = 1
     2397ST_ApproxMinMax(rast, 2 0.01)
     2399ST_ApproxMinMax(rast, 4, 0.025)
     24023. ST_ApproxMinMax(rast raster, exclude_nodata_value boolean, sample_percent double precision) -> record
     2404  assumes that nband = 1
     2407ST_ApproxMinMax(rast, FALSE, 0.01)
     2409ST_ApproxMinMax(rast, TRUE, 0.025)
     24124. ST_ApproxMinMax(rast raster, sample_percent double precision) -> record
     2414  assumes that nband = 1 and exclude_nodata_value = TRUE
     2417ST_ApproxMinMax(rast, 0.25)
     24205. ST_ApproxMinMax(rast raster) -> record
     2422  assumes that nband = 1, exclude_nodata_value = TRUE and sample_percent = 0.1
     2428The following functions are provided for coverage tables.
     24301. ST_MinMax(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband int, exclude_nodata_value boolean) -> record
     2432  rastertable: name of table with raster column
     2434  rastercolumn: name of column of data type raster
     2437ST_MinMax('tmax_2010', 'rast', 1, FALSE)
     2439ST_MinMax('precip_2011', 'rast', 1, TRUE)
     24422. ST_MinMax(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband int) -> record
     2444    exclude_nodata_value = TRUE
     2447ST_MinMax('tmax_2010', 'rast', 1)
     24503. ST_MinMax(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, exclude_nodata_value boolean) -> record
     2452    nband = 1
     2455ST_MinMax('precip_2011', 'rast', TRUE)
     24584. ST_MinMax(rastertable text, rastercolumn text) -> record
     2460    nband = 1 and exclude_nodata_value = TRUE
     2463ST_MinMax('tmin_2009', 'rast')
     2466Variations for ST_ApproxMinMax are:
     24681. ST_ApproxMinMax(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband int, exclude_nodata_value boolean, sample_percent double precision) -> record
     2471ST_ApproxMinMax('tmax_2010', 'rast', 1, FALSE, 0.5)
     2473ST_ApproxMinMax('precip_2011', 'rast', 1, TRUE, 0.2)
     24762. ST_ApproxMinMax(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband int, sample_percent double precision) -> record
     2478    exclude_nodata_value = TRUE
     2481ST_ApproxMinMax('tmax_2010', 'rast', 1, 0.5)
     2483ST_ApproxMinMax('precip_2011', 'rast', 1, 0.2)
     24863. ST_ApproxMinMax(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, exclude_nodata_value boolean, sample_percent double precision) -> record
     2488    nband = 1
     2491ST_ApproxMinMax('tmax_2010', 'rast', FALSE, 0.5)
     2493ST_ApproxMinMax('precip_2011', 'rast', TRUE, 0.2)
     24964. ST_ApproxMinMax(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, sample_percent double precision) -> record
     2498    nband = 1 and exclude_nodata_value = TRUE
     2501ST_ApproxMinMax('tmax_2010', 'rast', 0.5)
     2503ST_ApproxMinMax('precip_2011', 'rast', 0.2)
     25065. ST_ApproxMinMax(rastertable text, rastercolumn text) -> record
     2508    nband = 1, exclude_nodata_value = TRUE and sample_percent = 0.1
     2511ST_ApproxMinMax('tmax_2010', 'rast')
     2513ST_ApproxMinMax('precip_2011', 'rast')
     2518'''ST_Histogram(raster, nband) -> set of records'''[[BR]]
     2519ST_Histogram and ST_ApproxHistogram provide methods to determine a raster's data distribution.
     2521The return of ST_Histogram and ST_ApproxHistogram is a set of records where each record is (min, max, count, percent).
     2523ST_Histogram has the following variations.
     25251. ST_Histogram(rast raster, nband int, exclude_nodata_value boolean, bins int, width double precision[], right boolean) -> set of records
     2527  returns set of records of four columns (min, max, count, percent)
     2529  nband: index of band to process on
     2531  exclude_nodata_value: if FALSE, nodata values in band are included. if TRUE, nodata values are not included.
     2533  bins: the number of categories/bins to have in the histogram. If NULL or value less than one, the number of categories will be auto-computed using Sturges' formula if the number of values >= 30 or Square-root choice if number of values < 30.
     2537  width: an array indicating the width of each category/bin. If the number of bins is greater than the number of widths, the widths are repeated. Example: 9 bins, widths are [a, b, c] will have the output be [a, b, c, a, b, c, a, b, c].
     2539  right: compute the histogram from the right rather than from the left (default). This changes the criteria for evaluating a value x from [a, b) to (a, b].
     2542ST_Histogram(rast, 2, FALSE, NULL, NULL, FALSE)
     2544ST_Histogram(rast, 1, TRUE, 100, NULL, FALSE)
     2546ST_Histogram(rast, 2, FALSE, NULL, ARRAY[100, 50], FALSE)
     2548ST_Histogram(rast, 2, FALSE, 9, ARRAY[1000], TRUE)
     2550ST_Histogram(rast, 2, FALSE, 20, ARRAY[100, 200, 300], TRUE)
     25532. ST_Histogram(rast raster, nband int, exclude_nodata_value boolean, bins int, right boolean) -> set of records
     2555  parameter "width" is not specified thus resulting in all bins having the same widths
     2558ST_Histogram(rast, 2, FALSE, 5, FALSE)
     25613. ST_Histogram(rast raster, nband int, exclude_nodata_value boolean, bins int) -> set of records
     2563  the parameter "right" is removed and assumed to be FALSE
     2566ST_Histogram(rast, 2, FALSE, 5)
     25694. ST_Histogram(rast raster, nband int, exclude_nodata_value boolean) -> set of records
     2571  the parameter "bins" is removed and set to NULL.  The function will compute the number of bins to use
     25735. ST_Histogram(rast raster, nband int) -> set of records
     2575  exclude_nodata_value is assumed to be TRUE
     25776. ST_Histogram(rast raster) -> set of records
     2579  assumes that nband is 1.
     25817. ST_Histogram(rast raster, nband int, bins int, width double precision[], right boolean) -> set of records
     2583  exclude_nodata_value is assumed to be TRUE
     25858. ST_Histogram(rast raster, nband int, bins int, right boolean) -> set of records
     2587  all bins will have equal widths
     25899. ST_Histogram(rast raster, nband int, bins int) -> set of records
     2591  right is assumed to be FALSE
     2593ST_ApproxHistogram should have the following variations.
     25951. ST_ApproxHistogram(rast raster, nband int, exclude_nodata_value boolean, sample_percent double precision, bins int, width double precision[], right boolean) -> set of record
     2597    sample_percent: a value between 0 and 1 indicating the percentage of the raster band's pixels to consider when generating the histogram.
     2600ST_Histogram(rast, 2, FALSE, 0.1, NULL, NULL, FALSE)
     2602ST_Histogram(rast, 1, TRUE, 1, 100, NULL, FALSE)
     2604ST_Histogram(rast, 2, FALSE, 0.2, NULL, ARRAY[100, 50], FALSE)
     2606ST_Histogram(rast, 2, FALSE, 0.25, 9, ARRAY[1000], TRUE)
     2608ST_Histogram(rast, 2, FALSE, 0.05, 20, ARRAY[100, 200, 300], TRUE)
     26112. ST_ApproxHistogram(rast raster, nband int, exclude_nodata_value boolean, sample_percent double precision, bins int, right boolean) -> set of records
     2613  parameter "width" is not specified thus resulting in all bins having the same widths
     26153. ST_ApproxHistogram(rast raster, nband int, exclude_nodata_value boolean, sample_percent double precision, bins int) -> set of records
     2617  the parameter "right" is removed and assumed to be FALSE
     2620ST_ApproxHistogram(rast, 2, FALSE, 5)
     26234. ST_ApproxHistogram(rast raster, nband int, exclude_nodata_value boolean, sample_percent double precision) -> set of records
     2625  the parameter "bins" is removed and set to NULL so that function can compute the number of bins to use
     26275. ST_ApproxHistogram(rast raster, nband int, sample_percent double precision) -> set of records
     2629  exclude_nodata_value is assumed to be TRUE
     26316. ST_ApproxHistogram(rast raster, nband int) -> set of records
     2633  assumes that sample_percent is 0.1
     26357. ST_ApproxHistogram(rast raster, sample_percent double_precision) -> set of records
     2637  assumes that nband is 1
     26398. ST_ApproxHistogram(rast raster) -> set of records
     2641  assumes that nband is 1 and sample_percent is 0.1
     26439. ST_ApproxHistogram(rast raster, nband int, sample_percent double precision, bins int, width double precision[], right boolean) -> set of records
     2645  exclude_nodata_value is assumed to be TRUE
     264710. ST_ApproxHistogram(rast raster, nband int, sample_percent double precision, bins int, right boolean) -> set of records
     2649  all bins will have equal widths
     265111. ST_ApproxHistogram(rast raster, nband int, sample_percent double precision, bins int) -> set of records
     2653  right is assumed to be FALSE
     2655The following set of function are for coverages.
