Opened 15 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

#1142 closed defect (fixed) fails in LL

Reported by: hamish Owned by: grass-dev@…
Priority: normal Milestone: 6.4.1
Component: Raster Version: svn-releasebranch64
Keywords: Cc:
CPU: Unspecified Platform: Unspecified


As reported on the -dev list, is not working in lat/long locations.

apparently it works in 6.3.0 but fails in 6.4.0svn. (I can reproduce it too)

Remember to run g.region first(?),

g.region s=34 n=37 w=-79 e=-77 res=0:01 -p in=- out=test << EOF
 -78.254 35.82
 -78.005 36.201
 -77.707 36.135
 -77.84 35.853
 -78.196 35.721
 -78.254 35.82
= 1 coord

r.univar test

I have tested r.digit in 6.4.0svn, which is just a front-end to, and it works. The .tmp file it creates looks like this:

 78:10:08.695652W 36:36:33.569132N
 78:39:25.217391W 35:39:15.62701N
 78:08:24.347826W 34:56:25.85209N
 77:26:57.391304W 35:43:53.440514N
 77:37:23.478261W 36:31:38.392283N
 78:00:17.391304W 35:34:37.813505N
 78:14:12.173913W 35:50:15.434084N
 77:58:50.434783W 36:32:13.118971N
 78:08:59.130435W 36:38:00.385852N
= 3 label

I suspect if you try with D:M:Sh coord notation in it will work.

I have just build 6.4.0rc2, and there it still works there. Will try newer RCs later to try and narrow down the time of this change.

Also, should really be creating geodesic lines between vertices when in a lat/long location. need to check that too.

thanks, Hamish

Change History (7)

comment:1 by helena, 15 years ago

I copied both of your files above into a txt file and used it with and it worked. r.digit worked as well. I went back to the original email and copied the file again and it worked fine. And I made sure the region is set right. I bet that they had something wrong with how the region was set up although the region coordinates that they sent were Ok. So I think you can close it,


P.S. Among several files with different formatting that work, I still have this one that is giving NULLs (perhaps some typo that I don't see)

 78:25:00.0W 35:82:00.0N
 78:00:00.0W 36:20:00.0N
 77:70:00.0W 36:13:00.0N
 77:84:00.0W 35:85:00.0N
 78:25:00.0W 35:82:00.0N
= 1 coord

comment:2 by marisn, 15 years ago

Priority: majornormal

Everything seems to work just fine on AMD64 with current 6.4. svn, if region is set correctly. IMHO this is the real bug, as* should not be affected by current region.

As goes for Helena's second example - minutes exceed 60 (35:82:00.0N) and thus whole line gets ignored.

in reply to:  2 comment:3 by hamish, 15 years ago

Replying to marisn:

Everything seems to work just fine on AMD64 with current 6.4. svn, if region is set correctly.

I'm going to go back and retest this, I'm sure when I first tested it I had run g.region first..

IMHO this is the real bug, as* should not be affected by current region.

That,, and do not set region for you is not a bug. These modules create raster maps not import existing arrays. There is no good way to decide on what the resolution should be, and how/if to align the grid to the bounding box. These are decisions the user must make for themselves and are a critical, and very useful, fundamental feature of the workflow.

As goes for Helena's second example - minutes exceed 60 (35:82:00.0N) and thus whole line gets ignored.

That should give a warning, as should "No features found in current region" (ala d.vect). I think to make that "nothing found" warning a G_message() though, so you can shut it up with --quiet. (fixed region may be what you want)

cheers, Hamish

comment:4 by cmbarton, 15 years ago only works with cell maps and transforms any floats to integer. Perhaps this is part of the problem? We've run into odd results in non LL regions that ultimately were a result of this.


comment:5 by hamish, 15 years ago

tested again in 6.4.0svn, seems ok.

additional warnings would be nice, but fwiw the man page already says:

       The data will be imported using the current  region  settings
       to  set  the new raster map's bounds and resolution. Any fea-
       tures falling outside the current region will be cropped. The
       region settings are contolled with the g.region module.


 [...] To give meaning to the  features,  the  "="
       indicates that the feature currently being processed has cat-
       egory value cat# (which must  be  an  integer)  and  a  label
       (which may be more than one word, or which may be omitted).

bad coord warnings improved in 6.5svn, trunk in r43330, r43331.


comment:6 by neteler, 13 years ago

Hamish, do you plan to backport r43331? Otherwise it may be closed.

comment:7 by hamish, 12 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

backported to relbr64 by markusN in r43572.

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