
Version 10 (modified by veroandreo, 8 years ago) ( diff )

work in progress...

List of new features in GRASS GIS 7.2

GRASS GIS 7.2 is the version of active development with a first 7.2.0 stable release in December 2016. In total, it comes with more than 1900 fixes and improvements with respect to the stable releases 7.0.x. The development was officially moved to a dedicated release branch in May 2016 (r68500). This page summarizes the manifold new features which have been added to GRASS 7.2.

What's new in a nutshell

Startup screen of GRASS GIS 7.2.0

After almost two years of development the new stable major release GRASS GIS 7.2 is available. The graphical user interface based on wxPython has been further improved in order to make complex GIS operations available as simple as possible. The developers have added important new functionality to the core system: the Python interface to the C library got extended which permits users to create new GRASS GIS-Python modules in a simple way while yet obtaining powerful and fast modules. Furthermore, a series of new modules to analyse raster and vector data was added. For details see below.


Graphical User Interface

GRASS GIS 7.2 graphical user interface comes with a new Data tab in the Layer Manager. This tab, the Data Catalog, is a new wxGUI component for browsing, modifying and managing GRASS maps (G72:g.gui.datacatalog). It also allows to add maps to the display, search by map names using regular expressions and switch mapset. There have also been several improvements for a better cartographic composition with the Map Display. One of the most important additions in this sense is the new vector legend module (G72:d.legend.vect, see below) and several improvements to existent display modules.

--> add screenshot of data catalog

Modules (commands)

A series of new modules has been added and many improved.

Display modules


  • G72:d.legend.vect - Displays a vector legend in the active graphics frame
  • G72:d.frame - Manages display frames on the user's graphics monitor


  • G72:d.barscale - new option to specify length and units, custom label possible (done within GSoC 2016)
  • G72:d.legend - added option to show background, show ticks, more control over labels, added title, possible to switch to logarithmic (done within GSoC 2016)
  • G72:d.northarrow - added rotation option, more symbols available (done within GSoC 2016)
  • G72:d.vect - Legend tab with number of legend-related options (icon_area to represent areas in legend, icon_line to represent lines in legend, legend_label for label to be displayed in legend, -l flag to do not show anything in the legend)
  • G72:d.vect.thematic - Legend tab with number of legend-related options (icon_area to represent areas in legend, icon_line to represent lines in legend, legend_title for heading of the section in the legend)

All display modules for vector maps, namely G72:d.vect and G72:d.vect.thematic, now produce a legend file with instructions for G72:d.legend.vect if GRASS_LEGEND_FILE environmental variable is specified (applied in GUI in the background, can be used directly in the command line or scripts).

General modules


  • - Search for a GRASS GIS module based on keywords (searches descriptions or manuals)


  • G72:g.extension - downloads, compiles and installs modules using simplified URLs to GitHub, GitLab and similar services, local directories, remote and local ZIP and TAR files and GRASS GIS Trac, does not require Subversion (svn) anymore for standard GRASS GIS addons (applies to Linux, Mac OS X and other systems with build environment), svnurl option renamed to url (svnurl can still be used)

Raster modules


    • base_raster option which allows for the conversion to LAS file Z values to height above ground using an existing elevation raster. Additionally, with -d a base_raster is used in its native resolution to enable performing statistics on with coarse resolution while reducing the heights of point using the base_raster in its full resolution.
    • -j option which allows the use of Z values for filtering of points, yet performs statistical analysis on the intensity values
    • intensity_range and intensity_scale to filter and modify intensity values
    • file option to specify list of files (file paths) in a text file (merges multiple LAS files on input as if it would be one file)
  • G72:r.mapcalc - fixed bug when some uses of neighborhood modifier gave wrong result (#3067)
  • - new -i flag to include no data values
  • G72:r.texture - major rewrite fixing many bugs and making the results much more useful (#3210)

Raster3D modules


  • G72:r3.flow - Computes 3D flow lines and 3D flow accumulation
  • G72:r3.gradient - Computes gradient of a 3D raster map and outputs gradient components as three 3D raster maps

Vector modules

Temporal GIS modules

One of the most important additions to the temporal framework

  • G72:t.rast.algebra - Apply temporal and spatial operations on space time raster datasets using temporal raster algebra
  • G72:t.rast3d.algebra - Apply temporal and spatial operations on space time 3D raster datasets using temporal 3D raster algebra
  • G72:t.vect.algebra - Apply temporal and spatial operations on space time vector datasets using temporal vector algebra
  • G72:t.rast.what - Sample a space time raster dataset at specific vector point coordinates and write the output to stdout using different layouts


The new exec interface of the start up script allows to execute GRASS commands or entire scripts in a non-interactive session.

User Manuals - Documentation

New Graphical index of functionalities --> add a screenshot here New page about GRASS GIS Database which should be used instead of Quickstart (helptext.html) in context of database. Topics index page is shorter and and easier to navigate because it does not link to topics with less than three modules Topics pages link to the corresponding keyword at the end of the list (link sending somewhere else right at the beginning of the page was misleading) significant documentation improvements for ​G72:g.gui.modeler,, G72:v.overlay, and ​

GRASS 7 Library changes

libraster: support for new raster data compression methods: NONE, ZLIB, LZ4, BZIP2. Overview: Raster map compression set by export GRASS_COMPRESSOR=XXX, with XXX be NONE (uncompressed) RLE (generic Run-Length Encoding of single bytes) ZLIB (DEFLATE, good speed and compression) with zlib compression levels (export GRASS_ZLIB_LEVEL=X): -1..9 (-1 is default which is level 6) Notes: ZLIB level = 0 tells ZLIB to copy the data as-is from source to destination. In case of CELL maps, the rasterlib itself will then still trim high zero bytes with trim_bytes() which can already reduce the data size considerably, but ZLIB will not compress the data. LZ4 (fastest, low compression) BZIP2 (slowest, high compression) NULL file compression: At time it must be explicitly turned on with export GRASS_COMPRESS_NULLS=1

There have also been several improvements, updates and fixes in libproj and libgis.

Source Code Portability

The changes to libiostream now allow the compilation of G72:r.viewshed, G72:r.terraflow and G72:i.atcorr with C++11 and C++14 as well as C++98 strict setting. On the other hand, G72:r.sim.water and G72:r.sim.sediment now work with more versions of MinGW and MS Windows thanks to a better library-executable separation

GRASS GIS 7.2 Addons

More than fifty (50!) new addons are now enlarging the already impressive list of extensions available:

Attachments (8)

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