Opened 13 years ago

Last modified 10 years ago

#1594 new defect

180 meridian and r.proj

Reported by: awickert Owned by: grass-dev@…
Priority: normal Milestone: 6.4.6
Component: Raster Version: svn-trunk
Keywords: r.proj, meridian Cc:
CPU: x86-64 Platform: Linux


On versions 6.4.1. and 7.0, when I project a map that is in lat/lon coordinates, only the region to the west of the 180 meridian (i.e. that up to 180 degrees E) is projected and brought into the new coordinate system. There must be some way of making r.proj realize that the rest of the map exists...?

Change History (6)

comment:1 by hamish, 13 years ago

Component: DefaultRaster

hmmm, I've never seen this problem with raster maps and I'm at 170E longitude. If a reprojection hits a singularity typically you know about it immediately with a flood of warning messages.

can you provide more details on how to reproduce the problem and possibly some test data?

what projection system are you reprojecting into?

do you know if the original dataset was 0-360 or -180 to +180?

thanks, Hamish

in reply to:  1 comment:2 by hamish, 13 years ago

Replying to hamish:

hmmm, I've never seen this problem with raster maps and I'm at 170E longitude. If a reprojection hits a singularity typically you know about it immediately with a flood of warning messages.

... which is typically only a problem with a one-way projection like Winkel Tripel. Unlike r.proj, v.proj uses a forward projection and in those cases the work-around is to do feature=point, v.proj, then v.out.ascii | Can't recall if I ever wrote an addon script to automate that.


comment:3 by awickert, 11 years ago

Version: 6.4.1svn-trunk

Hi Hamish,

Sorry that I completely overlooked this bug report and let it fall by the wayside!

Here is exactly what I am doing:

  1. Importing a global gridded data set into a GRASS GIS location (we'll call it "L1"; this is unprojected: WGS84 = EPSG 4326)
  1. Creating a new GRASS GIS location (L2), in the same unprojected coordinate system (WGS84)
  1. Inside L2, setting the region to extend across the 180 meridian. In my case, here is the computational region, which is at the same resolution as the global gridded data:

g.region -p

projection: 3 (Latitude-Longitude) zone: 0 datum: wgs84 ellipsoid: wgs84 north: 80N south: 50N west: 155E east: 125W nsres: 0:00:30 ewres: 0:00:30 rows: 3600 cols: 9600 cells: 34560000

  1. I run the following command to import the data set, in this case, the GEBCO_08 30-arcsecond global digital elevation model:

r.proj loc=GlobalDatabase30as in=toponow

  1. I look at the output data extent - only the part of the region to the west of the 180 meridian is imported.

I could upload the raster, but it is huge... and this is reproducible by just creating a map of zeros with r.mapcalc in the global location ("L1") and trying to bring it into L2 using r.proj.

Hope this helps - sorry about the *long* delay - and happy to help with some coding if that is required to take care of this!


PS - I just uploaded to today's svn-trunk, so the problem is current.

comment:4 by awickert, 11 years ago

Here is my current workaround, using r.proj and r.patch:

from grass import script as grass
import re

inloc = 'GlobalDatabase30as'
non_decimal = re.compile(r'[^\d.]+') # for my hack-ish solution below
# "toponow" NEEDS to be added (some other good too):
basicfiles = ['precip_2000_2004', 'et_2000_2004', 'cellsize_km2', 'cellsize_meters2', 'zeros', 'toponow']
for infile in basicfiles:
  print infile
  # Here we make sure we are using the same resolution as the input map.
  # Getting the resolution - there has got to be a much better way to do this,
  # but this is the first thing that came to mind
  shreg = grass.parse_command('r.proj', location=inloc, input='precip_2000_2004', output='tmp0', overwrite=True, flags='g')['n'].split(' ')[-2:]
  for i in range(len(shreg)):
    shreg[i] = int(non_decimal.sub('', (shreg[i])))
  grass.run_command('g.region', nsres=shreg[0]/180., ewres=shreg[1]/360., e='180E')
  grass.run_command('r.proj', location=inloc, input=infile, output='tmp0', overwrite=True)
  grass.run_command('g.region', region='default')
  grass.run_command('g.region', sres=shreg[0]/180., ewres=shreg[1]/360., w='180W')
  grass.run_command('r.proj', location=inloc, input=infile, output='tmp1', overwrite=True)
  grass.run_command('g.region', region='default')
  grass.run_command('r.patch', input='tmp0,tmp1', output=infile, overwrite=True)


Andy Wickert

comment:5 by awickert, 11 years ago

A few mistakes in my previously-posted code; use this instead: Cheers, Andy

from grass import script as grass
import re

grass.run_command('g.region', save='default')

inloc = 'GlobalDatabase30as'
non_decimal = re.compile(r'[^\d.]+') # for my hack-ish solution below
# "toponow" NEEDS to be added (some other good too):
basicfiles = ['precip_2000_2004', 'et_2000_2004', 'cellsize_km2', 'cellsize_meters2', 'zeros', 'toponow']
for infile in basicfiles:
  print infile
  # Here we make sure we are using the same resolution as the input map.
  # Getting the resolution - there has got to be a much better way to do this,
  # but this is the first thing that came to mind
  shreg = grass.parse_command('r.proj', location=inloc, input=infile, output='tmp0', overwrite=True, flags='g')['n'].split(' ')[-2:]
  for i in range(len(shreg)):
    shreg[i] = int(non_decimal.sub('', (shreg[i])))
  grass.run_command('g.region', nsres=180./shreg[0], ewres=360./shreg[1], e='180E')
  grass.run_command('r.proj', location=inloc, input=infile, output='tmp0', overwrite=True)
  grass.run_command('g.region', region='default')
  grass.run_command('g.region', nsres=180./shreg[0], ewres=360./shreg[1], w='180W')
  grass.run_command('r.proj', location=inloc, input=infile, output='tmp1', overwrite=True)
  grass.run_command('g.region', region='default')
  grass.run_command('r.patch', input='tmp0,tmp1', output=infile, overwrite=True)

comment:6 by martinl, 10 years ago

Milestone: 6.4.6
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