Opened 6 years ago

Closed 6 years ago

#2228 closed task (fixed)

GItHub OAuth application for FOSS4G 2019

Reported by: Volker Mische Owned by: sac@…
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: SysAdmin Keywords:



the talk submission system for the FOSS4G will have a way to login with your GitHub account. This kind of authentication is always linked to a certain account. As that account should be as trustworthy as possible, it would be great if it could be the official OSGeo GitHub account.

I'll provide the details which callback URL it will be soon.

I just wanted to let you know now, so that you can decide if that's possible or not.



Change History (7)

comment:1 by wildintellect, 6 years ago

Can you provide more details on 1. what software, 2. the github account integration documentation. I don't think there is an OSGeo github account, just a Github organization, but we can look into that once we better understand how this works.

comment:2 by Vmische, 6 years ago

The conference software is pretalx.

The GitHub documentation to add a new OAuth app is here:

I meant the OSGeo GitHub organisation.

The values I'd use:

comment:3 by Volker Mische, 6 years ago

Any news? I think the submission system should go live soon and it would be great if people could sign in with their GitHub account.

comment:4 by wildintellect, 6 years ago

I setup the oauth application in the OSGeo github org. Please attempt to configure your submission system and test. You might need the client ID or client secret, if so let me know and I'll figure out how to share that to you.

comment:5 by Volker Mische, 6 years ago

Thanks a lot! Yes, I'd need the client ID and the secret. We could use a PGP encrypted to the email address I just saved in my preferences or (or somehow else, you can catch my on freenode as "vmx".

comment:6 by wildintellect, 6 years ago

I couldn't find a PGP key for you easily, so I put a copy of the information on our secure server, hop in #osgeo-sac and ask someone to get you the information. Thanks, Alex

comment:7 by wildintellect, 6 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Key was delivered via encrypted message. As far as I know this is working.

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