Opened 12 years ago

Closed 7 years ago

Last modified 7 years ago

#2059 closed enhancement (fixed)

WorldView2 relative spectral response data for i.atcorr

Reported by: Nikos Alexandris Owned by: grass-dev@…
Priority: normal Milestone: 7.2.1
Component: Imagery Version: svn-trunk
Keywords: i.atcorr, worldview2 Cc:
CPU: Unspecified Platform: Unspecified


Attached .csv file, hopefully correctly formatted. The source for the data was:, line 918 and beyond.

Attachments (7)

wv2_relative_spectral_response_data_for_i.atcorr.csv (19.9 KB ) - added by Nikos Alexandris 12 years ago.
WorldView2 Relative Spectral Responce data for i.atcorr
worldview2_for_i.atcorr.diff (27.9 KB ) - added by Nikos Alexandris 12 years ago.
Patch adding support for WorldView2 in i.atcorr
worldview2_for_i.atcorr.2.diff (28.9 KB ) - added by Nikos Alexandris 12 years ago.
Updated diff
worldview2_for_i.atcorr.3.diff (28.8 KB ) - added by Nikos Alexandris 12 years ago.
Latest diff for adding WorldView2 support in i.atcorr
worldview2_for_i.atcorr.4.diff (28.8 KB ) - added by Nikos Alexandris 12 years ago.
Updated description of band ranges from the official source
worldview2_quickbird2_for_i.atcorr.diff (33.6 KB ) - added by Nikos Alexandris 12 years ago.
Extending support for QuickBird2 (on top of WorldView2)
worldview2_cpp_template.txt (21.2 KB ) - added by Nikos Alexandris 10 years ago.
updated spectral response data for wv2

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (37)

comment:1 by neteler, 12 years ago

Keywords: sensors csv band filter removed
Version: unspecifiedsvn-trunk

Would you mind to provide the spectral data as a patch for i.atcorr? For instructions, see

in reply to:  1 ; comment:2 by Nikos Alexandris, 12 years ago

Replying to neteler:

Would you mind to provide the spectral data as a patch for i.atcorr? For instructions, see

Yes Markus, that's what it is already. Just need a confirmation from someone.

by Nikos Alexandris, 12 years ago

WorldView2 Relative Spectral Responce data for i.atcorr

comment:3 by Nikos Alexandris, 12 years ago

File re-attached. During some "tr" operation in shell, too many commas got in the header line (in the firstly attached file).

in reply to:  2 comment:4 by Nikos Alexandris, 12 years ago

Replying to nikosa:

Replying to neteler:

Would you mind to provide the spectral data as a patch for i.atcorr? For instructions, see

Yes Markus, that's what it is already. Just need a confirmation from someone.

If the .csv is fine, I can also try to alter the other files (Iwave.cpp, Iwave.h, GeomCond.cpp and GeomCond.h). Not now though...

by Nikos Alexandris, 12 years ago

Patch adding support for WorldView2 in i.atcorr

comment:5 by Nikos Alexandris, 12 years ago

Diff file attached.

comment:6 by Nikos Alexandris, 12 years ago

It does not work...

GeomCond.cpp: In member function ‘void GeomCond::print()’:
GeomCond.cpp:436:2: error: too many initializers for ‘const string [16] {aka const std::basic_string<char> [16]}’
make: *** [OBJ.x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/GeomCond.o] Error 1

Any help?

by Nikos Alexandris, 12 years ago

Updated diff

comment:7 by Nikos Alexandris, 12 years ago

Almost there... I think. I forgot to edit one table in the html file and, after doing so, it does not compile anymore although it did withouth the changes in the html file.

/osgeo/src/grass7_trunk/dist.x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/docs/html/i.atcorr.html:240:0: Error (KeyError(None,)): <tr>

make: *** [/osgeo/src/grass7_trunk/dist.x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/docs/man/man1/i.atcorr.1] Error 1
rm i.atcorr.tmp.html

comment:8 by Nikos Alexandris, 12 years ago

Typically inexperienced and in a hurry. I forgot to remove something... It compiles here now :-)

by Nikos Alexandris, 12 years ago

Latest diff for adding WorldView2 support in i.atcorr

by Nikos Alexandris, 12 years ago

Updated description of band ranges from the official source

comment:9 by Nikos Alexandris, 12 years ago

Apologies for abusing the platform -- I will try to be more patient before posting. I don't (didn't) know what the actual implications are when posting a comment here. If I did any harm, please, let me know if there is a way to correct it.

Also, how can I post a new comment and at the same time attach a file? Possible?

