
Version 19 (modified by neteler, 3 years ago) ( diff )

+Tag cloud (collection, please expand):

Marketing campaign

To better advertise the capabilities of GRASS GIS and its friendly community, we plan a marketing campaign. Some ideas are

  • (ideally) monthly blog post on the main site, with social media advertisements
  • ask students of our courses to fix bugs, add examples to manuals or write small tutorials as assignements that we could then show off with
  • pick some works of the students and create webinars or live streams
  • ... add more


  • "feature of the month" with screenshots (use manual pages and Wiki material)
  • advertise the mailing lists: purpose and where to subscribe
  • newcomer level technical articles about
    • new forthcoming startup in GRASS GIS 8
    • data import/registration
    • from zero to hero
    • the new startup GUI
    • ...
  • power user level technical articles about
    • writing examples for manual pages
    • translating messages in Transifex
    • ...
  • dev level technical articles about
    • compiling the software
    • work done on removing compiler warnings
    • Python linting and formatting efforts
    • C linting and formatting efforts
    • ...
  • edu related articles about
    • tutorials
    • curriculum (goal: enable academics to easier teach GRASS GIS)
    • ...
  • present new add-ons and examples of workflows using them
  • Nice tweet about ongoing code development:
  • Twitter: identify more hashtags to widen up the potential followers
  • ...

Twitter posts

Ideas for upcoming or recurrent posts

New ideas:

Tag cloud (collection, please expand):

  • @grassgis @osgeo
  • #gis #foss
  • #satellite
  • ...

Post history (may be posted again) enhancements:

NCSU course:

General list of GRASS courses/materials by NCSU:

Invite folks to test release branch 8 and complete the wiki page:

  • We have the GRASS GIS 8 branch! Have you tested it? Which feature do you like most? Help us fill in the new features page:
  • We happily welcome text snippets and screenshots to highlight the new and exciting changes that will come with GRASS 8 as well as bug fixing, improvements, new modules, library changes, etc.

GRASS GIS + UAV + SDM for Rare Plant Monitoring

Last post about FOSS4G 2021 videos:

See also

Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.