     26571. ST_Histogram(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband int DEFAULT 1, exclude_nodata_value boolean DEFAULT TRUE, bins int default 0, width double precision[] DEFAULT NULL, right boolean DEFAULT FALSE) -> set of records
     2659  rastertable: name of table with raster column
     2661  rastercolumn: name of column of data type raster
     2664ST_Histogram('tmax_2010', 'rast')
     2666ST_Histogram('precip_2011', 'rast', 1)
     2668ST_Histogram('precip_2011', 'rast', 1, FALSE)
     2670ST_Histogram('precip_2011', 'rast', 1, FALSE, 5)
     2672ST_Histogram('precip_2011', 'rast', 1, FALSE, 10, NULL)
     2674ST_Histogram('precip_2011', 'rast', 1, FALSE, 10, NULL, TRUE)
     26772. ST_Histogram(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband int, exclude_nodata_value boolean, bins int, right boolean) -> set of records
     2680ST_Histogram('tmin_2010', 'rast', 2, FALSE, 5, FALSE)
     26833. ST_Histogram(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband int, bins int, width double precision[] DEFAULT NULL, right boolean DEFAULT FALSE) -> set of records
     2686ST_Histogram('ndvi_2010', 'rast', 1, 5)
     2688ST_Histogram('ndvi_2010', 'rast', 1, 0, ARRAY[0.5]::double precision[])
     2690ST_Histogram('ndvi_2010', 'rast', 1, 5, NULL, TRUE)
     26934. ST_Histogram(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband int, bins int, right boolean) -> set of records
     2696ST_Histogram('veg_2009', 'rast', 2, 3, FALSE)
     2698ST_Histogram('veg_2009', 'rast', 2, 3, TRUE)
     2701A set of functions of ST_ApproxHistogram for coverage tables:
     27031. ST_ApproxHistogram(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband int DEFAULT 1, exclude_nodata_value boolean DEFAULT TRUE, sample_percent double precision DEFAULT 0.1, bins int DEFAULT 0, width double precision[] DEFAULT NULL, right boolean DEFAULT FALSE) -> set of records
     2706ST_ApproxHistogram('precip_2010', 'rast')
     2708ST_ApproxHistogram('precip_2010', 'rast', 1)
     2710ST_ApproxHistogram('precip_2010', 'rast', 2, FALSE)
     2712ST_ApproxHistogram('precip_2010', 'rast', 1, TRUE, 0.25)
     2714ST_ApproxHistogram('precip_2010', 'rast', 3, FALSE, 0.2, 10)
     2716ST_ApproxHistogram('precip_2010', 'rast', 1, TRUE, 0.1, 0, ARRAY[1]::double precision[])
     2718ST_ApproxHistogram('precip_2010', 'rast', 1, TRUE, 0.1, 0, ARRAY[1]::double precision[], FALSE)
     27212. ST_ApproxHistogram(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband int, exclude_nodata_value boolean, sample_percent double precision, bins int, right boolean)
     27233. ST_ApproxHistogram(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband int, sample_percent double precision)
     27254. ST_ApproxHistogram(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, sample_percent double precision)
     27275. ST_ApproxHistogram(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband int, sample_percent double precision, bins int, width double precision[] DEFAULT NULL, right boolean DEFAULT FALSE)
     27296. ST_ApproxHistogram(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband int, sample_percent double precision, bins int, right boolean)
     2732'''ST_Quantile(raster, nband) -> set of records'''[[BR]]
     2733In addition to determining the histogram of a raster, providing the ability to compute quantiles permits a user to reference a value in the context of the sample or population. Thus, a value could be examined to be at the raster's 25%, 50%, 75% percentile.
     2737ST_Quantile variations:
     27391. ST_Quantile(rast raster, nband int, exclude_nodata_value boolean, quantiles double precision[]) -> set of records
     2741  each row returned is of (quantile double precision, value double precision)
     2743  nband: index of band to process on
     2745  exclude_nodata_value: if FALSE, nodata values in band are included. if TRUE, nodata values are not included.
     2747  quantiles: array of percentages to compute values for
     2750ST_Quantile(rast, 1, FALSE, ARRAY[0.1, 0.3, 0.7])
     2752ST_Quantile(rast, 1, TRUE, ARRAY[0.2])
     2754ST_Quantile(rast, 1, FALSE, ARRAY[0, 1])
     27572. ST_Quantile(rast raster, nband int, quantiles double precision[]) -> set of records
     2759  "exclude_nodata_value" is assumed to be TRUE
     2762ST_Quantile(rast, 1, ARRAY[0.1, 0.3, 0.7])
     27653. ST_Quantile(rast raster, nband int, exclude_nodata_value boolean) -> set of records
     2767  "quantiles" assumed to be ARRAY[0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1]
     27694. ST_Quantile(rast raster, nband int) -> set of records
     2771  "exclude_nodata_value" is assumed to be TRUE and "quantiles" assumed to be ARRAY[0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1]
     27735. ST_Quantile(rast raster, quantiles double precision[]) -> set of records
     2775  "nband" is assumed to be 1 and "exclude_nodata_value" is TRUE
     27776. ST_Quantile(rast raster) -> set of records
     2779  "nband" is assumed to be 1 and "quantiles" assumed to be ARRAY[0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1]
     27817. ST_Quantile(rast raster, nband int, exclude_nodata_value boolean, quantile double precision) -> record
     2783  quantile: the single percentile to compute
     27858. ST_Quantile(rast raster, nband int, quantile double precision) -> record
     2787  "exclude_nodata_value" is assumed to be TRUE
     27899. ST_Quantile(rast raster, exclude_nodata_value boolean, quantile double precision) -> record
     2791  "nband" is assumed to be 1
     279310. ST_Quantile(rast raster, quantile double precision) -> record
     2795  "nband" is assumed to be 1  and "exclude_nodata_value" is assumed to be TRUE
     2797ST_ApproxQuantile adds a "sample_percent" indicating the percentage of the raster to sample
     27991. ST_ApproxQuantile(rast raster, nband int, exclude_nodata_value boolean, sample_percent double precision, quantiles double precision[]) -> set of records
     2801  nband: index of band to process on
     2803  exclude_nodata_value: if FALSE, nodata values in band are included. if TRUE, nodata values are not included.
