Opened 16 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

#1063 closed defect (fixed)

Assemblies created by RFC 68 doesn't include the necessary reference.

Reported by: leaf Owned by: Leaf Li
Priority: medium Milestone:
Component: Web API Version: 2.0.2
Severity: trivial Keywords:
Cc: External ID:


In RFC 68, we add the following assemblies into MapGuide Web API.

OSGeo.MapGuide.Foundation.dll OSGeo.MapGuide.Geometry.dll: depends on OSGeo.MapGuide.Foundation.dll. OSGeo.MapGuide.PlatformBase.dll: depends on OSGeo.MapGuide.Foundation.dll and OSGeo.MapGuide.Geometry.dll. OSGeo.MapGuide.MapGuideCommon.dll: depends on OSGeo.MapGuide.Foundation.dll, OSGeo.MapGuide.Geometry.dll, and OSGeo.MapGuide.PlatformBase.dll. OSGeo.MapGuide.Web.dll:depends on OSGeo.MapGuide.Foundation.dll, OSGeo.MapGuide.Geometry.dll, OSGeo.MapGuide.PlatformBase.dll and OSGeo.MapGuide.MapGuideCommon.dll. Those assebmly

However, when creating the last four assemblies above, I used /addmodule instead of /reference. It results in classes can't be resolved in the last four assemblies when you add reference to the last four assebmlies.

So we need modify the following four makefiles to use the correct flag. GeometryMakeFile PlatformBaseMakeFile MapGuideCommonMakeFile WebMakeFile

Change History (3)

comment:1 by leaf, 16 years ago

I check it again. I think it is because of one issue on C# compliler csc.exe. When we use /addmodule to import its metadata into a assembly. It doesn't import metadata of module that the current module depends on. So C# compiler complains that classes can't be resolved when adding a reference to one of last assemblies above.

comment:2 by jbirch, 15 years ago

Has this been resolved? Can the ticket be closed?

comment:3 by leaf, 15 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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