Opened 17 years ago

Closed 17 years ago

#588 closed enhancement (fixed)

Maestro: Layer Editor visual enhancements

Reported by: jbirch Owned by: ksgeograf
Priority: low Milestone:
Component: Maestro Version:
Severity: trivial Keywords:
Cc: External ID:

Description (last modified by jbirch)

  • Currently, the layer editor uses fixed heights for its dialogs. This means that if you add more than three rules to a style, you can not see the lower ones.
  • It is difficult to locate specific scale ranges, and I found the interface a bit non-intuitive. I clicked on "Add Scale Range" and apparently nothing happened (it had, but I couldn't see it because it was below the fold). I wonder if this would work better as a scale tree on the left and tabbed style definitions on the right?
  • I believe that it would be more intuitive to have the physical name of the column first, and the display name second in the properties dialog.

Change History (5)

comment:1 by jbirch, 17 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

Added comment about properties dialog

comment:2 by ksgeograf, 17 years ago

Status: newassigned
  1. Yes, the fixed size is not good. The nature of the layer setup requires a lot of related information, and a lot of screen real-estate. I have though of implementing a scheme were I count the number of rules, and try to set a size based on that. There are a "splitter" in the control, so you may extend the view beyond a three-row display. The area item is the last one, and does this automatically.
  1. Yes, that is a worse problem. I really like that most of the setup is visible without a click required. The newly inserted scale should be visible at insertion, zooming to it would help out, and perhaps the sizing fix would minimize this problem.
  1. I'm not sure what you mean, do you mean the "Properties avalible in viewer"?

comment:3 by jbirch, 17 years ago

re #3, yes. The part that allows you to set up the attribute mappings.

comment:4 by ksgeograf, 17 years ago

I have now added code that will resize the controls to better fit the content. I have added a limit that will show 3 and a half rules for each type. I think this improves the usability for the scaleranges, but perhaps removes a bit of the same for the individual rule overview. Let me know what you think.

I have swapped the two columns, so that is now fixed.

comment:5 by ksgeograf, 17 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

I think this is closed, but may be related to #637

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