     2805  sample_percent: a value between 0 and 1 indicating the percentage of the raster band's pixels to consider when computing the quantiles
     2807  quantiles: array of percentages to compute values for
     2810ST_ApproxQuantile(rast, 1, FALSE, 0.1, ARRAY[0.1, 0.3, 0.7])
     2812ST_ApproxQuantile(rast, 1, TRUE, .2, ARRAY[0.2])
     2814ST_ApproxQuantile(rast, 1, FALSE, 0.3, ARRAY[0, 1])
     28172. ST_ApproxQuantile(rast raster, nband int, sample_percent double precision, quantiles double precision[]) -> set of records
     2819  "exclude_nodata_value" is assumed to be TRUE
     2822ST_ApproxQuantile(rast, 1, .05, ARRAY[0.1, 0.3, 0.7])
     28253. ST_ApproxQuantile(rast raster, nband int, sample_percent double precision) -> set of records
     2827  "exclude_nodata_value" is assumed to be TRUE and "quantiles" assumed to be ARRAY[0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1]
     28294. ST_ApproxQuantile(rast raster, sample_percent double precision, quantiles double precision[]) -> set of records
     2831  "nband" is assumed to be 1
     28335. ST_ApproxQuantile(rast raster, nband int, sample_percent double precision, quantile double precision) -> record
     2835  quantile: the single percentile to compute
     28376. ST_ApproxQuantile(rast raster, sample_percent double precision, quantile double precision) -> record
     2839  "nband" is assumed to be 2
     28417. ST_ApproxQuantile(rast raster, sample_percent double precision) -> set of records
     2843  "nband" is assumed to be 1 and "quantiles" assumed to be ARRAY[0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1]
     28458. ST_ApproxQuantile(rast raster, nband int, quantile double precision) -> record
     2847  "sample_percent" assumed to be 0.1
     28499. ST_ApproxQuantile(rast raster, quantiles double precision[]) -> set of records
     2851  "nband" is assumed to be 1 and "sample_percent" assumed to be 0.1
     285310. ST_ApproxQuantile(rast raster, quantile double precision) -> record
     2855  "nband" assumed to be 1 and "sample_percent" assumed to be 0.1
     285711. ST_ApproxQuantile(rast raster, nband int) -> set of records
     2859  "quantiles" assumed to be ARRAY[0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1] and "sample_percent" assumed to be 0.1
     286112. ST_ApproxQuantile(rast raster) -> set of records
     2863  "nband" is assumed to be 1, "quantiles" assumed to be ARRAY[0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1] and "sample_percent" assumed to be 0.1
     2866== '''Objective FV.03 - Implement all the necessary versions of ST_MapAlgebra''' ==
     2868'''ST_SameAlignment(raster, raster) -> boolean'''
     2870This function returns true if both rasters' grids are aligned.
     2872Two rasters grid are aligned if:
     2874* They share the same pixel scales and skews
     2876* At least one of any of the four corner of any pixel of one raster fall on any corner of the grid of the other raster.
     2878Alignment is not the same concept as georeference. Two rasters can be aligned but not have the same georeference.
     2880Rotation is important here since two rasters grid might look perfectly aligned but are not if their rotated are different.
     2882Knowing if two rasters share the same alignment is useful when it is time to decide if one of them must be resampled before doing other operations (like ST_MapAlgebra on two rasters).
     2884The variants of ST_SameAlignment are:
     28861. ST_SameAlignment(rast1 raster, rast2 raster)
     28882. ST_SameAlignment(ulx1, uly1, scalex1, scaley1, skewx1, skewy1, ulx2, uly2, scalex2, scaley2, skewx2, skewy2)
     2890~~The first variant is useful to PL/pgSQL function which have already get the values of the parameters.
     2892~~'''Implementation Details'''
     2894~~Only the first variant should be implemented in C. The second one is a PL/pgSQL variants. The C implementation should follow the PL/pgSQL version implemented in
     2896~~It is not clear if this PL/pgSQL implementation works when raster are rotated. To verify.
     2898~~See discussion in
     2902~~The variant that should be developed in C is (2) as it is more likely that someone will have two rasters instead of that large set of raster elements.  Instead, (1) should be a pl/pgsql function calling (2).
     2905== '''Objective FV.05 - Being able to reproject a raster. - ''Done''''' ==
     2908'''ST_Transform(raster|geometry, SRID) -> same type as input'''
     2910ST_Transform enables the end-user to reproject a raster to a new projection.  Unlike the ST_Transform function for geometries, ST_Transform for rasters depends upon the specificiation of a resampling algorithm and an error tolerance.  In addition, reprojecting a raster will probably change the scale of the pixels.  Therefore, ST_Transform for rasters can be more involved than the ST_Transform for geometries.
     2912''If a skewed raster is provided to ST_Transform, the output raster will be deskewed (zero skew in X and Y axes thus "north up").  To preserve the skew, use ST_Resample.''
     29141. ST_Transform(rast raster, srid integer, algorithm text DEFAULT '!NearestNeighbour', maxerr double precision DEFAULT 0.125, scalex double precision DEFAULT 0, scaley double precision DEFAULT 0)
     2916  returns a new raster in the projection specified by "srid"
     2918  srid: the SRID of the projection to use when reprojecting the raster
     2920  algorithm: the resampling algorithm to use when reprojecting the raster.  default is '!NearestNeighbour'.  possible algorithms are:
     2923NearestNeighbour (default.  fastest performance but worst interpolation)
     2925NearestNeighbor (for those wanting to use the American spelling)
     2936  maxerr: the threshold for transformation approximation by the resampling algorithm (in pixel units).  default is 0.125, which is the same value used in GDAL gdalwarp utility.  if set to zero, no approximation takes place.
     2938  scalex: the reprojected raster's scale in the X axis.  default is 0 indicating that the user isn't specifying the reprojected raster's scale
     2940  scaley: the reprojected raster's scale in the Y axis.  default is 0 indicating that the user isn't specifying the reprojected raster's scale
     2943ST_Transform(rast, 3310)
     2945ST_Transform(rast, 3310, 'Bilinear')
     2947ST_Transform(rast, 3310, 'Lanczos', 0)
     2949ST_Transform(rast, 3310, 'Lanczos', 0.5)
     2951ST_Transform(rast, 3310, 'Lanczos', 0.125, 1000)
     2953ST_Transform(rast, 3310, 'Lanczos', 0.125, 1000, 1000)
     29562. ST_Transform(rast raster, srid integer, scalex double precision, scaley double precision, algorithm text DEFAULT '!NearestNeighbour', maxerr double precision DEFAULT 0.125)
     2959ST_Transform(rast, 4326, 500, 500)
     2961ST_Transform(rast, 4326, 500, 500, 'Cubic')
     2963ST_Transform(rast, 4326, 500, 500, 'CubicSpline', 0)
     29663. ST_Transform(rast raster, srid integer, scalexy double precision, algorithm text DEFAULT '!NearestNeighbour', maxerr double precision DEFAULT 0.125)
     2968  scalexy: the reprojected raster's scale in the X and Y axes.  default is 0 indicating that the user isn't specifying the reprojected raster's scale
     2971ST_Transform(rast, 4326, 250)
     2973ST_Transform(rast, 4326, 250, 'Cubic')
     2975ST_Transform(rast, 4326, 100, 'CubicSpline', 0)
     2979== '''Objective FV.06 - Being able to do some base raster operations. - ''Done Partially''''' ==
     2982'''ST_ValueCount(raster, value) -> integer'''[[BR]]
     2984ST_ValueCount provides the ability to count the number of times that a user-provided value is present in a raster. To handle floating point values, a rounding argument is provided.
     2986A set of functions for one or more search values:
     2988''If NULL is passed for "searchvalues" to any of the ST_ValueCount variations with "searchvalues", the function returns the counts for all unique values''
     29901. ST_ValueCount(rast raster, nband integer, exclude_nodata_value boolean, searchvalues double precision[], roundto double precision) -> setof record (searchvalue, count)
     2992    returns the number of times that each value in searchvalues is present in the raster
     2994    exclude_nodata_value: if FALSE, nodata values in band are considered in the count. if TRUE, nodata values are not considered
     2996    searchvalues: the set of values to count in the raster
     2998    roundto: the decimal position to round a pixel value to. Originally intended for use with 32BF and 64BF pixel types, it can also be used with integers when round to the tens, hundreds or higher place.
     3000        examples are...
     3003        roundto < 0: no rounding
     3005        0: no rounding
     3007        0.1: round to the tenths place
     3009        0.01: round to the hundredths place
     3011        0.001: round to the thousandths place
     3013        1: round to the ones place
     3015        10: round to the tens place
     3017        100: round to the hundreds place
     3021ST_ValueCount(rast, 1, TRUE, ARRAY[23], 0)
     3023ST_ValueCount(rast, 5, FALSE, ARRAY[3.14], 0.01)
     3025ST_ValueCount(rast, 2, TRUE, ARRAY[100], 100)
     3027ST_ValueCount(rast, 1, FALSE, ARRAY[-9999, 0], 1)
     3029ST_ValueCount(rast, 1, FALSE, NULL::double precision[], 1)
     30322. ST_ValueCount(rast raster, nband integer, searchvalues double precision[], roundto double precision) -> setof record (searchvalue, count)
     3034    exclude_nodata_value is assumed to be TRUE
     3037ST_ValueCount(rast, 5, ARRAY[3.14], 0.01)
     3039ST_ValueCount(rast, 2, NULL::double precision[], 100)
     30423. ST_ValueCount(rast raster, nband integer, searchvalues double precision[]) -> setof record (searchvalue, count)
     3044    roundto is assumed to be 0, so no rounding takes place. exclude_nodata_value is assumed to be TRUE
     3047ST_ValueCount(rast, 1, ARRAY[-9999])
     3049ST_ValueCount(rast, 1, NULL::double precision[])
     30524. ST_ValueCount(rast raster, searchvalues double precision[], roundto double precision) -> setof record (searchvalue, count)
     3054    nband is assumed to be 1. exclude_nodata_value is assumed to be TRUE.
