Opened 13 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

#2087 closed defect (fixed)

Fusion editor does not set script source for OpenStreetMap

Reported by: jng Owned by: jng
Priority: low Milestone: Maestro-4.0-maintenance
Component: Maestro Version:
Severity: trivial Keywords:
Cc: External ID:

Description (last modified by jng)

In fusion.js, if the ApplicationDefinition contains OSM layers, it expects to inject a script link to from the OpenStreetMapScript element in the ApplicationDefinition document.

Maestro's Fusion editor is not setting this element, meaning the OpenLayers.Layer.OSM subtypes are not defined, as the required scripts are not loaded.

Secondly, the Osmarender layer type is no longer available and this checkbox option should be removed.

This problem isn't apparent on MGOS 2.4, as its version of Fusion will fallback to OpenLayers.Layer.OSM

However the fusion in MGOS 2.2 does have this problem as it will cause a javascript error trying to instantiate a OpenLayers.Layer.OSM.[Mapnik|Osmarender|CycleMap] object, because the required OSM wrapper script is not specified.

Change History (2)

comment:1 by jng, 13 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

comment:2 by jng, 13 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Fixed trunk (r6924) and 4.0.x (r6925)

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