Opened 16 years ago

Closed 14 years ago

#597 closed defect (fixed)

Digitize tool won't work

Reported by: vince Owned by: martinl
Priority: normal Milestone: 6.4.2
Component: wxGUI Version: 6.4.0 RCs
Keywords: digitize Cc: grass-dev@…
CPU: x86-64 Platform: MacOSX


When I launch the digitize tool under wxpython GUI, all seems to be fine (buttons appears, I can select a layer with the combo box, etc.), but when I click for the first time (or any time after), I have a "no layer selected for editing" error message. In other words: I can't digitize nothing!

Change History (17)

comment:1 by martinl, 16 years ago

Cc: grass-dev@… added
Component: defaultwxGUI
Owner: changed from grass-dev@… to martinl
Status: newassigned

OK, I did you select any vector layer for editing or created new one?

comment:2 by vince, 16 years ago

Both. Neither does work.

In the README of the RC4 version, it is written (I have discovered that afterwards) that digitize won't work in 64-bit mode. I can't figure if it won't work or it won't compile. If the former, then my ticket is maybe purposeless; if the latter, then it is wrong, since I have a v.digitize module installed for both x64 and i386 archs. Yet, I get the GUI addition all right, so it's bizarre.

comment:3 by kyngchaos, 16 years ago

vdigit in the wxGUI is python-based. It won't compile or run for 64bit OSX. But, even when the rest of GRASS is 64bit, vdigit (and wx nviz) will compile and run for 32bit OSX.

v.digit (vector/v.digit) will compile 64bit, since it's not python-based. I don't see anything in the README that says it won't run on 64bit OSX (unless you mean the macosx/readme.rtf), but it's possible and very likely - there were problems in the vector dglib for OSX 64bit that have been fixed in trunk, but I don't know if they were backported, since the fix was indirectly a result of another bugfix.

comment:4 by vince, 16 years ago

Okay, so if I am not mistaken, I made a confusion between vdigit and v.digit. Apologies.

Yes, I meant the macosx/readme.rtf, sorry for being a bit unspecific.

So, the best is maybe that I fetch the SVN version and retry. I am a bit reluctant to propose a svn-based macport, but if it has special fixes for OS X that are not available in the main release, it can make sense.

comment:5 by kyngchaos, 16 years ago

... I just dug around for the details (need to dust off the cobwebs in my memory) - looks like the bug was fixed in February, and I verified it. trunk r36003 and devbr6 r36049. BUT, it appears this didn't make it into release 6.4.

It would be nice to get this into 6.4, but it might be too late. Maybe 6.4.1? If that is not going to happen, then I'd say that GRASS 6.4 is still not ready for 64bit OSX.

comment:6 by kyngchaos, 16 years ago

... for reference: it's bug #431.

comment:7 by vince, 16 years ago

Ok, fine thanks a lot and sorry for the inconvenience. I'm going to alter the port to fetch the svn version instead, at least until a stable version with correct 64-bit OS X support is released. Anyhow, a full 64-bit build will not be possible until Wxwidgets itself is 64-bit safe, that is the Cocoa port is finished. At that time, only Qgis offer full 64-bit mode under OS X, since Qt 4.5 moved to Cocoa.

Thanks again

in reply to:  5 comment:8 by hamish, 16 years ago

Replying to kyngchaos:

... I just dug around for the details (need to dust off the cobwebs in my memory) - looks like the bug was fixed in February, and I verified it. trunk r36003 and devbr6 r36049. BUT, it appears this didn't make it into release 6.4.

It would be nice to get this into 6.4, but it might be too late. Maybe 6.4.1? If that is not going to happen, then I'd say that GRASS 6.4 is still not ready for 64bit OSX.

it has been in 6.5svn for 3 months (apparently) without problems, so for my vote I'd say go ahead and risk the backport for 6.4.0.


comment:9 by kyngchaos, 16 years ago

...It appears it has been backported already to 6.4 release (r36838), it was just too late for the rc4 tarball. So this v.digit 64bit sidetrack is taken care of.

comment:10 by vince, 16 years ago

It still does not work in RC5…

comment:11 by kyngchaos, 16 years ago

Well, I found that if I select "Digitize" from the toolbar popup on the display window, I get the same "no layer selected" error. But if I right-click a vector layer in the layer manager and "Start editing", digitizing works.

comment:12 by cmbarton, 15 years ago

Still broken in 6.4.


comment:13 by cmbarton, 15 years ago

Works for me in 6.4 and 6.5 on the Mac. Can anyone confirm that this is still broken after William changed the way this is compiled on a Mac?


comment:14 by martinl, 14 years ago


comment:15 by martinl, 14 years ago

please try recent 6.4.2 from SVN...

comment:16 by cmbarton, 14 years ago

The wxDigitizer now seems to work fine in GRASS 6.4.2 (assuming it is installed and activated.). No crash when making point, line, area.


comment:17 by martinl, 14 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed
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