     30565. ST_ValueCount(rast raster, searchvalues double precision[]) -> setof record (searchvalue, count)
     3058    nband is assumed to be 1. roundto is assumed to be 0, so no rounding takes place. exclude_nodata_value is assumed to be TRUE.
     3060A set of functions for a single search value:
     30621. ST_ValueCount(rast raster, nband integer, exclude_nodata_value boolean, searchvalue double precision, roundto double precision) -> integer
     3064    returns the number of times that searchvalue is present in the raster
     3066    searchvalue: the value to count in the raster
     3069ST_ValueCount(rast, 1, TRUE, 23, 0)
     3071ST_ValueCount(rast, 5, FALSE, 3.14, 0.01)
     3073ST_ValueCount(rast, 2, TRUE, 100, 100)
     3075ST_ValueCount(rast, 1, FALSE, -9999, 1)
     30782. ST_ValueCount(rast raster, nband integer, searchvalue double precision, roundto double precision) -> integer
     3080    exclude_nodata_value is assumed to be TRUE
     3083ST_ValueCount(rast, 5, 3.14, 0.01)
     3085ST_ValueCount(rast, 2, 100, 100)
     30883. ST_ValueCount(rast raster, nband integer, searchvalue double precision) -> integer
     3090    roundto is assumed to be 0, so no rounding takes place. exclude_nodata_value is assumed to be TRUE
     3093ST_ValueCount(rast, 1, -9999)
     30964. ST_ValueCount(rast raster, searchvalue double precision, roundto double precision) -> integer
     3098    nband is assumed to be 1. exclude_nodata_value is assumed to be TRUE.
     31005. ST_ValueCount(rast raster, searchvalue double precision) -> integer
     3102    nband is assumed to be 1. roundto is assumed to be 0, so no rounding takes place. exclude_nodata_value is assumed to be TRUE.
     3104The set of functions for processing coverages return "bigint" instead of "integer".
     3106A set of functions for one or more search values:
     31081. ST_ValueCount(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband integer, exclude_nodata_value boolean, searchvalues double precision[], roundto double precision) -> setof record (searchvalue, count)
     3110    rastertable: name of the table with a raster column
     3112    rastercolumn: name of the raster column
     3115ST_ValueCount('test', 'rast', 1, TRUE, ARRAY[23], 0)
     3117ST_ValueCount('test', 'rast', 5, FALSE, ARRAY[3.14], 0.01)
     3119ST_ValueCount('test', 'rast', 2, TRUE, ARRAY[100], 100)
     3121ST_ValueCount('test', 'rast', 1, FALSE, ARRAY[-9999, 0], 1)
     3123ST_ValueCount('test', 'rast', 1, FALSE, NULL::double precision[], 1)
     31262. ST_ValueCount(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband integer, searchvalues double precision[], roundto double precision) -> setof record (searchvalue, count)
     3128    exclude_nodata_value is assumed to be TRUE
     3131ST_ValueCount('test', 'rast', 5, ARRAY[3.14], 0.01)
     3133ST_ValueCount('test', 'rast', 2, NULL::double precision[], 100)
     31363. ST_ValueCount(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband integer, searchvalues double precision[]) -> setof record (searchvalue, count)
     3138    roundto is assumed to be 0, so no rounding takes place. exclude_nodata_value is assumed to be TRUE
     3141ST_ValueCount('test', 'rast', 1, ARRAY[-9999])
     3143ST_ValueCount('test', 'rast', 1, NULL::double precision[])
     31464. ST_ValueCount(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, searchvalues double precision[], roundto double precision) -> setof record (searchvalue, count)
     3148    nband is assumed to be 1. exclude_nodata_value is assumed to be TRUE.
     31505. ST_ValueCount(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, searchvalues double precision[]) -> setof record (searchvalue, count)
     3152    nband is assumed to be 1. roundto is assumed to be 0, so no rounding takes place. exclude_nodata_value is assumed to be TRUE.
     3154A set of functions for a single search value:
     31561. ST_ValueCount(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband integer, exclude_nodata_value boolean, searchvalue double precision, roundto double precision) -> bigint
     3158    searchvalue: the value to count in the raster
     3161ST_ValueCount('test', 'rast', 1, TRUE, 23, 0)
     3163ST_ValueCount('test', 'rast', 5, FALSE, 3.14, 0.01)
     3165ST_ValueCount('test', 'rast', 2, TRUE, 100, 100)
     3167ST_ValueCount('test', 'rast', 1, FALSE, -9999, 1)
     31702. ST_ValueCount(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband integer, searchvalue double precision, roundto double precision) -> bigint
     3172    exclude_nodata_value is assumed to be TRUE
     3175ST_ValueCount('test', 'rast', 5, 3.14, 0.01)
     3177ST_ValueCount('test', 'rast', 2, 100, 100)
     31803. ST_ValueCount(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband integer, searchvalue double precision) -> bigint
     3182    roundto is assumed to be 0, so no rounding takes place. exclude_nodata_value is assumed to be TRUE
     3185ST_ValueCount('test', 'rast', 1, -9999)
     31884. ST_ValueCount(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, searchvalue double precision, roundto double precision) -> bigint
     3190    nband is assumed to be 1. exclude_nodata_value is assumed to be TRUE.
     31925. ST_ValueCount(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, searchvalue double precision) -> bigint
     3194    nband is assumed to be 1. roundto is assumed to be 0, so no rounding takes place. exclude_nodata_value is assumed to be TRUE.
     3198'''ST_ValuePercent(raster, value) -> double precision'''[[BR]]
     3200ST_ValuePercent is the sibling of ST_ValueCount and returns the percentage of a raster's band that is of a specified value. To handle floating point values, a rounding argument is provided.
     3202A set of functions for one or more search values:
     3204''If NULL is passed for "searchvalues" to any of the ST_ValuePercent variations with "searchvalues", the function returns the percents for all unique values''
     32061. ST_ValuePercent(rast raster, nband integer, exclude_nodata_value boolean, searchvalues double precision[], roundto double precision) -> setof record (searchvalue, percent)
     3208    returns the percentage of a raster's band that each value in searchvalues is found
     3210    exclude_nodata_value: if FALSE, nodata values in band are considered in the percents. if TRUE, nodata values are not considered
     3212    searchvalues: the set of values to get percents for in the raster
     3214    roundto: the decimal position to round a pixel value to. Originally intended for use with 32BF and 64BF pixel types, it can also be used with integers when round to the tens, hundreds or higher place.
     3216        examples are...
     3219        roundto < 0: no rounding
     3221        0: no rounding
     3223        0.1: round to the tenths place
     3225        0.01: round to the hundredths place
     3227        0.001: round to the thousandths place
     3229        1: round to the ones place
     3231        10: round to the tens place
     3233        100: round to the hundreds place
     3237ST_ValuePercent(rast, 1, TRUE, ARRAY[23], 0)
     3239ST_ValuePercent(rast, 5, FALSE, ARRAY[3.14], 0.01)
     3241ST_ValuePercent(rast, 2, TRUE, ARRAY[100], 100)
     3243ST_ValuePercent(rast, 1, FALSE, ARRAY[-9999, 0], 1)
     3245ST_ValuePercent(rast, 1, FALSE, NULL::double precision[], 1)
     32482. ST_ValuePercent(rast raster, nband integer, searchvalues double precision[], roundto double precision) -> setof record (searchvalue, percent)
     3250    exclude_nodata_value is assumed to be TRUE
     3253ST_ValuePercent(rast, 5, ARRAY[3.14], 0.01)
     3255ST_ValuePercent(rast, 2, NULL::double precision[], 100)
     32583. ST_ValuePercent(rast raster, nband integer, searchvalues double precision[]) -> setof record (searchvalue, percent)
     3260    roundto is assumed to be 0, so no rounding takes place. exclude_nodata_value is assumed to be TRUE
     3263ST_ValuePercent(rast, 1, ARRAY[-9999])
     3265ST_ValuePercent(rast, 1, NULL::double precision[])
     32684. ST_ValuePercent(rast raster, searchvalues double precision[], roundto double precision) -> setof record (searchvalue, percent)
     3270    nband is assumed to be 1. exclude_nodata_value is assumed to be TRUE.
