Opened 11 years ago

Closed 11 years ago

#1370 closed task (fixed)

Normalise spelling of QGIS for mailing lists

Reported by: timlinux Owned by: sac@…
Priority: normal Milestone: Unplanned
Component: SysAdmin Keywords: QGIS



In September 2013 we rebranded from 'Quantum GIS' to 'QGIS'. However its quite common for people to miss-spell QGIS as Qgis or QGis. Our mailing lists persist this incorrect spelling. Could an admin go through all the lists in mailman and update any references to Qgis / QGis etc to QGIS?



Change History (2)

comment:1 by neteler, 11 years ago

Here the list:

Qgis-community-team 	[no description available]
Qgis-developer 	[no description available]
Qgis-edu 	QGIS education list
QGIS-es 	Lista de usuarios de QGIS en Español
Qgis-psc 	Quantum GIS Project Steering Committee
QGIS-pt 	QGIS PT - lista de utilizadores QGIS, em português.
Qgis-release-team 	QGIS release team.
Qgis-tr 	QGIS Translation Discussions
QGIS-trac 	QGIS Trac Mailing List
qgis-uk-user 	UK QGIS users list
Qgis-us-user 	USA QGIS Users
Qgis-user 	QGIS User List
QGIS-UX 	QGIS UX (User Experience) Discussion

The respective list admin (I checked some, it is often you) can easily edit the description in the first page in the mailman admin account:

"The public name of this list (make case-changes only). _"

comment:2 by timlinux, 11 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Thanks Markus

OK I will update. Shamefully I don't have my password for these lists anymore (I have reformed now and have a proper password manager) - I'll ask my PSC cohorts to rectify that. I'll close the issue.

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