Opened 17 years ago

Closed 17 years ago

#149 closed defect (wontfix)

WinGRASS wxPython GUI: vector layer query failed

Reported by: timmie Owned by: martinl
Priority: major Milestone: 6.3.1
Component: Python Version: 6.3.0
Keywords: gui, wxpython, windows Cc: grass-dev@…
CPU: Unspecified Platform: Unspecified


Querying a vector layer in wxpython windows native causes the GUI to crash:

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "c:\GRASS\etc\wxpython\gui_modules\", line 3082, in AddBarscale


File "c:\GRASS\etc\wxpython\gui_modules\", line 632, in Render

if not layer.Render():

File "c:\GRASS\etc\wxpython\gui_modules\", line 129, in Render

if runcmd.returncode != 0:

UnboundLocalError: local variable 'runcmd' referenced before assignment Traceback (most recent call last):

File "c:\GRASS\etc\wxpython\gui_modules\", line 3138, in AddLegend


File "c:\GRASS\etc\wxpython\gui_modules\", line 632, in Render

if not layer.Render():

File "c:\GRASS\etc\wxpython\gui_modules\", line 129, in Render

if runcmd.returncode != 0:

UnboundLocalError: local variable 'runcmd' referenced before assignment Traceback (most recent call last):

File "c:\GRASS\etc\wxpython\gui_modules\", line 3214, in AddText


File "c:\GRASS\etc\wxpython\gui_modules\", line 559, in UpdateMap

self.mapfile = self.Map.Render(force=True, mapWindow=self.parent)

File "c:\GRASS\etc\wxpython\gui_modules\", line 632, in Render

if not layer.Render():

File "c:\GRASS\etc\wxpython\gui_modules\", line 129, in Render

if runcmd.returncode != 0:

UnboundLocalError: local variable 'runcmd' referenced before assignment

Change History (4)

comment:1 by 4everskiff, 17 years ago

Component: defaultPython
Version: unspecified6.3.0

comment:2 by 4everskiff, 17 years ago

Summary: vector layer query failedWinGRASS wxPython GUI: vector layer query failed

comment:3 by martinl, 17 years ago

Cc: grass-dev@… added
Keywords: gui wxpython windows added
Owner: changed from grass-dev@… to martinl
Status: newassigned

Similar with #148, already fixed for 6.4, see

Not backported to releasebranch_6_3, close as 'wontfix'?


comment:4 by martinl, 17 years ago

Resolution: wontfix
Status: assignedclosed
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