Opened 17 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

#142 closed enhancement (wontfix)

WinGRASS Native: Ground Control Points Usability

Reported by: RRosario Owned by: grass-dev@…
Priority: major Milestone: 6.4.0
Component: Tcl/Tk Version: 6.3.0 RCs
Keywords: wingrass ground control point usability Cc:
CPU: Unspecified Platform: Unspecified


There are several usability issues with the current ground control points dialog on WinGRASS:

  1. When a point is selected in the map display, the cursor in the GCP dialog does advance to a new field to record the next point clicked. The user must manually click on a new field to select a new point, otherwise, the same point coordinates are overwritten and there will be more points selected than there are recorded GCPs entered.
  1. There should be a visual divider that separates each entry column: Coordinates, Geographic Coordinates etc. Currently, some users experience errors because they attempt to use the spacebar to move to the next field.
  1. When the user clicks on a point in the map display, the decimal precision of the clicked point can fill in the entire field up to the next column, confusing the user into thinking that there is no way to advance to the next field (geographic coordinates). This is resolved by simply clicking in the second column, but the cursor appears in the same location. This could also be resolved by resolving #2 above.

Change History (4)

comment:1 by mlennert, 17 years ago

  1. is not limited to WinGRASS, but 2+3 are (although the limit between the fields is not very easily visible either, depending on the screen, but it is not nearly as bad as in winGRASS).


in reply to:  description ; comment:2 by mmetz, 15 years ago

CPU: Unspecified
Platform: Unspecified
  1. In the new GCP Manager, there are several ways to navigate through points: "Go to GCP No." in the statusbar, clicking on a row in the list, or using up/down arrow keys when a row is selected/active. Helps?
  1. Probably no longer applies because there is an extra dialog for manually editing coordinates. If a point in the list is selected and the spacebar is pressed, this dialog appears (both Georectifier and GCP Manager).
  1. Does this refer to a different layout? The ticket is 2 years old, maybe something changed. Advancing to the next field (column) is not (no longer?) possible in the list, a particular entry is edited with the editing dialog or by clicking in the maps.

Markus M

in reply to:  2 comment:3 by hellik, 14 years ago

Replying to mmetz:

  1. In the new GCP Manager, there are several ways to navigate through points: "Go to GCP No." in the statusbar, clicking on a row in the list, or using up/down arrow keys when a row is selected/active. Helps?
  1. Probably no longer applies because there is an extra dialog for manually editing coordinates. If a point in the list is selected and the spacebar is pressed, this dialog appears (both Georectifier and GCP Manager).
  1. Does this refer to a different layout? The ticket is 2 years old, maybe something changed. Advancing to the next field (column) is not (no longer?) possible in the list, a particular entry is edited with the editing dialog or by clicking in the maps.

Markus M

closing the ticket?

comment:4 by hamish, 13 years ago

Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed

tcl/tk GUI is no longer being developed for new features.

closing this wish as "won't fix".


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