     32725. ST_ValuePercent(rast raster, searchvalues double precision[]) -> setof record (searchvalue, percent)
     3274    nband is assumed to be 1. roundto is assumed to be 0, so no rounding takes place. exclude_nodata_value is assumed to be TRUE.
     3276A set of functions for a single search value:
     32781. ST_ValuePercent(rast raster, nband integer, exclude_nodata_value boolean, searchvalue double precision, roundto double precision) -> integer
     3280    searchvalue: the value to get a percent for in the raster
     3283ST_ValuePercent(rast, 1, TRUE, 23, 0)
     3285ST_ValuePercent(rast, 5, FALSE, 3.14, 0.01)
     3287ST_ValuePercent(rast, 2, TRUE, 100, 100)
     3289ST_ValuePercent(rast, 1, FALSE, -9999, 1)
     32922. ST_ValuePercent(rast raster, nband integer, searchvalue double precision, roundto double precision) -> integer
     3294    exclude_nodata_value is assumed to be TRUE
     3297ST_ValuePercent(rast, 5, 3.14, 0.01)
     3299ST_ValuePercent(rast, 2, 100, 100)
     33023. ST_ValuePercent(rast raster, nband integer, searchvalue double precision) -> integer
     3304    roundto is assumed to be 0, so no rounding takes place. exclude_nodata_value is assumed to be TRUE
     3307ST_ValuePercent(rast, 1, -9999)
     33104. ST_ValuePercent(rast raster, searchvalue double precision, roundto double precision) -> integer
     3312    nband is assumed to be 1. exclude_nodata_value is assumed to be TRUE.
     33145. ST_ValuePercent(rast raster, searchvalue double precision) -> integer
     3316    nband is assumed to be 1. roundto is assumed to be 0, so no rounding takes place. exclude_nodata_value is assumed to be TRUE.
     3318The set of functions for processing coverages return "bigint" instead of "integer".
     3320A set of functions for one or more search values:
     33221. ST_ValuePercent(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband integer, exclude_nodata_value boolean, searchvalues double precision[], roundto double precision) -> setof record (searchvalue, percent)
     3324    rastertable: name of the table with a raster column
     3326    rastercolumn: name of the raster column
     3329ST_ValuePercent('test', 'rast', 1, TRUE, ARRAY[23], 0)
     3331ST_ValuePercent('test', 'rast', 5, FALSE, ARRAY[3.14], 0.01)
     3333ST_ValuePercent('test', 'rast', 2, TRUE, ARRAY[100], 100)
     3335ST_ValuePercent('test', 'rast', 1, FALSE, ARRAY[-9999, 0], 1)
     3337ST_ValuePercent('test', 'rast', 1, FALSE, NULL::double precision[], 1)
     33402. ST_ValuePercent(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband integer, searchvalues double precision[], roundto double precision) -> setof record (searchvalue, percent)
     3342    exclude_nodata_value is assumed to be TRUE
     3345ST_ValuePercent('test', 'rast', 5, ARRAY[3.14], 0.01)
     3347ST_ValuePercent('test', 'rast', 2, NULL::double precision[], 100)
     33503. ST_ValuePercent(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband integer, searchvalues double precision[]) -> setof record (searchvalue, percent)
     3352    roundto is assumed to be 0, so no rounding takes place. exclude_nodata_value is assumed to be TRUE
     3355ST_ValuePercent('test', 'rast', 1, ARRAY[-9999])
     3357ST_ValuePercent('test', 'rast', 1, NULL::double precision[])
     33604. ST_ValuePercent(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, searchvalues double precision[], roundto double precision) -> setof record (searchvalue, percent)
     3362    nband is assumed to be 1. exclude_nodata_value is assumed to be TRUE.
     33645. ST_ValuePercent(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, searchvalues double precision[]) -> setof record (searchvalue, percent)
     3366    nband is assumed to be 1. roundto is assumed to be 0, so no rounding takes place. exclude_nodata_value is assumed to be TRUE.
     3368A set of functions for a single search value:
     33701. ST_ValuePercent(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband integer, exclude_nodata_value boolean, searchvalue double precision, roundto double precision) -> bigint
     3372    searchvalue: the value to get a percent for in the raster
     3375ST_ValuePercent('test', 'rast', 1, TRUE, 23, 0)
     3377ST_ValuePercent('test', 'rast', 5, FALSE, 3.14, 0.01)
     3379ST_ValuePercent('test', 'rast', 2, TRUE, 100, 100)
     3381ST_ValuePercent('test', 'rast', 1, FALSE, -9999, 1)
     33842. ST_ValuePercent(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband integer, searchvalue double precision, roundto double precision) -> bigint
     3386    exclude_nodata_value is assumed to be TRUE
     3389ST_ValuePercent('test', 'rast', 5, 3.14, 0.01)
     3391ST_ValuePercent('test', 'rast', 2, 100, 100)
     33943. ST_ValuePercent(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband integer, searchvalue double precision) -> bigint
     3396    roundto is assumed to be 0, so no rounding takes place. exclude_nodata_value is assumed to be TRUE
     3399ST_ValuePercent('test', 'rast', 1, -9999)
     34024. ST_ValuePercent(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, searchvalue double precision, roundto double precision) -> bigint
     3404    nband is assumed to be 1. exclude_nodata_value is assumed to be TRUE.
     34065. ST_ValuePercent(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, searchvalue double precision) -> bigint
     3408    nband is assumed to be 1. roundto is assumed to be 0, so no rounding takes place. exclude_nodata_value is assumed to be TRUE.
     3412'''ST_Resample(raster, method, originx, originy, pixelsizex, pixelsizey) -> raster'''
     3414ST_Resample is the main function underlying the ST_Transform, ST_Rescale, ST_Reskew and ST_SnapToGrid functions.  ST_Resample provides the ability to change a raster's projection, adjust the scale of the raster within its extent, change the skew (or deskew) and "dissolve" the raster to a grid.
     3416''If a skewed raster is provided to ST_Resample and skewx and/or skewy are not provided, the output raster will be deskewed (zero skew in X and Y axes thus "north up")''
     34181. ST_Resample(
     3419        rast raster,
     3420        srid integer DEFAULT NULL,
     3421        scalex double precision DEFAULT 0, scaley double precision DEFAULT 0,
     3422        gridx double precision DEFAULT NULL, gridy double precision DEFAULT NULL,
     3423        skewx double precision DEFAULT 0, skewy double precision DEFAULT 0,
     3424        algorithm text DEFAULT 'NearestNeighbour', maxerr double precision DEFAULT 0.125
     3425) -> raster
     3427  srid: the SRID that the function will use to reproject the raster to.  If NULL, the raster's SRID will be used.
     3429  scalex: the scale/pixel size in the X axis of the resampled raster.  If scalex and scaley are zero (0), the resampled raster's scale will be autocomputed.  If provided, scaley must also be provided.
     3431  scaley: the scale/pixel size in the Y axis of the resampled raster.  If scalex and scaley are zero (0), the resampled raster's scale will be autocomputed.  If provided, scalex must also be provided.
     3433  gridx: the X coordinate of a point on the grid to which the raster will be aligned.  Value is in the resampled raster's world coordinates.  If provided, gridy must also be provided.
     3435  gridy: the Y coordinate of a point on the grid to which the raster will be aligned.  Value is in the resampled raster's world coordinates.  If provided, gridx must also be provided.
     3437  skewx: the skew along the X axis of the resampled raster.  If skewx and skewy are zero (0), the resampled raster will be "north up".
     3439  skewy: the skew along the Y axis of the resampled raster.  If skewx and skewy are zero (0), the resampled raster will be "north up".
