Opened 11 years ago

Closed 6 years ago

#1327 closed defect (worksforme)

News items on have no text

Reported by: aghisla Owned by: sac@…
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: SysAdmin Keywords: news item
Cc: warmerdam


Today I was about to post a news item on, and browsing past news items I noticed that all of them (at least the recent ones) have lost their description.

One example is

In editing mode, luckily, all the text is there.

I have tried Firefox 28 and Epiphany and in none of them the text of news items is shown. I also disabled CSS and the page content is actually missing the news items details.

RSS feed as well is missing news item details - if I remember well, this page shall show title+text of news items:

I checked Events and they are correctly displayed.

Let me know if you need more information.

Best, Anne

Change History (10)

comment:1 by warmerdam, 11 years ago

Cc: warmerdam added

I believe the news is handled via some special plugin which might not have made it through the transition.

comment:2 by jsanz, 11 years ago

The feed has been always without content. The OSGeo planet has never shown the content of the OSGeo news. As one of the planet admins I was annoyed but embarrassingly, I've never tackled the topic assuming it has to be in that way for any reason (I know it's easy on a vanilla Drupal instance to set it up).

comment:3 by martin, 11 years ago

Anne, thanks for testing and reporting the missing news item content, I'll try to identify what's different on the new platform. Was the feature known to be working correctly until last saturday (2014-04-06) ?

comment:4 by jsanz, 11 years ago

Martin, the feature missing reported by Anne is the news content not being shown at all. For example:

At least as anonymous user I can't see the actual content of the post.

in reply to:  3 comment:5 by aghisla, 11 years ago

Replying to martin:

Anne, thanks for testing and reporting the missing news item content, I'll try to identify what's different on the new platform. Was the feature known to be working correctly until last saturday (2014-04-06) ?

Probably yes. I can confirm that by the time I posted last news item (pycsw, 20 March) it was working properly - afterwards I only visited the homepage, which looks fine.

Thanks, Anne

comment:6 by martin, 11 years ago

After I've downgraded PHP on the Web VM to 5.2.6, at least the News items are looking better to me. Could you please confirm ?

No, I don't call this a "solution", but from my perspective I'd say it's still better to run the Web VM with an unsupported version of PHP than running the entire host on completely outdated software.

comment:7 by jsanz, 11 years ago

I confirm. News content are shown again. The feed (that also harvests the planet) is still without content but I think it has nothing to do with the issue you fixed.

I don't have access to admin pages but it would be great if RSS publishing can be configured to publish full content on the news items.

comment:8 by aghisla, 11 years ago

I confirm too that content is back, thanks Martin! As the solution is not ideal, I leave the decision of closing the ticket to you.

I have thought that the missing content could depend on the language choice. For all news items in last year or so, I chose "Any" instead of "English". Maybe there is some interaction with translations and the localised versions management?

Later today I'll add a couple news items that I received last week, then I am available for testing/checking of a stabler solution.

comment:9 by martin, 11 years ago

I'm pretty sure most people don't log into the page in order to read the News overview. Ayhow, those who do and have a language setting which is "incompatible" with the respective tag on the News item won't see it on the list. Thus, if you choose English for the item, my personal setting is German and there's no German translation, then I won't see the item listed in the overview if I log into the page. Thus, if you don't plan to provide translations, I'd guess (!) that "Any" is the preferred choice.

Regarding display of the content, I still consider the issue as not being fixed. We either need to replace certain sections in the Drupal PHP code or update to version 6.x - volunteers wanted, I know very little about Drupal.

comment:10 by jive, 6 years ago

Resolution: worksforme
Status: newclosed

Marking this as resolved, the above quoted GeoTools 11.0 and GeoServer 2.5.0 released

Is available (with content) at

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