Opened 17 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

#536 closed enhancement (worksforme)

Build Mapguide on Solaris

Reported by: ssddgreg Owned by:
Priority: low Milestone:
Component: Build System Version:
Severity: minor Keywords: java, unix
Cc: External ID:


We would need Java support (upon Sun Solaris 9) for MapGuide - we would not like to switch to ArcGIS Server that only emulates the Windows COM objects. Most of our production environments are upon UNIX and Java. Java on Windows is omitted.

We see it as a blocker for our business.

Change History (3)

comment:1 by jbirch, 17 years ago

Currently only RHEL / CentOS Linux distributions are tested. Other Linux distributions don't get much attention due to lack of time, so I don't see UNIX platforms (with even smaller user base) targetted without additional resources.

Have you tried compiling MapGuide on Solaris? Others have tried on various Linux distributions and documented their efforts here:

If it's important to you, please get involved in making it work on Solaris. You can get a lot done for the cost of an ArcGIS Server license.

comment:2 by zspitzer, 17 years ago

Component: GeneralBuild System
Summary: Support for Java on UNIX OSBuild Mapguide on Solaris

comment:3 by ssddgreg, 13 years ago

Priority: highlow
Resolution: worksforme
Severity: blockerminor
Status: newclosed
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