Opened 16 years ago

Closed 16 years ago

Last modified 15 years ago

#696 closed defect (duplicate)

"g.region -dp" doesn't work

Reported by: tamura1105 Owned by: grass-dev@…
Priority: major Milestone: 6.4.0
Component: Default Version: 6.4.0 RCs
Keywords: g.region -dp Cc:
CPU: x86-64 Platform: MSWindows XP


"g.region -dp" command causes the following error message:
ERROR: region for current mapset is invalid
<projection field missing>
run "g.region"

And the contents of WIND file has been truncated as follows:

proj: 99
zone: 0

Change History (3)

comment:1 by tamura1105, 16 years ago

"g.region -dp" command causes the following error message:
ERROR: region for current mapset is invalid
<projection field missing>
run "g.region"

And the contents of the WIND file has been truncated as follows:

proj: 99
zone: 0

Location: North-Carolina or Spearfish60
Mapset: PERMANENT or user1

comment:2 by hamish, 16 years ago

Resolution: duplicate
Status: newclosed

Hi, thanks for the report.

This has already been fixed in the source code, it just awaits the next binary build.

see bug #654.


comment:3 by neteler, 15 years ago

For the record: you may need to run 'g.region -d' to recover a working WIND file after this crash and update of GRASS.

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