It seems that I picked the wrong "number" that concern (only) the description of the bandwidths for WV-2 (from Updated now from the official source (latest attached file).

by Nikos Alexandris, 12 years ago

Extending support for QuickBird2 (on top of WorldView2)

in reply to:  9 comment:10 by hamish, 12 years ago

Replying to nikosa:

Also, how can I post a new comment and at the same time attach a file? Possible?

I think that only works when you are creating a new ticket. Otherwise it has to be done in two steps.

regards, Hamish

comment:11 by Nikos Alexandris, 11 years ago

Anyone that can review and apply the diff? Thank you.

comment:12 by neteler, 11 years ago

Are there any sample data available to test the patch?

comment:13 by Nikos Alexandris, 11 years ago

comment:14 by Nikos Alexandris, 10 years ago

Looking at:

grass70/imagery/i.atcorr $ grep -nr wv2 *
iwave.cpp:2463:    /* WV2 Pan of wv2_spectral_response */
iwave.cpp:2505:    /* WV2 Coastal Blue of wv2_spectral_response */
iwave.cpp:2547:    /* WV2 Blue of wv2_spectral_response */
iwave.cpp:2589:    /* WV2 Green of wv2_spectral_response */
iwave.cpp:2631:    /* WV2 Yellow of wv2_spectral_response */
iwave.cpp:2673:    /* WV2 Red of wv2_spectral_response */
iwave.cpp:2715:    /* WV2 RedEdge of wv2_spectral_response */
iwave.cpp:2757:    /* WV2 NIR1 of wv2_spectral_response */
iwave.cpp:2799:    /* WV2 NIR2 of wv2_spectral_response */

it seems that support has been added. Didn't notice when. Is there any reference? Should this ticket be closed?

Last edited 8 years ago by neteler (previous) (diff)

in reply to:  14 comment:15 by neteler, 10 years ago

Replying to nikosa:

it seems that support has been added. Didn't notice when. Is there any reference? Should this ticket be closed?

It got accidentally submitted in this mixed patch: r60610 (releasebranch7: r61314).

This ticket can be closed once the WorldView2 support has been tested. Can you do that?

comment:16 by Nikos Alexandris, 10 years ago

The data seem to be wrong. I updated (again), see attached file (next post). A quick test with a blue WorldView?2 band, though, didn't seem to work-out well :-(.

ps- can we remove old attached files?

by Nikos Alexandris, 10 years ago

Attachment: worldview2_cpp_template.txt added

updated spectral response data for wv2

in reply to:  16 ; comment:17 by neteler, 10 years ago

Replying to nikosa:

The data seem to be wrong. I updated (again), see attached file (next post).

Which post?

A quick test with a blue WorldView?2 band, though, didn't seem to work-out well :-(.

ps- can we remove old attached files?

No, AFAIK trac does not support this. The trick is to *substitute* patches (use the same attachment name and click on the "overwrite" checkbox).

in reply to:  17 comment:18 by Nikos Alexandris, 10 years ago

Replying to neteler:

Replying to nikosa:

The data seem to be wrong. I updated (again), see attached file (next post).

Which post?

File attached in the previous msg:

in reply to:  description comment:19 by neteler, 10 years ago

Replying to nikosa:

Attached .csv file, hopefully correctly formatted. The source for the data was:, line 918 and beyond.

Just for the record: current file position as of OTB 5.0:

--> otbWorldView2ImageMetadataInterface.cxx

Last edited 8 years ago by neteler (previous) (diff)

comment:20 by martinl, 9 years ago


comment:21 by martinl, 9 years ago


comment:22 by martinl, 9 years ago


Milestone renamed

comment:23 by neteler, 8 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

In 70887:

i.atcorr: updated filter functions for Worldview-2 (source: to fix #2059

comment:24 by neteler, 8 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: closedreopened

I have re-generated the CSV table from a spreadsheet (see r70887) and replaced the Worldview2 sensor functions accordingly using the code generated by

Upon successful testing this needs to be backported.

comment:25 by neteler, 8 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: reopenedclosed

In 70888:

i.atcorr: updated filter functions for Worldview-2 (source: to fix #2059

comment:26 by neteler, 8 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: closedreopened

Never mind, I accidentially committed in relbr72. Now forward-ported to trunk, too, in r70888.

Testing can now be done both in relbr72 and trunk.

If ok, the ticket can be closed.

comment:27 by martinl, 8 years ago


comment:28 by neteler, 8 years ago


Is it working ok and the ticket can be closed with 7.2.1 milestone?

comment:29 by neteler, 7 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: reopenedclosed

No response, closing.

comment:30 by neteler, 7 years ago

FYI: The WorldView2 support in i.atcorr received further updates. See #3483, will be released with 7.4.0.

Note: See TracTickets for help on using tickets.