Opened 16 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

Last modified 15 years ago

#1094 closed defect (duplicate)

Mapguide flexible viewer too slow

Reported by: ondrejn Owned by:
Priority: medium Milestone: 2.1
Component: Fusion Version: 2.1.0
Severity: major Keywords:
Cc: External ID:


when using mapguide and flexible layouts - this is very slow (legend widget) and IE7 just freeze for 5-15s ( IE8 also bad, FireFox is little better) because of huge Java Script work (100% of client processor).

This is problem on client with Javascript code ( method UpdateLayer() called so many times ). The server side is ready and works fine!

Our enterprise project is approx 150 layers sorted in tree, the layers have legends with less than 5 styles, only 20 layers has legends with 20 styles. It has beed combined to minimum number of layers according the customer.

The problem is, that flexible layout - every time when changing zoom - rebuilds completely the layer tree very inefficient way Is there any solution how to speed up/cache this - or - some optimalization not to rebuild not-expanded groups/layers etc. ?

Change History (3)

comment:1 by jbirch, 15 years ago

Resolution: duplicate
Status: newclosed

Duplicate of #1023

Please post specific defects here. Requests for help / discussion should go to the mailing list.

comment:2 by jbirch, 15 years ago

That last ticket reference may have been incorrect. I believe that Fusion tickets #244 #261 address this though

comment:3 by ondrejn, 15 years ago

Yes. It can be taken as duplicate of these above. But this is more detailed explanation WHY it is so slow. Also notice that it is about FUSION viewer (flexible layouts).

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