86 | | We downloaded 8 zipped files. If you have 7-Zip installed, you can simply select all the zip files, right-click on them and select "7-Zip->Extract files..." 7-Zip will extract each TIF file in the same folder. Each file is 6000 pixels wide by 6000 pixel high. You can quickly preview the images if you have !IrfanView installed. Efficient raster/vector analysis with PostGIS WKT Raster requires the raster files to be split into tiles in the database. Fortunately gdal2wktraster.py has an option to tile the images the size we like. We will tile them into 100x100 pixels resulting in 60 * 60 * 13 = 46800 tiles. gdal2wktraster.py also accepts wildcard so we will be able to load our 13 big rasters in one unique command. |
87 | | |
88 | | To load the raster files in PostGIS WKT Raster, do something like: |
| 86 | We downloaded 13 zipped files. If you have 7-Zip installed, you can simply select all the zip files, right-click on them and select "7-Zip->Extract files..." 7-Zip will extract every TIF file in the same folder. Each file is 6000 pixels wide by 6000 pixels high. You can quickly preview the images if you have a good images viewer like !IrfanView installed. Efficient raster/vector analysis with PostGIS WKT Raster requires raster files to be split into tiles when loaded in the database. Fortunately gdal2wktraster.py has an option to tile the images the size we like. We will tile them into 100 pixels x 100 pixels resulting in 6000/100 * 6000/100 * 13 = 46800 tiles. gdal2wktraster.py also accepts wildcard so we will be able to load our 13 big rasters in one unique command. |
| 87 | |
| 88 | The command to load the raster files in PostGIS WKT Raster looks like: |
98 | | The -s option, identical to shp2pgsql.exe one, is required to specify the spatial reference system ID. In this case the raster are in "WGS 84" having the SRID number 4326. Unlike some GIS software, PostGIS does not support on the fly reprojection so that we cannot do operations on table stored with different spatial reference systems. As we could see, the caribou point layer was in "NAD 83/Quebec Lambert" and the SRTM images are in "WGS 84". We will have to deal with this problem later. |
99 | | |
100 | | The -k option specify the size of the tiles we want to load in PostGIS. Every input raster will be splitted into 100x100 tiles. This dimension is a good compromise allowing efficient raster/vector analysis. It is better if the size of the tiles is a divider of size of each raster. Otherwise the last colomns and rows of tiles from each raster will be filled with nodata values. This might have an impact on performance but not on the result since WKT Raster analysis functions ignore nodata values. |
101 | | |
102 | | The -I option tells the loader to create a spatial index on the raster tile table. If you forget to add this option you can always add the index by executing a SQL command similar to this one in pgAdmin III: |
| 98 | The -s option, identical to shp2pgsql.exe one, is required to specify the spatial reference system ID. In this case the raster are in "WGS 84" having the SRID number 4326. Unlike some GIS software, PostGIS does not support on the fly reprojection so that we cannot do operations on table stored with different spatial reference systems. As we could see, the caribou point layer and the SRTM images are in different spatial reference systems. The points are in "NAD 83/Quebec Lambert" and SRTM are in "WGS 84". We will have to deal with this problem later. |
| 99 | |
| 100 | The -k option specify the size of the tiles we want to load in PostGIS. Every input raster will be split into 100x100 tiles. This dimension is a good compromise allowing efficient raster/vector analysis. It is better if the size of the tiles is a divider of the size of each raster. Otherwise the last colomns and rows of tiles of each raster will be filled with nodata values. This might have an impact on performance but not on the result since WKT Raster analysis functions ignore nodata values. |
| 101 | |
| 102 | The -I option tells the loader to create a spatial index on the raster tile table. If you forget to add this option you can always add the index afterward by executing a SQL command similar to this one in pgAdmin III: |