     3441  algorithm: the algorithm to use when resampling the raster. default is 'NearestNeighbour'. possible algorithms are:
     3444NearestNeighbour (default.  fastest performance but worst interpolation)
     3446NearestNeighbor (for those wanting to use the American spelling)
     3457  maxerr: the threshold for approximation by the resampling algorithm (in pixel units). default is 0.125, which is the same value used in GDAL gdalwarp utility. if set to zero, no approximation takes place.
     34592. ST_Resample(
     3460        rast raster,
     3461        ref raster,
     3462        algorithm text DEFAULT 'NearestNeighbour', maxerr double precision DEFAULT 0.125
     3463) -> raster
     3465  ref: the reference raster to which rast will copy the scalex, scaley, skewx, skewy and srid.  In addition, the upperleft corner of ref will be used as a grid point to align rast.
     3469'''ST_Rescale(raster, scalex, scaley) -> raster'''
     3471ST_Rescale is a focused function of ST_Resample for changing the X and Y scale without affecting the extent of the raster.
     3473''If a skewed raster is provided to ST_Rescale, the output raster will be deskewed (zero skew in X and Y axes thus "north up").  To preserve the skew, use ST_Resample.''
     34751. ST_Rescale(rast raster, scalex double precision, scaley double precision, algorithm text DEFAULT 'NearestNeighbour', maxerr double precision DEFAULT 0.125) -> raster
     3477  scalex: the scale/pixel size in the X axis of the resampled raster
     3479  scaley: the scale/pixel size in the Y axis of the resampled raster
     34812. ST_Rescale(rast raster, scalexy double precision, algorithm text DEFAULT 'NearestNeighbour', maxerr double precision DEFAULT 0.125) -> raster
     3483  scalexy: the scale/pixel size in the X and Y axes of the resampled raster.
     3487'''ST_Reskew(raster, skewx, skewy) -> raster'''
     3489ST_Reskew is a focused function of ST_Resample for changing the skew along the X and Y axes.
     34911. ST_Reskew(rast raster, skewx double precision, skewy double precision, algorithm text DEFAULT 'NearestNeighbour', maxerr double precision DEFAULT 0.125) -> raster
     3493  skewx: the skew along the X axis of the resampled raster.  If skewx and skewy are zero (0), the resampled raster will be "north up".
     3495  skewy: the skew along the Y axis of the resampled raster.  If skewx and skewy are zero (0), the resampled raster will be "north up".
     34972. ST_Reskew(rast raster, skewxy double precision, algorithm text DEFAULT 'NearestNeighbour', maxerr double precision DEFAULT 0.125) -> raster
     3499  skewxy: the skew along both X and Y axes of the resampled raster.  If skewxy is zero (0), the resampled raster will be "north up".
     3503'''ST_SnapToGrid(raster, gridx, gridy)'''
     3505ST_SnapToGrid provides the ability to align a raster to grid (possibly that of a coverage).  The returned raster has its upper-left corner placed at the closest valid grid point to the source raster's upper-left corner without losing a data.  The same is done for the lower-right corner.
     3509''If a skewed raster is provided to ST_SnapToGrid, the output raster will be deskewed (zero skew in X and Y axes thus "north up").  To preserve the skew, use ST_Resample.''
     35111. ST_SnapToGrid(
     3512        rast raster,
     3513        gridx double precision, gridy double precision,
     3514        algorithm text DEFAULT 'NearestNeighbour', maxerr double precision DEFAULT 0.125,
     3515        scalex double precision DEFAULT 0, scaley double precision DEFAULT 0
     3516) -> raster
     3518  gridx: the X coordinate of a point on the grid to which the raster will be aligned.  Value is in the raster's world coordinates.
     3520  gridy: the Y coordinate of a point on the grid to which the raster will be aligned.  Value is in the raster's world coordinates.
     3522  scalex: the scale/pixel size in the X axis of the resampled raster.  This is also the scale of the grid to which the raster is being "snapped".  If provided, scaley must be provided.  If scalex and scaley are zero, the input raster's scale will be used.
     3524  scaley: the scale/pixel size in the Y axis of the resampled raster.  This is also the scale of the grid to which the raster is being "snapped"  If provided, scalex must be provided.  If scalex and scaley are zero, the input raster's scale will be used.
     35262. ST_SnapToGrid(
     3527        rast raster,
     3528        gridx double precision, gridy double precision,
     3529        scalex double precision, scaley double precision,
     3530        algorithm text DEFAULT 'NearestNeighbour', maxerr double precision DEFAULT 0.125
     3531) -> raster
     35333. ST_SnapToGrid(
     3534        rast raster,
     3535        gridx double precision, gridy double precision,
     3536        scalexy double precision,
     3537        algorithm text DEFAULT 'NearestNeighbour', maxerr double precision DEFAULT 0.125
     3538) -> raster
     3540  scalexy: the scale/pixel size in the X and Y axes of the resampled raster.
     3542~~ * Implemented as a wrapper around GDAL like done for ST_DumpAsPolygons()~~
     3543~~ * Resampling methods are the same as the one priovided by GDAL~~
     3545~~ '''Variants'''~~
     3547~~ * The '''first series of variants''' only change the pixelsize of the raster.~~
     3549~~ 1) ST_Resample(raster, pixelsize) - modify pixelsize only and resample using the default method~~
     3551~~ 2) ST_Resample(raster, method, pixelsize) - modify pixelsize and resample using the specified method~~
     3553~~ 3) ST_Resample(raster, pixelsizex, pixelsizey) - modify pixelsize with different values for x and y using the default method~~
     3555~~ 4) ST_Resample(raster, method, pixelsizex, pixelsizey) - modify pixelsize with different values for x and y using the specified method~~
     3557~~ * The '''second series of variants''' realign the raster and change the pixelsize~~
     3559~~ 5) ST_Resample(raster, x, y, pixelsize) - realign and modify pixelsize using the default method~~
     3561~~ 6) ST_Resample(raster, method, x, y, pixelsize) - realign and modify pixelsize using the specified method~~
     3563~~ 7) ST_Resample(raster, x, y, pixelsizex, pixelsizey) - realign and modify pixelsize with different values for x and y using the default method~~
     3565~~ 8) ST_Resample(raster, method, x, y, pixelsizex, pixelsizey) - realign and modify pixelsize with different values for x and y using the specified method~~
     3567~~ 9) ST_Resample(raster, x, y, pixelsizex, pixelsizey, skewx, skewy) - realign and modify pixelsize and skew with different values for x and y using the default method~~
     3569~~ 10) ST_Resample(raster, method, x, y, pixelsizex, pixelsizey, skewx, skewy) - realign and modify pixelsize and skew with different values for x and y using the specified method~~
     3571~~ * The '''third series of variants''' align and resample the raster to match the alignment, pixelsize and skew of an existing raster.~~
     3573~~ 11) ST_Resample(destraster, sourceraster)~~
     3575~~ '''Questions'''~~
     3577~~ * Should there be a band parameter?~~
     3579~~ * How does GDAL allow resampling?~~
     3581~~ * Which methods GDAL supports? ArcGIS supports NEAREST | BILINEAR | CUBIC | MAJORITY~~
     3583~~ * Does GDAL support change in skew?~~
     3586== '''Objective FV.22 - Making raster_columns and raster_overview as views''' ==
     3588raster_columns and raster_overviews are now constraint-based views.  The structure of the raster_columns views is below.
