Opened 6 years ago

Closed 5 years ago

#2314 closed task (fixed)

osgeo4 power supplies need replacement

Reported by: robe Owned by: wildintellect
Priority: blocker Milestone: Unplanned
Component: SysAdmin Keywords:


Lance wrote today.

His notes:

I was in the data center yesterday and noticed that both osgeo3 and osgeo4 each have a failed PSU (power supply unit) which should be replaced before moving forward on this. Thankfully, these are fairly cheap and cost around $35 [1] [2].
If you want to look elsewhere, just look for part number YFG1C which should be the 870W PSU.

Sorry I didn't notice that sooner.


[1] [2]

Alex, can you take care of this as soon as you can?

Thanks, Regina

Change History (7)

comment:1 by robe, 6 years ago

Owner: changed from sac@… to wildintellect

comment:2 by wildintellect, 6 years ago

Parts ordered. Should arrive Monday July 1, $776

  • 2x YFG1C Dell 870W Power Supply

  • 6x Seagate Exos 7E2 2TB Internal Hard Drive HDD – 3.5 Inch 6Gb/s 7200


comment:3 by robe, 6 years ago

Note that osgeo4 is all setup with the new power supply and drives. I have installed LXD on it using 4 of the 6 disks for total storage of 3.62 TB (essentially a RAID 10 config).

comment:4 by robe, 5 years ago

It appears we've used all the disks we purchages on osgeo4.

I think originally we were going to split between the two but osgeo4 could handle all 6 so we figured why the heck not.

So that leaves us with no disks to give to osgeo3.

Last edited 5 years ago by robe (previous) (diff)

comment:5 by wildintellect, 5 years ago

I don't recall expecting to put any of the new drives into osgeo3, just the PSU. Given the age, we could put a drive refresh into the new budget since we plan to keep the machine for another cycle.

comment:6 by robe, 5 years ago

Summary: osgeo3 and osgeo4 power supplies need replacementosgeo4 power supplies need replacement

It appears that the power supplies and drives we got were all used for osgeo4.

So closing this ticket out and will create a new one for osgeo3

comment:7 by robe, 5 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

closing this out as we have a separate ticket for osgeo3, and osgeo4 is all set as far as hardware needs.

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