
Version 27 (modified by neteler, 8 years ago) ( diff )

clarify result, see

PSC Election 2016

Call for election

The PSC election 2016 starts on Sunday (24. 07. 2016) and ends on Monday the 29th of August 2016. The new committee will be formed by nine (9) members. This is in accordance with the current PSC chair and the original planning when constituting the PSC.

1. The process

The election process is split essentially in two phases: 1) the Nomination and 2) the Voting. Final actions are announcing the results and officially forming the new PSC, formed by nine (9) members.

1.1 Nominations

During the Nomination phase, any member of the GRASS-GIS community, can nominate any community member for being a candidate for the PSC.

To set a nomination in motion, an e-mail should be directed to the CRO including name, contact email and shortly why a person is recommended as a PSC member. The CRO will then contact the recommended person asking for confirmation. The nominated person has to accept the candidacy for the PSC.

In short, a nomination and its acceptance are required to be sent directly to the CRO, in private. Following, it is the CRO's task to officially announce a nomination.

Note, current PSC members will be asked if they wish to stand as a candidate for the upcoming election.

1.2 Voting

The CRO will ensure to invite all eligible voters.

During the Voting period, eligible voters, being community members with SVN write access, can vote their preferred candidate(s) via an on-line tool which will protect privacy.

Each voter can vote one time. However, there is no limit as to how many, among the candidates, a voter can select.

2. Time frame

If there is no objection, or other force majeure, I would like to accelerate the PSC election process, starting on Sunday the 24th of July.

The absolute deadline for the whole process, including the announcement of the new committee, is the 29th of August.

2.1 Nomination Period

The nomination starts on Sunday the 24th of July at 12:00 UTC, runs strictly for 3 weeks and ends on Sunday the 14th of August. Following this period, there will be a one week of no-action to have time to reflect and decide.

You are kindly asked to refrain from canceling an already announced nomination or support and request for a new nomination. Unless there are serious reasons to cancel a nomination, modification of the list of nominees will not be possible after the end of the 3rd week.

2.2 Voting Period

The voting period will run from Sunday the 21st of August at 12:00 UTC up until Sunday the 28th of August.

2.3 Results

Votes will be counted and the top nine (9) voted candidates will fill the seats to form the new PSC. In case of a vote tie, the CRO will randomise the selection between the tied candidates for a PSC seat.

Results to be announced, at latest, on Monday the 29th of August.

Afterwards, the newly formed PSC will elect the chair person, being one of the new members.

3. Overview

3.1 Nomination (I)

  • from July 24th to August 14th 2016
  • e-mails directed to the CRO by:
    • a community member to nominate a candidate
    • the nominee to confirm acceptance of candidacy

3.2 Nomination (II)

  • from August 14th to August 21st 2016
  • re-think, evaluate, decide for candidate(s)
  • email directed to the CRO by a candidate for canceling candidacy (possible only for important reasons)

3.3 Voting: from 21st of August to 28th of August 2016

3.4 Results: at latest, 29th of August 2016

Preparation of the list of nominees for the PSC election 2016

Any community member is eligible to propose a new PSC member candidate. A motivation must be added why the proposed candidate may be a good choice for the PSC.

To submit a PSC member nomination:

  • Confirm with the nominated person first.
  • Send the nomination email to the CRO.

Deadline: Thursday, 16 June 2016, 12:00 UTC TBD

The list of nominees:

Candidate's nameCountryBy: (Nominator), link to announcement
Helmut Kurdnovsky Austria By Margherita Di Leo
Peter Löwe Germany By Massimiliano Cannata
Yann Chemin France By Markus Metz
Micha Silver Israel By Nikos Alexandris
Veronica Andreo Netherlands By Helmut Kurdnovsky
Anna Petrasova US By Helmut Kurdnovsky, Luca Delucchi
Vaclav Petras US By Luca Delucchi
Michael Barton US Ex-PSC member
Martin Landa Czech Republic Ex-PSC member
Moritz Lennert Belgium Ex-PSC member
Margherita Di Leo Italy Ex-PSC member
Helena Mitasova US Ex-PSC member
Markus Neteler Germany Ex-PSC member