     3592<TABLE BORDER=1>
     3593        <THEAD>
     3594                <TR>
     3595                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">Column</TD>
     3596                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">PostgreSQL Type</TD>
     3597                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">Description</TD>
     3598                </TR>
     3599        </THEAD>
     3600        <TBODY>
     3601                <TR>
     3602                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT>r_table_catalog</TD>
     3603                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT>name</TD>
     3604                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT>Name of the database containing the table with the raster column.</TD>
     3605                </TR>
     3606                <TR>
     3607                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT>r_table_schema</TD>
     3608                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT>name</TD>
     3609                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT>Name of the schema containing the table with the raster column.</TD>
     3610                </TR>
     3611                <TR>
     3612                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT>r_table_name</TD>
     3613                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT>name</TD>
     3614                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT>Name of the table containing a column of type raster.</TD>
     3615                </TR>
     3616                <TR>
     3617                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT>r_raster_column</TD>
     3618                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT>name</TD>
     3619                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT>Name of the raster column in the table.  All attribute columns following this column apply to the rasters in this column.  <span style="font-style: italic; font-weight: bold;">This column was previously known as r_column.</span></TD>
     3620                </TR>
     3621                <TR>
     3622                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT>srid</TD>
     3623                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT>integer</TD>
     3624                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT>ID of the spatial reference system of the rasters in this column.  Value is extracted from the ST_SRID constraint on this raster column.  <span style="font-style: italic;">The constraint is typically named enforce_srid_&lt;r_raster_column&gt;.</span></TD>
     3625                </TR>
     3626                <TR>
     3627                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT>scale_x</TD>
     3628                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT>double precision</TD>
     3629                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT>The scale on the X-axis of the rasters in this column.  Value is extracted from the ST_ScaleX constraint on this raster column.  <span style="font-style: italic;">The constraint is typically named enforce_scalex_&lt;r_raster_column&gt;.</span></TD>
     3630                </TR>
     3631                <TR>
     3632                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT>scale_y</TD>
     3633                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT>double precision</TD>
     3634                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT>The scale on the Y-axis of the rasters in this column.  Value is extracted from the ST_ScaleY constraint on this raster column.  <span style="font-style: italic;">The constraint is typically named enforce_scaley_&lt;r_raster_column&gt;.</span></TD>
     3635                </TR>
     3636                <TR>
     3637                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT>blocksize_x</TD>
     3638                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT>integer</TD>
     3639                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT>The width of the rasters in this column.  Value is extracted from the ST_Width constraint on this raster column.  <span style="font-style: italic;">The constraint is typically named enforce_width_&lt;r_raster_column&gt;.</span></TD>
     3640                </TR>
     3641                <TR>
     3642                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT>blocksize_y</TD>
     3643                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT>integer</TD>
     3644                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT>The height of the rasters in this column.  Value is extracted from the ST_Height constraint on this raster column.  <span style="font-style: italic;">The constraint is typically named enforce_height_&lt;r_raster_column&gt;.</span></TD>
     3645                </TR>
     3646                <TR>
     3647                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT>same_alignment</TD>
     3648                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT>boolean</TD>
     3649                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT>If TRUE, all rasters in this column are aligned.  State is extracted from the ST_SameAlignment constraint comparing the rasters in this column against coordinates known to be on the grid.  <span style="font-style: italic;">The constraint is typically named enforce_same_alignment_&lt;r_raster_column&gt;.</span></TD>
     3650                </TR>
     3651                <TR>
     3652                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT>regular_blocking</TD>
     3653                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT>boolean</TD>
     3654                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT>If TRUE, all rasters in this column are regularly blocked.  <span style="color: red; font-weight: bold;">Though this column is technically based upon a constraint, the constraint is purely information and does NO actual constraining.  Therefore if this column is TRUE, a user explicitly specified that the rasters in this column are regularly blocked.</span>  <span style="font-style: italic;">The constraint is typically named enforce_regular_blocking_&lt;r_raster_column&gt;.</span></TD>
     3655                </TR>
     3656                <TR>
     3657                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT>num_bands</TD>
     3658                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT>integer</TD>
     3659                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT>The number bands within each raster of this column.  Value is extracted from the ST_NumBands constraint on this raster column.  <span style="font-style: italic;">The constraint is typically named enforce_num_bands_&lt; r_raster_column&gt;.</span></TD>
     3660                </TR>
     3661                <TR>
     3662                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT>pixel_types</TD>
     3663                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT>text[]</TD>
     3664                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT>Text array of the pixel types of the bands within each raster of this column.  Value is extracted from a special function that creates an array of the band pixel types of the rasters in this column.  <span style="font-style: italic;">The constraint is typically named enforce_pixel_types_&lt;r_raster_column&gt;.</span></TD>
     3665                </TR>
     3666                <TR>
     3667                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT>nodata_values</TD>
     3668                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT>double precision[]</TD>
     3669                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT>Double precision array of the NODATA values of the bands within each raster of this column.  Value is extracted from a special function that creates an array of the band NODATA values of the rasters in this column.  <span style="font-style: italic;">The constraint is typically named enforce_nodata_values_&lt;r_raster_column&gt;.</span></TD>
     3670                </TR>
     3671                <TR>
     3672                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT>out_db</TD>
     3673                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT>boolean[]</TD>
     3674                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT>Boolean array of the out-of-database flag of the bands within each raster of this column.  Value is extracted from a special function that creates an array of the band out-of-database flags of the rasters in this column.  <span style="font-style: italic;">The constraint is typically named enforce_out_db_&lt;r_raster_column&gt;.</span></TD>
     3675                </TR>
     3676                <TR>
     3677                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT>extent</TD>
     3678                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT>geometry</TD>
     3679                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT>The maximum extent within which all rasters of this column must be covered by.  The maximum extent is computed by ST_ConvexHull(ST_Collect(ST_ConvexHull(raster))) of all rasters in this column at the time that the extent constraint was added..  Value is extracted from the ST_CoveredBy(ST_ConvexHull(raster)) constraint on this raster column.  <span style="font-style: italic;">The constraint is typically named enforce_max_extent_&lt;r_raster_column&gt;.</span></TD>
     3680                </TR>
     3681        </TBODY>
     3686Raster constraints can be set using one of the !AddRasterConstraints functions.
     36881. !AddRasterConstraints (
     3689        rastschema name,[[BR]]
     3690        rasttable name,[[BR]]
     3691        rastcolumn name,[[BR]]
     3692        VARIADIC constraints text[]
     3695        constraints: keywords indicating constraint to attempt to add.  possible keywords are:
     3699scale_x or scalex
     3700scale_y or scaley
     3702blocksize_x or blocksizex or width
     3703blocksize_y or blocksizey or height
     3705same_alignment or samealignment or alignment
     3706regular_blocking or regularblocking
     3707num_bands or numbands
     3708pixel_types or pixeltypes
     3709nodata_values or nodatavalues or nodata
     3710out_db or outdb
     3715SELECT AddRasterConstraints('schema', 'table', 'rast', 'srid', 'extent')
     37182. !AddRasterConstraints (
     3719        rasttable name,[[BR]]
     3720        rastcolumn name,[[BR]]
     3721        VARIADIC constraints text[]
     37243. !AddRasterConstraints (
     3725        rastschema name,[[BR]]
     3726        rasttable name,[[BR]]
     3727        rastcolumn name,[[BR]]
     3728        srid boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3729        scale_x boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3730        scale_y boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3731        blocksize_x boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3732        blocksize_y boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3733        same_alignment boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3734        regular_blocking boolean DEFAULT FALSE,[[BR]]
     3735        num_bands boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3736        pixel_types boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3737        nodata_values boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3738        out_db boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3739        extent boolean DEFAULT TRUE
     37424. !AddRasterConstraints (
     3743        rasttable name,[[BR]]
     3744        rastcolumn name,[[BR]]
     3745        srid boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3746        scale_x boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3747        scale_y boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3748        blocksize_x boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3749        blocksize_y boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3750        same_alignment boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3751        regular_blocking boolean DEFAULT FALSE,[[BR]]
     3752        num_bands boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3753        pixel_types boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3754        nodata_values boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3755        out_db boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3756        extent boolean DEFAULT TRUE
     3759Though users can manually remove raster constraints, it is easier to use one of the !DropRasterConstraints functions
     37611. !DropRasterConstraints (
     3762        rastschema name,[[BR]]
     3763        rasttable name,[[BR]]
     3764        rastcolumn name,[[BR]]
     3765        VARIADIC constraints text[]
