Opened 11 years ago

Closed 11 years ago

#1405 closed defect (fixed) signed up for email lists?

Reported by: jive Owned by: sac@…
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: SysAdmin Keywords: mailman


I recently sent an email to the incubator list, and got this "reply" in my mailbox.

From: copyright@… Subject: RE: [Incubator] checking in with - CITE Team engine


Your request has been reviewed, but cannot be processed due to one (or more) of the following reasons: 1) The Claim wasn't written in English language; 2) You provided no evidence showing that you are the copyright holder or that you are acting on behalf of the copyright holder; 3) You provided no evidence showing that the content is legally copyrighted; 4) There were more then 30 torrents mentioned in the Claim email.

Please, make sure to fulfill all the conditions mentioned above before sending a claim. You can find more detailed information regarding the DMCA email layout via the following article -

Respectfully, KAT team

The same thing has occurred with osgeo-bc@…

From: From: copyright@… Subject: RE: [OSGeo BC] Victoria Sep 25th: GeoGeeks Meetup/LocationTech Tour Greetings,

Your request has been reviewed, but cannot be processed due to one (or more) of the following reasons: 1) The Claim wasn't written in English language; 2) You provided no evidence showing that you are the copyright holder or that you are acting on behalf of the copyright holder; 3) You provided no evidence showing that the content is legally copyrighted; 4) There were more then 30 torrents mentioned in the Claim email.

Please, make sure to fulfill all the conditions mentioned above before sending a claim. You can find more detailed information regarding the DMCA email layout via the following article -

Respectfully, KAT team

There are two options:

a) I send too much email and have been caught by a net nanny? b) Someone has spoofed our mailing lists and signed up some DMCA take down service to yell at us in response to each email?

Suggestions? Jody

Change History (2)

comment:1 by neteler, 11 years ago

The did the same in the GRASS lists. Due to the unhelpful autoreply I removed them from the lists (this happens approx. every 10 years).

comment:2 by warmerdam, 11 years ago

Keywords: mailman added
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

I have run the command:

sudo /usr/lib/mailman/bin --noadminack --nouserack --fromall copyright@…

This appears to have removed this annoying subscriber from all lists. Let me know if problems persist.

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