Announced as scheduled on August 29th:

Voting result (ranking, name, number of votes):

1.  Markus Neteler    62
2.  Helena Mitasova   53
3.  Martin Landa      52
4.  Anna Petrasova    45
5.  Moritz Lennert    41
6.  Margherita Di Leo 39
7.  Michael Barton    35
8.  Peter Löwe        33
9.  Vaclav Petras     31
10. Helmut Kurdnovsky 30
11. Yann Chemin       29
12. Veronica Andreo   28
13. Micha Silver      20

The new GRASS GIS Project Steering Committee (PSC) is composed of nine members (ranking, name, number of votes):

1.  Markus Neteler    62
2.  Helena Mitasova   53
3.  Martin Landa      52
4.  Anna Petrasova    45
5.  Moritz Lennert    41
6.  Margherita Di Leo 39
7.  Michael Barton    35
8.  Peter Löwe        33
9.  Vaclav Petras     31


  • Number of eligible voters: 246
    • At least one double entry, despite cleaning efforts
  • Cast votes: 66

Helios voting system

  • Uploaded eligible voters file 11812 bytes, at Aug. 21, 2016, 10:29 a.m.: done processing: 247 voters loaded
  • Trustee fingerprint and Audit information


The entire election process is encrypted. The CRO, being the administrator of this "private" election, can only verify which of the invited members did vote.


Helios' voting system features "Audited Ballots". More information at:

Election tally

Even more, anyone should be able to verify the election tally at "Helios Election Verifier":


Trustees are responsible for decrypting the election result. Each trustee generates a keypair and submits the public portion to Helios. When it's time to decrypt, each trustee needs to provide their secret key.

For this election, however, the automatically selected, by the system, trustee was selected and no other persons where involved in this process.

  • Trustee #1: Helios Voting Administrator
  • Public Key Fingerprint: 0mYM9DB3TVWlbURGBXiMnCb12Vsf4OJoFXBODOPl9os

Archived Material & Notes


  • Nikos Alexandris, Switzerland (nik at nikosalexandris dot net)

Tentative schedule

  • May 2016: pre-announcement of PSC elections (see this email). TODO:
    • identify members who do not stand for election
    • identify inactive members (here the Geoserver PSC has some useful rules)
    • assign free'd up slots to election The entire PSC will be dissolved this time.
  • July 2016:
    • select a CRO (Chief Returning Officer) to run the elections. The CRO is not eligible for election to the PSC while serving as CRO.
    • CRO announces officially the PSC election schedule.
    • XX July 2016, 12:00pm UTC: nomination of new PSC members possible by GRASS GIS community along with a motivation for this nomination.
  • August 2016:
    • voting using online form. Community members eligible to vote will receive an email invitation for this; The community members eligible to vote are
    • CRO communicates the new PSC members.
    • PSC elects chair.


  • Missing in 2016, to be added to election procedure: candidacy period between nominations and voting

After the election

nik at Mon Aug 29 08:26:23 PDT 2016

There is this important question, asked by Micha Silver end of July (see, "what we should expect from PSC members?"

Some of the candidates went a bit deeper in presenting themselves. Others were less lengthy in their writing. All good.

However, I propose herewith, for the next PSC election, the following: set as a requirement, for each candidate, to answer this very question as being asked from the community: "What should the community expect from your PSC membership?".

Before the election

On Fri, Jun 3, 2016 at 2:02 PM, Moritz Lennert wrote:

So, to summarize, my proposal would be:

  • Election of the entire PSC every three years
  • All people with SVN access have the right to vote
  • Elections are announced on grass-dev and grass-user with a clear

definition of procedure:

  • Anyone (or anyone with voting right ?) can nominate someone during

a period of a few (4?) weeks

  • Possibly: those who are already in the PSC and stand for elections

again do not need a nomination / can nominate themselves ?

  • Voting during 1 week
  • The ten candidates with the most votes make up the new PSC


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