     3768        constraints: the same keywords as function !#1 for !AddRasterConstraints
     37702. !DropRasterConstraints (
     3771        rasttable name,[[BR]]
     3772        rastcolumn name,[[BR]]
     3773        VARIADIC constraints text[]
     37763. !DropRasterConstraints (
     3777        rastschema name,[[BR]]
     3778        rasttable name,[[BR]]
     3779        rastcolumn name,[[BR]]
     3780        srid boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3781        scale_x boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3782        scale_y boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3783        blocksize_x boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3784        blocksize_y boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3785        same_alignment boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3786        regular_blocking boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3787        num_bands boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3788        pixel_types boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3789        nodata_values boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3790        out_db boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3791        extent boolean DEFAULT TRUE
     37944. !DropRasterConstraints (
     3795        rasttable name,[[BR]]
     3796        rastcolumn name,[[BR]]
     3797        srid boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3798        scale_x boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3799        scale_y boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3800        blocksize_x boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3801        blocksize_y boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3802        same_alignment boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3803        regular_blocking boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3804        num_bands boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3805        pixel_types boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3806        nodata_values boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3807        out_db boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3808        extent boolean DEFAULT TRUE
     3813The raster_overviews view is structured as the following:
     3817<TABLE BORDER=1>
     3818        <THEAD>
     3819                <TR>
     3820                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">Column</TD>
     3821                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">PostgreSQL Type</TD>
     3822                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">Description</TD>
     3823                </TR>
     3824        </THEAD>
     3825        <TBODY>
     3826                <TR>
     3827                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT>o_table_catalog</TD>
     3828                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT>name</TD>
     3829                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT>Name of the database containing the table with the overview column.</TD>
     3830                </TR>
     3831                <TR>
     3832                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT>o_table_schema</TD>
     3833                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT>name</TD>
     3834                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT>Name of the schema containing the table with the overview column.</TD>
     3835                </TR>
     3836                <TR>
     3837                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT>o_table_name</TD>
     3838                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT>name</TD>
     3839                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT>Name of the table containing a column of type raster considered an overview.</TD>
     3840                </TR>
     3841                <TR>
     3842                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT>o_raster_column</TD>
     3843                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT>name</TD>
     3844                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT>Name of the overview column in the table. All attribute columns following this column apply to the rasters in this column.  <span style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">This column was previously known as o_column.</span></TD>
     3845                </TR>
     3846                <TR>
     3847                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT>r_table_catalog</TD>
     3848                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT>name</TD>
     3849                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT>Name of the database containing the table with the raster column from which this overview column was derived.</TD>
     3850                </TR>
     3851                <TR>
     3852                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT>r_table_schema</TD>
     3853                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT>name</TD>
     3854                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT>Name of the schema containing the table with the raster column from which this overview column was derived.</TD>
     3855                </TR>
     3856                <TR>
     3857                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT>r_table_name</TD>
     3858                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT>name</TD>
     3859                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT>Name of the table containing a column of type raster from which this overview column was derived.</TD>
     3860                </TR>
     3861                <TR>
     3862                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT>r_raster_column</TD>
     3863                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT>name</TD>
     3864                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT>Name of the raster column in the table from which this overview column was derived.  <span style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">This column was previously known as r_column.</span></TD>
     3865                </TR>
     3866                <TR>
     3867                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT>overview_factor</TD>
     3868                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT>integer</TD>
     3869                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT>The factor used to compute the overviews in this column.  If the factor is 2, the overviews' scale is 2x of the reference rasters.  </TD>
     3870                </TR>
     3871        </TBODY>
     3875'''One column has been removed from the raster_overviews views: out_db.'''
     3877As all overviews are rasters, overviews will have have a record in raster_columns and another record in raster_overviews.
     3879The distinguishing factor that makes a raster be treated as an overview is the ''enforce_overview_<o_raster_column>'' constraint.  The constraint can be applied using one of the !AddOverviewConstraints functions.  '''The overview constraint checks that the reference raster column and table exists.  If the reference raster column does not exist, the constraint is violated.'''
     38811. !AddOverviewConstraints (
     3882        ovschema name, ovtable name, ovcolumn name,[[BR]]
     3883        refschema name, reftable name, refcolumn name,[[BR]]
     3884        ovfactor int
     38872. !AddOverviewConstraints (
     3888        ovtable name, ovcolumn name,[[BR]]
     3889        reftable name, refcolumn name,[[BR]]
     3890        ovfactor int
     3893To drop an overview constraint, use !DropOverviewConstraints.
     38951. !DropOverviewConstraints (
     3896        ovschema name,[[BR]]
     3897        ovtable name,[[BR]]
     3898        ovcolumn name
     39012. !DropOverviewConstraints (
     3902        ovtable name,[[BR]]
     3903        ovcolumn name
     3907~~Following the conversion of geometry_columns to a view in PostGIS, it is planned to do the same with raster_column and raster_overview for the raster part. Converting to a view has a number of advantages:
     3909~~ * The raster_column view rows will always be in synch with the existing list raster columns.
     3911~~ * All the information will be trustworthy because it will be enforced by constraints, so people can't change the band types etc... without changing the constraints. The raster_columns information will always be correct or null (if the constraint can not be applied).
     3913~~ * Idem for the raster_overview table.
     3915~~PostGIS is using the typmod feature of PostgreSQL to 'store' metadata about a table and then display them in the geometry_column view. Unfortunately the typmod is limited to XXX bytes and there is too much information to 'store' about a raster table to use typmod. PostGIS raster will therefore use another approach consisting of 'storing' metadata about a raster table as constraints on the table. A set of constraints will be applied to a raster table and those constraints will be read and displayed by the raster_column view.
     3917~~The '''major changes concerning the raster_column table''' are as follow:
     3919~~ * There will be a flexible !AddRasterConstraint() function trying to add a set of constraint on a table. As for any constraint, each constraint will be successfully applied only when all the rows of the table fulfill this constraint. The list of potential constraint applied by the C loader (using the !AddRasterConstraint function) and hence the list of column available in the raster_column view will be: srid int, samealignment boolean, scalex float8, scaley float8, width int, height int, numberofbands int, pixeltypes text[], nodatavalues float[] in addition to the 'r_table_catalog', 'r_table_schema', 'r_table_name' and 'r_column' columns. There is still discussion about if global extent as a geometry should be added to this list. Comments are welcome.
     3921~~ * The raster_column view rows will be determined by querying the PostgreSQL catalog. A typical query exists for this.
     3923~~ * The raster_column view will derive columns of metadata from the constraints applied to each table listed. When a constraint does not exist (because it could not be applied successfully to the table by !AddRasterconstraint()), the column corresponding to this constraint for this table will be null.
     3925~~The '''major changes concerning the raster_overview table''' are as follow:
     3927~~ * The raster_overview table will also be replaced by a raster_overview view.
     3929~~ * We will provide a new function to support the creation of the raster_overview view and application of three additional constraints specific to overviews (!AddOverviewConstraints). These three additional constraints are: 'reference raster table oid', 'overview factor' and 'global extent'. Those constraints will be displayed by the raster_overview view as 'r_table_catalog', 'r_table_schema', 'r_table_name', 'r_column', 'overview_factor' and 'global_extent' in addition to the 'o_table_catalog', 'o_table_schema', 'o_table_name' and 'o_column' columns.
     3931~~ * We will also provide a SQL function for creating overviews (ST_CreateOverview(schemaname text, tablename teat, columnname, factor int)).
     3933~~ * The raster_overview view will NOT be created by default by the rtpostgis.sql script. It will be the responsibility of applications to use the !AddOverviewConstraints and ST_CreateOverview() function to create the raster_overviews view and create overviews.
     3935~~The '''major changes concerning the raster2pgsql loader''' are as follow:
     3937~~ * We are working on a new C importer to get rid of any Python, Numpy and Python GDAL Binding dependency which is a major obstacle to successful installation of PostGIS 2.0.
     3939~~ * This new loader will attempt to add the constraints on the loaded table using the !AddRasterConstraint() function. There will be an option to NOT try to add the constraint for applications preferring to have no constraint applied to the tables over having a raster_column view filled with the proper information.
     3941~~ * This new importer will NOT have any option to create the raster_overview view, nor to create overview tables as we leave this to the application. We also think that it is more important to be able to create overviews in SQL as a post loading process query so overviews can be updated/recreated when rasters tiles are edited, added or deleted. Application wishing to create overview can implement their own overview creation code or just use the future ST_CreateOverview() SQL function.
     3943~~ * We will stop supporting the old which was creating overview tables and filling the raster_overview table. It will be available in the script/python folder for people wishing to create overviews after a slight addaptation (to the new !AddRasterConstraints() and !AddOverviewConstraints() functions).