Opened 10 years ago

Closed 10 years ago

#2740 closed defect (fixed) wrong projection check when importing geometry column from table with multiple geometry columns

Reported by: mlennert Owned by: martinl
Priority: normal Milestone: 7.0.2
Component: Vector Version: svn-trunk
Keywords: geometry columns Cc: grass-dev@…
CPU: Unspecified Platform: Unspecified


r63604 introduced the possibility to import from data sources with multiple geometry columns (gdal RFC41).

However, AFAIU, the projection check has not been changed and so the projection is gotten from the layer, not the field (aka geometry column).

It seems to me that the gathering of information concerning the geometry column in lines 870ff of main.c needs to be moved higher up to before getting the projection (lines 543ff), so that the projection can be gotten from the geometry column and not from the layer.

But I'm not 100% sure of understanding the code correctly, so this needs confirmation.

Change History (3)

comment:1 by martinl, 10 years ago

Cc: grass-dev@… added
Owner: changed from grass-dev@… to martinl
Status: newassigned

Please try out r66184. After some testing could be backport to relbr70.

in reply to:  1 ; comment:2 by mlennert, 10 years ago

Replying to martinl:

Please try out r66184. After some testing could be backport to relbr70.

Works nicely for my case.

Thanks !


in reply to:  2 comment:3 by martinl, 10 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

Replying to mlennert:

Replying to martinl:

Please try out r66184. After some testing could be backport to relbr70.

Works nicely for my case.

perfect, backported in r66187. Closing.

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